Moving to the bar the Endal watched as the smaller framed woman seemed to take a avid interest in the drinks being made. It made Red smiled as he was pulled towards the bar so that Yora could speak with one of the bartenders who was looking particularly pretty tonight, though he wouldn't be surprised if that is one of the reasons she was chosen to work this night of all nights. It was a nice sight though.
Drinks were being handed out like feeding time for the young Wind Eagles as their mother drop pieces of meat in the nest. People reached over others, and hands grabbed at drinks that were left idle for to long. It was kinda a exciting things to watch as the tenders did their best to keep up with the numbers that were coming for drinks. The red headed people weren't known for the desire to wait for others, or to even think that their actions might offend another. It was kinda funny to watch how much they were alike to the Wind Eagles some times, of course Daghul would be amused at the thought.
“How do you plan on holding all of those at once? Unless you plan on making your partner hold some for you.” the voice next to him drew his attention away from the sight of scrambling people and back to his counter part for the night and her conversation with the bartender. With out thinking Red through up a smile to the two with out knowing what they were talking about, and started to listen.
“Sorry, Daghul.” her smooth voice said as she looked at him with what Red could only describe as a playful look that almost was looking for trouble “What do you desire?”. The question was phrased oddly, desire seemed to be a bit strong, at least as far as he knew in common. With out skipping a beat he laughed a bit and nodded to a blue drink and answered in Nari.
"I'll have that one" he winked at Yora as the blue drink made its way over to him as well as her orders then switching to Common "thirsty" he gave her a playful grin and looked around to see if they could find a place to sit for a minute and added "there is a table if you liked to sit". The Endal figured they could start by talking for a bit and trying their drinks before finding something more adventurous to try. The more and more time he spent learning the more he might figure out about the mystery in front of him.
As he navigated through the people streaming in towards the bar or heading to the dance floor he found that it took some skill to avoid bumping into the others. Even more so trying to keep your drink from spilling, and after a few steps he knew he had already lost more then a few drips, but at least nothing landed on his white clothes. Finally finding his way to the table he swept his hand to offer her a seat before he would settle in next to her.