Location [Syliras Location] Housing Authority

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on October 27th, 2010, 11:22 pm


"Ah, yes," the receptionist chuckled, still trying not to laugh about the whole doll-in-the-nose thing. "You're not the first to make such a request. We've a vault for just such things. Rental of a space is 100gm per season, and you will naturally have access to it at any time you wish. It's under guard every bell of the day so you've no worries about theft. It only hold gold and jewels, mind - we won't store your furniture or what have you! Haven't the room for it, unfortunately. But if you're interested, we can handle the storage of your valuables."


"Well then, sounds like we have a deal," Tenner said with a merry grin, going over to one of the huge cabinets in the room. He spent a few minutes fiddling with several keys and doors and drawers, until finally he retrieved a set of keys and tossed them over to Eanos. "Just take these to my squire out there and he'll walk you over to your new place of business. And congratulations," he chuckled.

OOC NoteI sent you a PM about setting up the shop, if you'll reply I'll go ahead and set it all up. Thanks!


The squire, Jinson, had been sitting in the foyer shining some bit of armor, but he popped to his feet when Ash approached. "Sure thing, sir," he said, taking the key to examine it. He examined a series of markings that were etched into it and the shape itself, and then nodded. "Right this way, sir!"

OOC NoteCongrats on your new quarters! You'll have a window overlooking Eanos' courtyard. It will have the same furniture and set-up as the starting package apartment in the wiki. Make sure you note the spending of the gold you received from Tucesi on your ledger, and have fun!
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Jaeden Kincade on October 29th, 2010, 7:12 am

“Excellent. That’s exactly what I’m looking for.” Jaeden said as he slipped his hand into his belt pouch, jingling his fingers around for some coin. “How much do I owe you up front for it?”

Jaeden then tilted his head slightly, thinking of what he needed to store for a moment. “Yeah, I don’t need to store anything big. Just some coin and some personal effects from time to time.” Jaeden then mentioned as he frowned in recollection. “I don’t even own any furniture now that I think about it. I spend more time out in the wilds than I do in cities.”

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on November 6th, 2010, 5:56 am


The young woman chuckled to hear his wonderings on his lack of accoutrements. "That will be 100 gold up front for Fall - apologies, but we don't prorate - and your next payment will be due at the beginning of Winter. If payment is not made within three weeks of the season's start, we reserve the right to collect your payment from whatever you've stored, with a 10gm fee for collection. We make such arrangements for those who take extended trips and wish to leave their valuables for safe-keeping without worrying about returning to make their payments. If you do not return for a span of eight seasons, your belongings are forfeit to the Knights' coffers," she said, a smile saying that this was a perfectly fair arrangement, all things considered. What if he died out in the woods? They couldn't be expected to keep his things indefinitely. "You can, of course, name a beneficiary should some ill befall you, and we will transfer the funds to their possession minus a ten percent fee. Would you wish to name anyone?" she asked, drawing a ledger from one of the desk drawers and preparing to record whatever he might wish.
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Jaeden Kincade on November 9th, 2010, 3:29 am

Jaeden gave a nod, slowly reaching into a small belt pouch at his waist as he began counting out one hundred gold rimmed mizas and slowly sliding them out in front of the young woman. “Sounds perfectly fine. I don’t intend to die out there anytime soon.” Jaeden said, cutting to the meat of the matter. “I’ll let you know if I plan to travel far and my expected return date if I do.”

Jaeden finished sliding the gold forward to the woman as she posed the question of a beneficiary. He looked idly past her, as if trying to come up with an answer as to who such a person might be for a moment. “Well,” Jaeden finally said, pulling the band to his coin purse closed tightly, “I have one or two possible people, but I have to discuss such with them first. I’ll get back to you on it as soon as I have.”

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Eanos on November 23rd, 2010, 7:29 pm

Catching the offered keys, Eanos gave a short bow.

"Thank you for your time and the consideration you have shown." He grinned and left in search of the squire. Though he wasn't quite sure what a squire was, he was sure that he could figure it out and he was very keen on having a first look at these new premises.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Hrafn Alaric on December 15th, 2010, 6:01 pm

83th of Fall

Hrafn pushed open the door slowly while lowering his hood. He stepped inside gracefully, bearing his head and chin high. He croaked as he saw the receptionist, stroking his chiseled chin slightly. A stubble had appeared on him, he had to shave soon for sure. -"Hello, my good man. I had quarters up on the eerh..." Hrafn hesitated slightly, with the word on the tip of his tongue. -"Third tier. Yes. I have lived there for my entire life and think it is quite about time to get on the move again."

