Rhysol's Disease

3rd of Spring, 519 A.V.
Like maggots that crawled in tandem to the thumping of his pulsating heart, Itt felt his muscles and skin twitch. They clambered on his spine causing him to curl backward, Itt unable to run away from the host of his mental bacteria properly. The large temple towered over behind him, it's domed roof eclipsed into black suns. He ran from them, he ran from the black suns, towards the lake of Ravok, the waters that had so willingly accepted him way back when. He stomped his feet on the sturdy, floating platforms they called roads, his entire body shaking with each step, attempting to bring the pain in his head to his limbs. His limbs can be numbed, his limbs can be cast away from him. But his head could not, and the voices in his head could not be silenced.
He slowed to a stumbled, then veered to the left, away from the canal that surrounded the temple, his shoulder hitting the person beside him. People were in good spirits from the celebrations of the day before, and the day before that, Rhysol's blessing already reaping rewards, so the man grabbed Itt to support him rather than throw him to the ground. The man spoke in garbled tongue, Itt's ability to decipher language leaving like he felt his soul leaving him.
The more Itt tried to think, the more he pushed the voices away, the more he spiraled downward into his irrational imagination. He couldn't repress the self-imposed illusions of black ink distilling the blood in his veins.
"NO!!" He cried, shoving the man away. The strange stumbled back towards the canal, falling over the edge and onto a passing Rasovala with passengers who were enamored with the elegancy of the chaos factory. The couple on the small vessel screamed as the man's sudden weight tipped over the boat, all the people on board falling into the cold, fresh water with panicked splashes. The people around gasped, some going over to try and help them out of the water.
Itt continued to run. He ran as far away from the city center as he could.
Sweat. Run. Sweat. Run. Run home, little boy.
Tears touched his cheeks and dropped to the ground. He ran through the Noble district with its aromas of perfume and steamy baths and sweeteners. It's architectural delicacy aplenty with its gargoyles and stained windows and brass lined doors. The air was coated in sugar and honey, sticking to the inside of his throat like smog. His starving stomach clenched, Itt gagging. Acid filled his throat. He spat it out and continued on.
After passing by many guards on duty to protect the noble district, he ran across a bridge into the Merchant's Ring with bustling sellers. Everyone was shouting. Everyone. There was no path he could take where he did not hear the shouting of urgent salesmen and women attempting to sell their goods, and the customers eager to buy. People reached out for objects the objects like the hands of those who reached out to their god in the Temple of the Black Sun.
Itt shoved his way past the crowds, even cutting across the canal that cut through the People's Market. He jumped into the frigid water, swimming to the other side, the fish that some children had been feeding urgently swimming away. Itt clambered out with a desperate grip on the foundation. A worried passerby came over, a woman taking his hand without his consent, trying to pull him up. "No! Stop! No! Please!" He begged. He begged for her to let him go, for the voices to let him go. You're next. "No, no, no, please!" He yanked his arm away from her, she nearly becoming a victim of the water herself. She let go and quickly stepped away, letting the fearful Itt climb out of the water himself and scramble on the road like a fish out of water, coughing at the scents of fish and meat engulfing him. The steam and smoke of cooking clung to his wet skin, and the warm air burned against his newly soaked skin.
You're next, his curse told him. "I don't- no, I please, no!" Itt pushed himself to this feet, slipping on the wet boards that lined the canal. He flinched at the stares that gazed at him like a caged bird. He grimaced at the intensity of their eyes. He fled into a valley, cutting through the ring of terrible screams and shouts, finally making his way to the docks.
The horizon of the lake was cool and calm, unlike the raging in his head. The waves that used to wave at him now gnashed their glimmering teeth, the splashing of trout raging claws. Itt ran along the far edges of Ravok, looking for boats that were going towards shore. Every boat he came across, however, was either already gone, well into the water, or was securely docked for the day, the fishermen and travelers unpacking their things. Itt gripped his hair, pulling it with clenched fists, the accumulated algae that tinted his hair a slight green sliming off onto his hands.
A crew of fishermen walked towards him with nets and hooks, their narrow-eyed gaze as they avoided the sun bringing the sinister thoughts to his head. You're next. He gasped, running away from them, finding himself, yet again, in another alley beside the Silver Sliver Tavern.
