Award July's Featured Thread Is...

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July's Featured Thread Is...

Postby Gossamer on July 1st, 2019, 10:21 pm

Ixzo wrote:I’m submitting this thread because I know I have admired Crylon’s writing for a while, even on some of his old PCs. Although relatively short, the writing is enticing and shows the reader a very real flaw, but one that brings the character depth and greater understanding of him to the reader. The whole of the thread focuses on Crylon’s very real fear of deep water. It is interesting because Crylon is typically a very reserved and rational creature, although with fears like this, the utterly human (well, he is an isur, but you know what I mean) aspect of this character can sometimes be hard for Crylon himself to find logic in. He plays his character exactly on point and while Crylon struggles with the realization that this debilitating fear may not be as new as he would like, the reader is drawn into his writing.

As a writer Crylon has always had a way with pacing and detailing. He doesn’t go ham on the descriptions or draw the reader away with extraneous details, what he does write is precise and purposeful to the story. Here we got to see an interesting two-track timeline of Crylon actively experiencing his fear as well as recalling the root of this fear at the same time. He does not draw on or skimp on details to hurry the story, it is smooth and natural. An easy read, but with pacing and detail that is greatly appreciated by the reader.

I always love your characters and your writing, Cry. I know some really cool stuff is coming up for Crylon now, and I can’t wait to read about it! Great piece.

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July's Featured Thread Is...

Postby Ines on July 1st, 2019, 10:25 pm

Congrats Crylon!
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July's Featured Thread Is...

Postby Madeira Dusk on July 3rd, 2019, 10:32 pm

A great read! Congratulations. I totally agree with Ixzo, your style of writing is refreshingly clean and straightforward. I look forward to more from Crylon. <3
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