Hrafn dragged the chain from his backpack which held the key. He threw a folded piece of paper along with it, the certified deed. -"No hurry." he smirked slightly.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on January 6th, 2011, 3:07 pm


The teenaged page who worked at the Housing Authority took the paper with a bright smile. "Sure thing, my friend. We'll be sorry to lose you, but wish you safe travels wherever you're headed!"

With that, he picked up the paper and waved for Hrafn to follow, and led him through a door just behind his desk and into Tenner's office. The dark-haired man was sitting behind his own massive desk filling out paperwork, but he set it aside and stood to great them as they entered.

"Welcome," he said with a somewhat awkward smile, though it lacked nothing in friendliness. "I'm Ser Tenner Nigriso. What can I do to help you today?"

"He wants to turn in his deed," Jinson said, handing over the piece of parchment and trying his best to sound official.

"Ah. Easily done," Tenner chuckled. "Would you like some tea? Jinson's getting pretty good at brewing it," he said, ruffling the boy's hair before he could duck away and pretend to look annoyed.
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Hrafn Alaric on January 6th, 2011, 11:11 pm

Hrafn nodded at the teenager. The boy waved his hand and Hrafn made a hand gesture towards him aswell. -"After you." he said with a warm smile. -"I've been in Syliras for most of my life now. Went to Zeltiva for some time. I just feel it's time for change, aye?" he winked at the teen. He followed him into an office with a huge desk - behind it a Sylirian Knight sat filling out paperwork.

The office itself was rather neat except for the stacks of paper. As the man stood up, Hrafn made a slight bow to him. -"Hrafn Alaric is my name." he introduced him. Short and nice, Hrafn thought to himself. The man introduced him as Tenner Nigriso and if Hrafn remembered right, the Nigriso's are an esteemed family, their past filled with heroics and blazed with fairness to the people. Might be someone else, Human names sound the same sometimes. -"Erhm. May I sit down?" Hrafn asked politely, hoping to rest his legs, Syliras is a big place and hard to trek around it.

-"I would love for some tea, if it wouldn't be any hassle." Hrafn smiled again. -"On another note, Ser, will this be any trouble at all or a long process?" Hrafn paused and edged himself to the right, -"It's just, I've never really done this before." Hrafn said as he awkwardly grinned.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Iasc on January 12th, 2011, 2:48 pm

21st of Winter 510 AV

Iasc slowly moved through the door of the housing authority. It was the first time he had ever been in here, and he hoped the last. He moved the key to his room in between his fingers nervously, hoping that they would accept his request.
He shuffled his way through the queue, waiting patiently as the people before had their needs dealt with first.

It didn't take long for him to get to the front of the line. He approached the desk quickly and placed his key and deed to the room carefully on the desk in front of him. “I am leaving Syliras”, he stated. “And wanted to leave these off.” He motioned towards the key and deed. “Is there any kind of cash you could give me for it, perchance?” He inquired, desperately in need of some money.

“Is there anything else you need?”, he added quickly before the man could respond.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on January 20th, 2011, 11:25 am


Tenner gave a wave to the boy, who bounded off to make tea for both of them. "Ah, no worries, we try to make the bureaucracies as painless as possible. Shouldn't take long," he chuckled, waving Hrafn into a seat and taking his own as well.

He spent a moment studying the deed that had been handed him, then pulled a huge ledger closer and flipped it open, searching through the pages for the entry on Hrafn's abode. "Don't often see deeds," he murmured, a smile twitching in one corner of his mouth. "Most of the time we just get a key and a wave in the direction of where the room is. It's nice to see someone actually putting a little care into it."

Jinson returned with a clay mug in each hand, and set one down before each of the men. "Where is it?" he asked, tucking his hands behind him dutifully.

"Sehoya District, Block 18, Hallway G. Should be room 27, but knock first. Some of the older records aren't quite reliable," he chuckled, tossing the key over to the boy as well.

"Will do, Ser," he said with an eager grin - and then took off at a run like he'd been shot from a bowstring.

"They always have to give me the fast ones," Tenner chuckled, reaching for his tea with one hand and a quill with the other. "Otherwise we'd be here all day. Well. If you don't mind my asking, where are you heading?" he asked, glancing up a moment and then back down as he made a notation in the ledger that must have denoted the change in hands.


Tenner gave an awkward smile, easily noting the man's impatience to get moving. "Surely, my friend. If you'll have a seat, I'll send my squire off to check the room, and then we can figure out what sort of recompense we can give you. How long have you lived there?" he asked, scanning the deed for the man's name and living quarters before he handed both over to the energetic boy who bounced up to his side. He took both, glanced at the deed for the address, and then took off at a run to inspect the room.
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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