Clearing for home I (Empyreal Demesne)

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Clearing for home I (Empyreal Demesne)

Postby Vasin on June 22nd, 2019, 11:32 am

Timestamp: 3rd of Summer, 519 A.V.

Vasin quietly breathed out as he stood there, surrounded by trees, foliage, and the sounds of nature. The sound and feel of a soft breeze as it rolled through and rustled leaves. Birds audible all around in brief exchanges of a song. Sounds which Vasin did not recognize, as the occasional distance cry. The most striking thing was the lack of people, well, aside from those that had landed here with him. All of the supplies they had brought had been offloaded onto the beach which was within sight if you squinted through the trees. At first, Vasin had thought they were going to be staying in Zeltiva proper, but then Kelski told him her plans to settle some land. Vasin, took to this like a fish swims loving the idea and jumping onboard rather enthusiastically. This patch of land which he stood before was going to be their new home. Before he had mentioned how he wished to go out there and bring the unknown to the known. But this, it was just as good and it satisfied a part of him he had never really considered. It was taking the known and taking it out to the unknown. They were perhaps not even five miles away from the city, those mountains rising up above. But this world, it reminded him so much of when he briefly ventured out of Sunberth. but the terrain... it was so rugged and untamed.

This was going to be rather the challenge, and he wasn't entirely sure how he was going to help. That was until he heard Kelski mention they needed the land cleared so they could start building. Foliage, rocks, trees, and layers of the forest floor were in the way. The sooner it was cleared, the faster they could get set up. Vasin, of course, volunteered to help clear the land, though he had not fully grasped how much work it would be until he stood there. Leaned up against a tree next to him were a series of tools he had brought for the job. He had an axe, shovel, hoe and a hatchet leaned up against the tree. On his belt, he had his sword sheathed in its scabbard and on the other side a full waterskin. He also had some trail rations for when he took a break from the hard work ahead at lunchtime."Alright... let's get started." But where to start? The forest was all so dense and chaotic with a million things he could start with. He took a step back and found himself stepping on some twigs and foliage with a snap sound."Let's start all this brush and foliage." he said to himself as he would grab the hatchet first.

He took the hatchet for a very specific reason, and that was because he had noticed that there was a multitude of different kinds of brush before him. He was going to go after the woody brush first which involved small trees, woody stem plants, and twigs in general which were hard and difficult to get past. They were also in the way of his other tools for brush, like the hoe, so the woody brush had to go first. He went to the nearest grouping of the stuff first, Stepping his way over in his plain simple clothes before kneeling down next to it. He grabbed a hold of the woody stem plant grabbing it towards the center. Then, with his grip firm, he took the hatchet in his right hand, brought it up, and swung down in a chop motion. The hatchet blade embedded into the stem sliding down a little. With some effort, he pulled it back and gave it another thick whack! Hitting it harder this time! Whack! He had cut the woody plant in two! Only leaving a barely visible stump under the brush and foliage. He then set aside the remains of the plant and grabbed at another, a larger one that looked like it could be a small tree? Regardless, he moved forward grabbing a hold of it and bringing his hatchet up.
Last edited by Vasin on June 26th, 2019, 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Clearing for home I (Empyreal Demesne)

Postby Vasin on June 22nd, 2019, 11:33 am

One whack! Two whacks! Three Whacks! The plant/tree split in two falling to the forest floor. Each whack required him to yank the hatchet from the wood having been embedded in it after each swing. He pulled the trunk over to where he had discarded the other plan piling it onto the other. Then once more he reached over grabbing beyond the leaves into some kind of scrawny bush? Its stem was thin which put it on the chopping block for his hatchet. With each swing the whole thing shook, its leaves rustling violently and then calming after his thwacks to its stem. He yanked up on it with the final chop and dropped the thing over onto the pile he was creating. Vasin wanted to keep all of what he cleared in a single spot so he could move it easily later. Vasin rolled his shoulders and he lifted one knee and then another to get himself closer to another woody plant that stuck up from the soft forest floor. Vasin breathed out and grabbed a hold of it. He whacked away at it, chopped it, and kept going until it was free from the ground to which he then tossed it to the pile. Vasin was really feeling this in his arms now as he decided to switch arms putting the hatchet in the other hand now. He would whack away at this spot for some time, wanting to get all the wood like plants out of it and into the pile. Though one thing he noticed as he went was he was gradually drifting over to other patches.

