Allister woke in a dream. He was warm, sheltered and still- like a greater creature had taken him under her wing in protection. Then the scream settled in like a beckon passed through a waterfall- Madeira. Black eyes flew open and pale limbs flailed under the heavy weight of a carapace that chaffed the soft, exposed flesh of the bonded beast. He groaned and strained until the battered arms emerged from below the dead insect -mighty even in its death. Allister tore and pulled at the foliage until he was free from his burden and was able to stand. Zero regard was given for anyone or anything -including himself- until he was able to lay his desperate stare upon the wild eyes of bluest sky.
The bond sang with his relief that she was ok and it rejoiced in her beauty. She looked powerful with her breeches, crossbow and heaving chest as she fought to regain her normal, regulated breath. The wicked smile slipped over his features and the hyena let loose a war cry that rolled into sick laughter. This merriment continued as the former slave doubled over at the way Jomi addressed the humans who had volunteered to help with the mission. Was it cruelty? Was it curiosity? Or was it something less corrupted than either of those things that spun the interaction? Sometimes, life just happened and Jomi- being dead- had a way of making things much more interesting.
The naked man was about to make his way back to his lady when he began to cough. Always bound to his sickly innards, the salt air had purified his breathing issues. However, the dense moisture in the jungle cobbled up the airways with mucus and phlegm. It was hard to describe but there was a certain kind of satisfaction attained when Allister was able to wrest a thick glob of the lung butter up into his mouth with a grinding gurgle that echoed against the tall canopy. He pushed the lugie to the side of his cheek then spit it out with all the practiced grace of a ten-year-old bully.
Black eyes returned to settle upon the huge bug. It was impressive as it was dead. The kelvic ran his hands over the thick shell which covered the pinchers and the forelegs. The curve reminded him of something as his pale fingertips trailed along the slowly shifting color. The somewhat dim-witted young man showcased a look that few people would ever experience -pure elation! The pieces fell into place and Allister could not be more proud of himself for the idea. The curve was subtle enough but also long and lean just like the sculpted figure of one limber spiritist.
Just then, the hyena realized that one of the humans was a stride away with a machete. “May I?” He cooed while bony fingers reached for the blade. Allister wasn’t expecting any resistance and closed the distance without a care despite being completely nude.
The sailor rolled his eyes and extended the blade at the weird apparition. He was already regretting his decision to accompany the passengers on this doomed quest. When the weapon transfer had been finished, he muttered something under his breath about the Otani.
Allister didn’t hear nor would he have cared. He took the big knife and walked back to the massive pincher. The grip was nice but the metal was far heavier than he would have expected. He made a few rough swings through the air and enjoyed the soft singing of the blade. “This feels..” he said mostly to himself. With a high hand, something he’d seen many-a person do with such a tool, the former slave hoisted the machete into the air above his head then brought it down with a thwack into the side of the creature’s leg. He was well off the intended mark but he finished his sentence anyway- “fantastic!”
It took several chimes but Allister managed to hack enough of the carapace away from the pincher that he was able to tear the remaining bits which held everything together. His arms and back rippled with muscles as his legs dug in and his entire body worked with strain and pressure to disassemble the once magnificent beast of its armor. Machete chops here, muscle-popping twists there and he soon had several pieces of natural protection for his lady. The kelvic gave the sailor his weapon then gathered the pieces and it was in this effort that the obsidian stare saw something strange.
There, in a crag of recently exposed layers of the bug, was something that glittered. Allister was attracted to shiny things- it was part of the appeal that Madeira held though it wasn’t necessary to feed his infatuation. The hyena tilted his head to one side and leaned in closer with a slow descent that rivaled that of an old man stooping to fetch a dropped pinch of tobacco. Delicate gold vines formed an intricate cage that resembled an arrowhead. Inside was a stone that was shimmering with blues and whites- the likes of which the kelvic had never seen. Ghastly hands dropped their haul and tore into the carcass with an efficient kind gentleness that the performer had discovered during his time as a personal entertainer. He drew forth the bauble to reveal a slender chain attached at one end of the amulet.
This made his heart leap for joy and it sent ripples through the bond. Such a gift to hold and to present it with the equipment to make some armor for his beloved was a bounty that Allister was itching to share. The Lady Craven deserved so much more than the hyena would ever have to give but at least this newly found treasure felt like a real present. Hurridly, the bonded youngster gathered up all he had attained and trotted through the ferns, ivy, vines and broadleafs until he came to be by the bright-eyed star of his universe. He dumped the shell fragments next to her and waved a hand for a more flamboyant display. “These will help keep you safe!” He huffed in a half breath, hands quickly vanished behind his naked form.
Allister bowed his head and dropped down to both knees then lifted the amulet up to her for inspection, reception and -hopefully- praise. “This was inside the thing.” The gorgeous gem twinkled in the emptiness of his black orbs as they sheened with the misting of tears while he looked from one beautiful object to the next. “Only you could wear something so pretty.”