Physical Information
Race: Human
Birthday: Summer 6th of 500 AV (19 years old)
Birthplace: Syliras
Gender: Female

Physical Description
Pluckett stands little more than 5'2", and weighs barely twice as much as her prized instrument. She has olive skin, brown eyes, and long dark brown hair, usually worn in various complicated styles and garnished with feathers or beads. Her clothing style follows this, although she can't quite afford much in the way of extravagance.
Fall 519: Pluckett now has a tattoo of waves on her upper right arm. It is made with lapis ink, giving it a faint glowing effect.

Character Concept
Friendly, optimistic, active. Ditzy, hard-headed, impulsive. Pluckett likes to consider herself a musician with a mysterious past, a lost soul seeking an exciting life playing ballads in taverns all over Mizahar, entertaining the populace. This is a very lofty goal, but Pluckett has confidence. Too much confidence, if you ask anybody unfortunate enough to listen to her go on about her dreams.
She isn't all bad. She tries her best to be kind to everyone, and always is quick to befriend anyone (even if they seem a bit shady). If Pluckett wants to do something, she will do it, no procrastinating or double-guessing. She is passionate about her music, taking any chance she gets to practice with her gamba and singing. Although she has been known to partake in light gossip, she finds fighting to be nonsensical. Order is boring and useless to her, especially when it's too much.


Race: Human
Birthday: Summer 6th of 500 AV (19 years old)
Birthplace: Syliras
Gender: Female

Physical Description
Pluckett stands little more than 5'2", and weighs barely twice as much as her prized instrument. She has olive skin, brown eyes, and long dark brown hair, usually worn in various complicated styles and garnished with feathers or beads. Her clothing style follows this, although she can't quite afford much in the way of extravagance.
Fall 519: Pluckett now has a tattoo of waves on her upper right arm. It is made with lapis ink, giving it a faint glowing effect.

Character Concept
Friendly, optimistic, active. Ditzy, hard-headed, impulsive. Pluckett likes to consider herself a musician with a mysterious past, a lost soul seeking an exciting life playing ballads in taverns all over Mizahar, entertaining the populace. This is a very lofty goal, but Pluckett has confidence. Too much confidence, if you ask anybody unfortunate enough to listen to her go on about her dreams.
She isn't all bad. She tries her best to be kind to everyone, and always is quick to befriend anyone (even if they seem a bit shady). If Pluckett wants to do something, she will do it, no procrastinating or double-guessing. She is passionate about her music, taking any chance she gets to practice with her gamba and singing. Although she has been known to partake in light gossip, she finds fighting to be nonsensical. Order is boring and useless to her, especially when it's too much.


Pluckett was born to a Syliran Knight and his frigid wife. As a child, she was held to high behavioral standards. If she or her siblings so much as spoke out of turn, they would be duly punished by their mother. The life her father provided was certainly a cozy one, at least cozy by Mizahar standards, but Pluckett felt suffocated by the order she was forced to live by. One night when she was 17, she snuck away with some Svefra she befriended while they were docked.
On the boat, she learned a good bit about sailing (not enough to sail a boat of her own, of course, but she wouldn't be clueless on a crew) and music; many of the svefra would play instruments and sing shanties to pass time on the sea. She picked up the gamba from a woman she befriended, learning how to play and perform and even some composition of her own. Music held a sort of freedom that she had not known before. After proving her passion, one of the sailors she befriended gave her an old gamba.
On the boat, she learned a good bit about sailing (not enough to sail a boat of her own, of course, but she wouldn't be clueless on a crew) and music; many of the svefra would play instruments and sing shanties to pass time on the sea. She picked up the gamba from a woman she befriended, learning how to play and perform and even some composition of her own. Music held a sort of freedom that she had not known before. After proving her passion, one of the sailors she befriended gave her an old gamba.
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