What Vasin saw was that as he went about clearing the area was that the majority of the woody plants were more or less connected. By connected what that meant was just the occasional string of woody plants between each larger group. So it was natural that he found himself going to another group as he cleared another out, sometimes without even noticing it. The pile would grow larger and larger in the middle of this patch of land. His brow was laden with sweat as he went hands and knees cutting down small trees, woody plants, and bushes piling them up. His heart beat a bit faster, he felt warm, his arms felt resistant, and he breathed a little harder as he went. he became dirtier as well as he kept working moving from one patch to another. One plant after another he would chop whack thwack them down. Bringing his arm back and swinging it down in a chop and then with effort pulling it out for another go. It was just a matter of persistence and endurance, and the day was still very young it would seem. This area was thick with wood type plants, the land having not really been trampled down by anything. Vasin reasoned that if people or other creatures came through here often then it would be far flatter.

He was relentless in his pursuit of clearing this type of brush out as he worked on a larger tree which was still small enough to go in the pile. He breathed out and whacked the tree. His hatched embedded deep into the small trunk but did not cut it just yet. With his foot on the small tree, he pulled it out and whacked again! Sending the hatched into the tree and this time when it embedded the tree snapped in half falling over. Vasin sweaty grabbed it and began to lift the tree up with his left hand. Lifting the heavy wooden thing up and then carrying it over to the now much larger pile. Setting it down he gave a stretch feeling his limbs having tired a little from his work so far, but looking around from where he stood he could still see there was plenty to work on. But... he smiled to himself seeing he had managed to clear out a lot of the woody plants. Vasin noticed there still a few around, however, that they were more isolated and outside of groups and not close to them. So with a hatchet in hand he went over kneeling down next to them and one after another grabbed hold and began to chop away. One plant, two plants, three plants, and so on and so forth. He decided to just stop counting, or at least he forgot to after that as he focused in on chopping the remaining ones. Anyone with an eye could see from the disturbed forest floor his presence here. He dropped one woody brush after another in the pile, and eventually, he found that he had cleared it out. That stuff, however, was the most obvious and miniscule of all the brush.
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Clearing for home I (Empyreal Demesne)

Postby Vasin on June 22nd, 2019, 11:33 am

'That was a work out and a half!' Vasin would think to himself sitting up against a tree with his waterskin in hand. He would refresh himself with one large gulp after another. he needed to take a break before he tackled the softer green brush. His hatched sat up against the tree he rested for a while, ate some of his trail rations. In general, he relaxed and sat there until he felt well enough again. During the entire time he was working on removing those woody plants he found his limbs growing more and sorer. The constant vibration of chopping into wood had rattled his limbs a little and worked his muscles. This was more work then his body was probably used to, and his body was responding without a doubt. But, after perhaps an hour? Half an hour? he couldn't tell, but he felt well enough to get started. So, he stood up with the hoe in hand and surveyed the land before him and would puff up a little. No slouching! This work had to get done if they were going to clear the land for the building. Vasin would walk over to the first patch he had visited, and not only did he see the stumps from the woody plants he had dealt with before, but also the green foliage and large plants he had left behind. So, he took and with both hands on the hoe he got to work! He brought the hoe down, and pulled back and lifted. Digging into the ground with each effort and chopped into it at times as well. His idea simply was to uproot these plants thought when it came to the roots of some of them he found that no amount of pulling helped. So, going on hands and knees he got the hatchet out and would chop up the stumps from their roots before returning to the hoe.

He pulled up a bunch of plants, mainly relying on his hands for the weaker ones and following up with the hoe for leftovers and tougher stuff with the hatchet used for the most stubborn of plants. This stuff overall as he blazed away at the stuff clearing it out with each motion was just how much of it there was! It sprouted up everywhere and would probably be one of the things that took the longest to deal with. When he had finished a patch he would take the uprooted brush, foliage, and trimmings and put it into the same pile at the wood. Hands dirty he would slap them together and get back to work getting down into the dirt and motioning with his hoe pulling up from the dirt plants, roots, and other obstacles. However, as he did this he took notice of his next obstacle. Rocks. Yes, rocks he found were getting in the way constantly as he worked the land with the hoe. Clang! The vibration rang all the way up to his arms one time and then again as he encountered rocks. Sometimes they peeked up through to the surface, but many times they lay just bellow unseen but in the way. He would save those for later when he was using the shovel. But after using the hoe they were exposed a little. The land here wasn't too rocky, but it would be problematic in the future so he knew he would have to remove then at some point as he found them.

