Closed [Dagwood Metal]Of Metal and Melting[Daedalus Dagwood]

Crylon meets the proprietor of Dagwood metal to learn of metalworking

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[Dagwood Metal]Of Metal and Melting[Daedalus Dagwood]

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on May 22nd, 2019, 12:43 am

25 Spring 519

While Crylon had spent a fair amount of time in Sunberth he knew there were quite a few things he had not seen yet. Places. People. Buildings lacking the common holes in the walls and half missing ceiling.

To be fair he had seen a few such structures, but few of the buildings were even of passable standards by Isur regard. But building. Making. Industry. This was a thing he was interested in, and its places of residence.

There were a few dedicated smithies he knew of, few and far between, but he had yet to find a place of working metal in another sense. He knew just enough to know how little he knew, and that was the fact that the metalworking Kelski spoke of doing was far different from his own blacksmithing with a hammer and a forge.

Kelski it turned out had previously had dealings with such a person who... Worked metal in a manner besides blacksmithing. It had not taken too many questions from some of the others who lived at the Gem to learn vaguely of its whereabouts, though he could pick up on some manner of contention between Kelski and this person. When pressed the topic was avoided, so he was unsure why.

And so on another Spring morning, Crylon found himself searching within Sunberth with vague and general directions. Searching admittedly in an area he had yet to search, which was on the far western side of the city and close to its land entrance.

He was not however looking at signage or such right then, no his architects mind knew a much clearer sign to look for and one that was visible from much farther away.

Smoke. Chimneys. Smokestacks. All of those manner, particularly when the first was coming out of the second or third and not a half collapsed building, meant something. Industry. Work. Heat. Forges. The working of metal.

He did not see any smoke just then, or nothing that stood out from the general smoke and smog and haze of the city and its ever burning heart due to the wind blowing just then. But, ah yes but! He did see something that was quite clearly a chimney. A means for smoke to escape rather than smothering those working within.

A brick building. And yes! As he neared he did see a sign in common with the word "metal" in it. And something else, which was a word he did not know. Was dagwood a type of metal? A particular method of working it the place was known for?

Heading inside he was met by a human woman who seemed overly nice in her greeting of a potential customer. Crylon simply did his best to return the smile and spoke in his best common.

“I am Crylon. I come, learn of... Work metal. Not smithing. Other ways. I... Is you have that, learning here?”

As usual he found himself having a bit of trouble making himself clear, particularly when dealing with a topic he did not have the vocabulary for. But then, how was he to gain it besides learning and asking of it?
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[Dagwood Metal]Of Metal and Melting[Daedalus Dagwood]

Postby Daedalus Dagwood on May 23rd, 2019, 2:07 am

25th Day of Season, 519 A.V.


It was a proud statement that rang out from the foundry over the sounds of the hungry furnace. While it was true that the sounds of hammers striking metal were a regular thing around smithy, today it was replaced by the sharpened clangs of blades clashing in combat. "Maybe not today Darik, but it will happen someday.... but you'll always be a loudmouth a arsehole!"

Those sounds bled their way into the shop where Gwendoline Dagwood smiled at Crylon then gestured with a wave to dissuade any worry Crylon might have about the shouting.

Image"Welcome to Dagwood Metal, Mister Crylon. We do offer apprentice level lessons for those new to the art of Metalsmithing. They are taught by my brother Daedalus, the owner of this shop. Although, at the moment he seems to be distracted..."

She said while slowly side stepping around the counter to investigate the the sources of the shouting. She peaked around the door frame to glance into the Foundry where she found her two brothers in the middle of some type of duel.

Daedalus stood holding his rapier in his right hand with the blade held parallel to the floor at the level of his chest, pointing the tip of it at his brother Darik with his arm slightly extended so that his elbow was held in front of his body yet unflexed and relaxed.

ImageHis brother Darik stood exactly one blades length away, holding his own rapier, save he held his diagonally pointing up toward his shoulder across his body, with an elbow tucked against his waist.

Their weapons were true steel weapons that were sharpened for actual combat. It was Sunberthan in a way to practice and learn from bleeding. While not harsh to the point of turning into a Myrian brawl, it was how the brothers constantly competed with each other.

Daedalus took a small lunge step forward to slap the flat of his blade against the leather armor his brother wore. It was a straightforward attack that Darik parried away by just hitting his rapier up against the bottom of Daedalus's blade. "Are you even trying, Dalus?"

The Metalsmith smirked then tapped his rappier against his own armor. "You'll know when I'm trying." His words were more so used to protect his pride, because of the two Dagwood brothers in the room, the younger was the better swordsmen, while he was the better craftsmen. Both brother jelous of the others abilities, but Daedalus was the only one trying to better the gap between them as swordsmen.

Daedalus stood there clad in a armor that looked like it was made from some type of turtle shell on the back and a hardened plate on the front. He received it as a means a payment for a project earlier in the day, and the Metalsmith was starting to take a liking towards it.

"Daedalus." Gwen stated calmly from the doorway, causing both brothers to glance towards her. "We've someone here who may want lessons... Are you free?" Daedalus glanced to Darik who gave him a nod. A single to put their spar on hold since Daedalus was technically his Boss, and business came first.

