46th of Spring
Just past the 13th bell
Communal Kitchens
Just past the 13th bell
Communal Kitchens
When the Valintar assigned her to the Chiet, she had little idea as to what her life would exactly consist of. Some time had passed, and the overwhelming amount of daily work was starting to press on her. The work itself wasn't the most demanding, but the menial nature of it allowed her mind too much ease. Instead of focusing on carrying this, and cleaning that for the umpth time, she was beginning to think about the food in her hand. She had realized that Mother's light could sustain her in this form. Still, with so many things to do lately, she was often short on Sunlight and would need to eat regardless. It felt like they were taking more than just working hours from her, but she was in no position to complain. The once minor earthquakes were growing more intense over time, and it wasn't long before random rocks would slide down, jamming passages and hurting people. When a couple of Avora shoved their way through to the Kitchens, and started demanding people for yet another job, it was hardly surprising.
Of course, they'd finished their meals previously – it was the Chiet who were at meal time. This was no accident. These days, the mood in the air wasn't the best – likely due to a combination of earthquakes and bad news in the market place. Huddling closer to the food in her hand, she wouldn't really pay attention to them, but they did mention 'bird food' – or at least that was the best her Nari could make of it. 'Bird food baby' it rang once more against her ears, and she was slowly starting to pick up on the meaning behind this. The chicks who had recently hatched or their mothers likely needed some tending to. This would explain why they were bothering the Chiet during a meal, instead of first pressuring the Dek. Wind Reach had a cruel system, but people quickly learned that it was an effective one. Everyone knew their place and how to act in every situation, and if you got dealt a lower caste that was your own fault. There was little room for mercy in a place where everything was earned.
Like a sunrise in her own mind, she could finally appreciate the full scope of the task at hand. It would be menial, much like everything was these days – but it will take her outside for a moment. OUTSIDE! The word almost tasted sweet in her mouth, and even the memory of it was better sustenance than anything mortal food could offer. Quickly getting up, she slopped down a few more spoonfuls. The food was still hot and it burnt her tongue as it went down, but she needed to make sure she was at least eating something in case the task didn't turn out as envisioned. She pondered leaving the bowl in front of her unattended, but she couldn't risk the Chef's wrath. Instead, she quickly moved up to the person closest to her – a heavyset man who was likely tall by Inartan standards. In this form they were all smaller than her, so she couldn't pay it much mind. Tapping the man on the shoulder with one hand, she'd use the other to pour the rest of her stew into his bowl. „Gift“ she'd say in her best accent, before moving towards the Avora and pushing a couple of other Inarta out of the way.
„I do it!“ she'd declare louder than normal, the height of her voice twice multiplied by both the rooms natural acoustics and the offbeat melody.