He was feeling hotter, warmer, and sorer than before as he kept digging away at his problems. Dredging out those plants that were in their way. The pile grew considerably more than before on this lighter stuff, there was much more of it. The walking back and forth as he hoed the area also added up. He felt himself breathing harder as he concentrated, his limbs got their work in, and overall this was working parts of his body that he didn't even know he had before. That is why he had to keep going, to show both that he was fit to be out here, and so he could also improve himself and help Kelski to survive out there. The wooden handle grew sticky with use as he moved onto another large grouping of forest floor plants. The armpits of his shirt wet with sweat and his back as well as he would push himself. No stopping, he decided on that there and then. He would drink from his water, but he was not going to stop until the job was done. Vasin figured that unless he kept pushing he would not improve what so ever. That was the theory in his head at least, and it motivated him to keep going. He could feel the sweat drip from his nose, the grime from his face as he saw the end to this insight. He didn't know how long it took, but to him, it both felt like forever and a blur. An odd combination to be sure, but his diligence left the area feeling a lot barer. That pile was growing to ever larger heights now.
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Clearing for home I (Empyreal Demesne)

Postby Vasin on June 22nd, 2019, 11:34 am

Vasin sat up against the tree once more, taking his break believing he had earned it more or less. So, he got his waterskin out and drank a bit until he was sated. What next? The thought rang through his mind as he sat there. This soft stuff... the dead leaves that cover the forest floor. That was what was next, and that was what was needed. But first, a lunch break. He was going to eat his lunch, a large growl in his stomach reminded him to do so as he sat there and so he dug in. He ate some nice beef jerky, and hard tack making a sandwich from the two. He was still sweaty but gradually he regained some strength even for his aching limbs. His body needed fuel and this trail ration would do rather nicely especially as he washed it down into his stomach with some refreshing water. Sitting a moment more he would stand up and grab a shovel deciding that it would more or less the best tool for the job. But he paused scratching his chin. A rake would do much better actually... He stared at the shovel and decided that this was not actually the best tool for the job. It would certainly make things tougher, not easier.

Vasin then went ahead and retrieved a rake from the supplies on the beach. He for some reason hadn't considered it before, and now in hindsight, he found it rather obvious. A shovel for leaves? Really Vasin? He shook his head before he started to work over the area. He began to rake the leaves, loose foliage, and other debris. Pulling it into a pile next to the one he had already accumulated. In fact, he started with the area directly around the pile raking it into a neat pile next to it. Had he not chopped the woody plants down and had he not hold out the other brush this would be constantly stuck while raking. It was a step by step process Vasin figured out as he pulled the leaves into the pile. He worked the area over gradually branching out in an ever-increasing circle. At first, Vasin was kind of random when he raked, pulling where ever he saw, but then Vasin took pause and looked it over. This was rather inefficient and slow... The idea struck him to do it in ever increasing bands going out from the pile. So, that was exactly what he would do.

Starting from one end he pulled back and would rake the loose foliage, brush, and leaves with constant pulling motions. He did this until he reached one end and then raked it into the pile. The exposed earth now under his feet as he went further and further out with each pass. This was easier and less intensive then what he had done before. So it was tempting to take breaks, but Vasin caught himself about to and pushed on. Just because it was easy, did not mean it was not time-consuming. He had to get as much as this done as soon as possible. The sooner this area was cleared of leaves the sooner they could get to the really hard stuff. Trees, rocks, roots, and other things that they would need to deal with. This was probably the most work he had ever put into anything before. It stacked up as well, first the woody brush clearing, the green stuff, and now this and it wore down on him. Vasin was happy with the order in which he decided to tackle this as he raked another portion of dead dry leaves into the pile. He breathed out starting to see more exposed dirt then covered forever floor. The dirt looked disturbed from the work he had done as he walked himself out to the edge of the ever-expanding exposed dirt he had uncovered.
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Clearing for home I (Empyreal Demesne)