"I'm free. Now who wants to learn what?" He said as he walked over to the door to better look at Crylon should the Isur not have been at the door. Gwen then introduced the two together. "Daedalus, this is Mister Crylon... And Mister Crylon, this is Daedalus Dagwood."

Daedalus held out his left hand towards Crylon to shake it upon noticing that the man was an Isur, then in the most polite way shifted from speaking Common to his second known language of Isur.

"My brother and sister can't speak Isur. So if I make fun of them, just don't tell them. You saved me from a rather annoying time of being bested by my younger sibling, so what can I happily do for you today?" He spoke in a rather makeshift way, short cutting many words to just get his point across. It was his own little way of getting past his lack of fluency in the language. Like writing in short hand, but through specific wording. Once he stopped talking, Daedalus sheathed the rapier he held in his right hand into its proper place on his belt.
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[Dagwood Metal]Of Metal and Melting[Daedalus Dagwood]

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on May 24th, 2019, 12:59 am

As Crylon waited at the front of the shop speaking to the woman, yelling could be heard from deeper within the structure. Clearly they were not alone.

The human woman simply waved away any concern, not that Crylon had reacted strongly to their yelling. More so he had kept his permanently placid expression as he considered things. Analyzed. Thought. Though perhaps his face or manners would mean more to an Isur who knew of such Isurian methods of expression.

Though, Crylon thought to himself, Isur had a habit of making themselves clear by things other than the emotions they expressed on their face. Their words. The ones they said, or did not, how it was said, in which order or to whom. All could express much more than a smile or frown.

Metalsmithing, a nod to the human in response to her words, that was the term he had been searching for in common. Blacksmithing being striking the metal, working with iron, but metalsmithing being the more general material and...

Daedalus, sibling to the greeter he now spoke to, the owner of the establishment. An order of hierarchy and tasks to be done by each.

Speaking simply to the woman, Crylon simply responded with
“Not in rush.”

Which he was not, in truth. Each to their own time and pace tended to be Crylon's method, not rushing head first into things like the short lived humans surrounding him in the city of Sunberth.

Crylon waited while the woman, not important as she had not stated her name or waiting for someone else to do so or simply having forgotten to do so, went to investigate.

After a short discussion it turned out one of the people formerly yelling was free to instruct Crylon, passing the corner to reveal himself as yet another tall human. This one probably weighed about the same as the dense Isur body of Crylon, but easily had a foot of height over the Isur if not more.

Crylon was still waiting where he had met the human woman at the front, rather than following her to the door which he felt might have come across as rude.

It was then as the woman introduced the man, a small flicker of understanding coming to Crylon's eyes, that he realized Dagwood was a family name. Daedalus Dagwood. Just as Stonecraft was his family name. Not a type of metal or method of treating it, which in retrospect he supposed made more sense.

Crylon accepted the mans proffered grip with his left arm, minding not to crush the mans fingers to a pulp with said unique Onyx limb by an overly eager or enthusiastic squeeze, looking up to meet his eyes as he did so.

Then, a bit of surprise shining in his eyes for a few moments, Crylon found the human spoke Isur.

As the human spoke Crylon nodded, allowing a small edge of a smile to crinkle the corners of his lips. What were the odds, Crylon supposed, of another Isur speaking person who was not an Isur?

He could tell from how he spoke the human was not fully fluent, but neither was he broken and choppy like some speaking a new tongue. Learned to a degree of the language, if not having mastered it.

When it was Crylon's turn to respond he began to speak in his native tongue as well, and seemingly did not have the urge to stop. Where the humans words had been a few lines scratched out in ink on a page, Crylons were more akin to a finely worded poem which also simultaneously described the nature of the parchment it was inscribed upon in detail. Or at least, by comparison to the humans usage of the language. But then, how was he to learn without practice how to properly speak the tongue of the Isur? And without an example.

“Greetings Daedalus of the Dagwood family. I am Crylon of the Stonecraft family. It is pleasing to hear another speak the tongue of my people. I am curious, how did you come to learn the use of my peoples tongue? It is to my knowledge not common in this city, nor among humans. Surely this is an interesting story?”

A smile and a nod to the other two humans in turn.

“I give my word today though, that if you wish it I will keep in confidence from your family what is said between us on this day.”

While some of the nuances of his speech might be lost on someone not fully fluent, it was spoken at a steady and calm pace without rushing. And in the Isurian method, he said exactly what he meant, even if it was not at first glance clear what that was.

Meanings within meaning, by the nature of the literal and specific nature of his words. An Isur would likely know that each word was with purpose, and meant as it was said, changing the meaning quite heavily from if it had been said without some of the qualifiers Crylon had used.

“Family though I do understand, it is a complicated thing. It can help push you to excel, can help give you a path or idea of who you are or could be. Family though is also an important thing. I see your family here works with you, an endeavor in solidarity.”

“On this day I have come to learn more of working metal. I am familiar with blacksmithing, working metal by hammer and force, but am interested in learning other methods and have heard tell you know of such ways. What would such a lesson cost, and what would it entail?”
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