He pressed his back against the wall, his arms and hands covering his head. He heart battered the inside of his chest to the point it hurt. He avoided the people on the street, hiding behind the trash bins and staying in the shadows. He screamed to overpower the voices.
He can't be near them, he can't be near anyone, he needed to stay away, he needed to be alone.
He was alone.
Truly alone...
He slowed to a stumbled, then veered to the left, away from the canal that surrounded the temple, his shoulder hitting the person beside him. People were in good spirits from the celebrations of the day before, and the day before that, Rhysol's blessing already reaping rewards, so the man grabbed Itt to support him rather than throw him to the ground. The man spoke in garbled tongue, Itt's ability to decipher language leaving like he felt his soul leaving him.
The more Itt tried to think, the more he pushed the voices away, the more he spiraled downward into his irrational imagination. He couldn't repress the self-imposed illusions of black ink distilling the blood in his veins.
"NO!!" He cried, shoving the man away. The strange stumbled back towards the canal, falling over the edge and onto a passing Rasovala with passengers who were enamored with the elegancy of the chaos factory. The couple on the small vessel screamed as the man's sudden weight tipped over the boat, all the people on board falling into the cold, fresh water with panicked splashes. The people around gasped, some going over to try and help them out of the water.
Itt continued to run. He ran as far away from the city center as he could.
Sweat. Run. Sweat. Run. Run home, little boy.
Tears touched his cheeks and dropped to the ground. He ran through the Noble district with its aromas of perfume and steamy baths and sweeteners. It's architectural delicacy aplenty with its gargoyles and stained windows and brass lined doors. The air was coated in sugar and honey, sticking to the inside of his throat like smog. His starving stomach clenched, Itt gagging. Acid filled his throat. He spat it out and continued on.
After passing by many guards on duty to protect the noble district, he ran across a bridge into the Merchant's Ring with bustling sellers. Everyone was shouting. Everyone. There was no path he could take where he did not hear the shouting of urgent salesmen and women attempting to sell their goods, and the customers eager to buy. People reached out for objects the objects like the hands of those who reached out to their god in the Temple of the Black Sun.
Itt shoved his way past the crowds, even cutting across the canal that cut through the People's Market. He jumped into the frigid water, swimming to the other side, the fish that some children had been feeding urgently swimming away. Itt clambered out with a desperate grip on the foundation. A worried passerby came over, a woman taking his hand without his consent, trying to pull him up. "No! Stop! No! Please!" He begged. He begged for her to let him go, for the voices to let him go. You're next. "No, no, no, please!" He yanked his arm away from her, she nearly becoming a victim of the water herself. She let go and quickly stepped away, letting the fearful Itt climb out of the water himself and scramble on the road like a fish out of water, coughing at the scents of fish and meat engulfing him. The steam and smoke of cooking clung to his wet skin, and the warm air burned against his newly soaked skin.
You're next, his curse told him. "I don't- no, I please, no!" Itt pushed himself to this feet, slipping on the wet boards that lined the canal. He flinched at the stares that gazed at him like a caged bird. He grimaced at the intensity of their eyes. He fled into a valley, cutting through the ring of terrible screams and shouts, finally making his way to the docks.
The horizon of the lake was cool and calm, unlike the raging in his head. The waves that used to wave at him now gnashed their glimmering teeth, the splashing of trout raging claws. Itt ran along the far edges of Ravok, looking for boats that were going towards shore. Every boat he came across, however, was either already gone, well into the water, or was securely docked for the day, the fishermen and travelers unpacking their things. Itt gripped his hair, pulling it with clenched fists, the accumulated algae that tinted his hair a slight green sliming off onto his hands.
A crew of fishermen walked towards him with nets and hooks, their narrow-eyed gaze as they avoided the sun bringing the sinister thoughts to his head. You're next. He gasped, running away from them, finding himself, yet again, in another alley beside the Silver Sliver Tavern.
He pressed his back against the wall, his arms and hands covering his head. He heart battered the inside of his chest to the point it hurt. He avoided the people on the street, hiding behind the trash bins and staying in the shadows. He screamed to overpower the voices.
He can't be near them, he can't be near anyone, he needed to stay away, he needed to be alone.
He was alone.
Truly alone...