Postby Vasin on June 22nd, 2019, 11:34 am

Vasin found himself nearing the edge of the are he was working on with each pass. He had made a large sphere going out from there. Exposed dirty under foot, sweat everywhere, sore limbs, he could feel himself nearing the end of this for the day. But, as he raked this last one towards the center he looked around for places he missed. or rather, stuff he had left behind on his passes back and forth. Adding to the pile he went out and got some of the small bits of stuff he had missed. Raking it into the pile as well before setting aside the rake on the tree he had been using to lean his tools up against. Vasin then went ahead and drank some water from his ever decreasing in a weight waterskin. Refreshing himself once more and wiping the sweat from his forehead Vasin grabbed the shovel deciding to go ahead and deal with those rocks! Or at least, the smaller ones he could deal with the shovel. Walking out over the dirt his eyes scanned the ground until he spotted one. He positioned the shovel blade next to it over the dirt and places a foot over the shovel. Then, he shoved it into the ground working up and under the rock. He lifted it up with some effort and brought it over to the two piles.

Using both his arms and the shovel to lift with the leverage he dropped it starting a new pile specifically for rocks. With him having dropped the first rock of many he went out and looked for another embedded in the ground. And he saw just sitting on top of the dirt he would simple crouch down, grab with his hands, and then lift with his legs. Carrying it over and then dropping off. He never lifted with his back, always slowly lifting with his legs, and he kept the rock tucked in close to him as well. It was something that made lifting overall easier he found. But once he had done that he grabbed the shovel again and got right back to digging out rocks. He used the same method over and over again. It required the use of his legs, his arms, and the weight of his body. SHoveling rocks out one at a time. Sometimes the shovel blade scraped up against the rock, or it was larger then he expected. When it was larger then he thought he would use the leverage of the shovel to lift and roll it onto the ground. That is where he would once more pick it up, lifting with his legs, and then waddling his way over to the rock pile.

This was much harder work then when he had been raking leaves before. He could feel it in his legs and arms, and his mouth began to dry a little and his airways felt a little dry as well. So in the middle of this, he began to drink some water. But, looking up he noticed something peculiar. The sky was growing darker. Had he really been at this the entire day? He looked over to the beach and squinted. Looked like he really was running out of daylight. No way was he could to be able to get the trees today, that was the thought that ran through his head and he went ahead and dug out another rock. Not to mention... as he looked around there were much larger rocks around that he simply could not get done today either. So, he contented himself with simply lifting up the rocks he could get. Small little holes pitting the area where ever he went to dig one out. This was to make digging or working the land in the future easier. Hence why did all that other stuff as well. As he finished up for the day he dropped off one more rock, though knew there was still plenty to do. Grabbing his tools he would head back to camp to join the others and rest for the night so he could work the next day.

Vasin at the end of the day had begun the clearing of an acre of land. He would need to finish clearing it of trees and stumps the next day. However, from this acre he has gathered three days of firewood from the woody type brush.
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Clearing for home I (Empyreal Demesne)

Postby Calla Davin on August 26th, 2019, 6:33 pm

Special Delivery!

Vasin :
Skills XP
Body Building 1
Endurance 4
Farming 2
Planning 1

  • Forest Plants are Interconnected
  • Location: Empyreal Demesne
  • Empyreal Demesne: Not Many Visitors ‘round These Parts
  • Farming: How to Use a Hoe to Uproot Plants
  • Farming: Effective Technique for Clearing Foliage with a Rake
  • Body Building: Lift with Your Arms and Legs, Never Your Back

Additional Comments: The tools mentioned in your first post (axe, shovel, hoe, and hatchet) aren’t listed in your possessions or ledger. I’m not sure if they’re communal tools for all of Empyreal Demesne, but if they aren’t then please add them to your CS. Also, just a nitpicky reminder that “hours” in Miz are “bells.” I didn’t award much Body Building because the lore states that Body Building is training specific muscle groups through good form, diet, stretching, and balanced breathing. To me, Vasin did not seem to be specifically training to bulk up his muscles, but, rather, was simply working out. As always, please don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions about your grade. Last but not least, don't forget to edit your post in the grade request thread.

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