Open Dream to Reality (Empyreal Demesne) (Kelski)

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Dream to Reality (Empyreal Demesne) (Kelski)

Postby Vasin on July 9th, 2019, 10:49 am

Timestamp: 8th of Summer, 519 A.V.
The waves gently rolled onto the beach one after another, the sound of the lapping and crashing water rose above all else. Blue waters stretched on far beyond what the human eye could see. It seemed almost endless from the beach. The beach itself stretching on beyond the curves of the coastal land, interrupted by the mountains that rose above in the distance. In the other direction, they disappeared beyond a jutting piece of land. Trees thickly covering it. One couldn't be sure how long it went for in that direction, but it was certain it ended in the mountains in the other direction. A salty breeze coming in with it, rustling the leaves of the nearby trees. Endless ocean in one direction, and endless forest in the other. A world that moved on without any interaction, it's mechanics unknown to Vasin as he sat there in the sand. One knee up and an arm slung over it as he watched those endless waves roll in. The place they were at, it was clean, pure, and totally unknown. Vasin hadn't made time for himself to just simply take it in, this new place they were building for themselves. He had been far too concentrated on clearing land, stripping it of the green stuff. Back in Sunberth there would have been far more in the way of... activity... Though, maybe if he watched long enough he would see a boat pass by? Vasin wasn't certain as the bright sun rose ever further above in the sky.

Vasin felt a yearning, a feeling that he had experienced back in Sunberth. He was here after all, beyond the edge and so far Vasin hadn't explored or investigated it. He ran his free hand through the cool sand and breathed in. Over the sound of those rolling waves he could hear it, a sound he had not taken time to listen to, the sound of birds singing their songs, and nature itself. A distant woodpecker? A small bird calling out? It was all so lively. The wind flowed over his face and through his hair as he just decided to let himself enjoy it. But, that feeling persisted, and Vasin knew the perfect way to satisfy that feeling. To actually go out and explore this land they were claiming for their own. But where to begin? Where to end? The only way to find out was to start. Through the smell of the sea, he could sniff something else out? A fire? The others must be cooking breakfast. The fire from the previous night having been reduced to embers only to be revived with new wood. Vasin rolled his shoulders a little before then getting himself up. Using his free arm to help give him some stability. When he stood up he could see his imprint in the sand. Vasin pondered for a moment, wondering if anyone had sat here before? It was possible that he or some of the others here had been the first in an extremely long time. Maybe someone from Zeltiva? He shook his head, knowing that there was no way to be certain.

Walking back into camp Vasin could right away see all they had brought with them. Supplies for building this Manor, lumber, tools, nails, and everything in-between. To the left at the edge, Vasin could see what he and Tack had pulled back to the beach. A number of felled trees, all of which had been their own long effort to chop down. Vasin knew very little about the process of clearing land or chopping trees. He went moment by moment trying knew things, trying to learn what was the best way. Sometimes it was straight forward, other times it was not. He probably should have asked around for some help in places, but he knew everyone had their own job. No, he did have to communicate more with the others here. He was a partner in all of this, so it was time he started acting like it and not the loner he was in Sunberth. The only way to survive out here was by working together. Kelski, that was who he was looking for in the camp as he looked around. Walking by tents and piles of supply trying to find her. A warm breeze passing through the camp. It was promising to be a hot day today. It would only get hotter at midday, of that Vasin could be certain.

Eventually passing by a tent Vasin spotted Kelski. He paused for a moment quietly thinking of how he should approach the subject. Direct, he should be direct were the thoughts that came through his mind. So, Vasin walked over and up to Kelski."Hey there. I think we've got enough land clear for at the moment. Should we explore the area a bit? Scout it out?" Vasin asked as he adjusted his stance to get more comfortable."I encountered some Yukmen the other day. Was thinking about what else we might find." there was something else to it too."Also, I was thinking we could use this to continue exploring, like back in Sunberth." Vasin said with a smile. Indeed, the two of them had discussed exploring the wilds and the world bellow on a couple of occasions. Aside from their expedition into the tunnels, Vasin had never invited her on one of his outings. He had made himself too preoccupied, and he had convinced himself she was probably too busy with the gem. A choice he had regretted later, and felt silly over when she had invited him to stay at the Gem."I think we are only five miles from where Wright started their Journey... I'm not actually sure." Vasin said thinking mostly out loud. Something he hadn't considered before now. It had however been a while since he read that book, so he couldn't be certain.
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Dream to Reality (Empyreal Demesne) (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on July 16th, 2019, 3:58 am

The Kelvic was busy, far busier than she expected or than she could imagine. She’d ran over the steps in her mind and made checklist after checklist, but the reality was so much harder. She had a pile of stakes, a mallet, and was driving them in where she wanted to start breaking ground for the manor up the hill on an overlook that would be impressive. It would offer views for miles both across the forest and across the beach they had claimed as their own. The Kelvic could see the finished building in her mind’s eye, but getting from the main building to where she was now was going to be a huge process.

Right now, all they had was a brief part of the land cleared, piles of logs, staked ground, and one pavilion put up. There was shelter for the goats and chickens, but so far the horses were on high-lines with no barn. Kelski was thankful they were in the beginning of summer with warm nights and warmer days, but to her it was just the starting line of a race that she wasn’t sure they could win. Winning was survival. Winning was getting ready for winter. This wasn’t a city. They couldn’t shelter and buy food anywhere. This was far out in the wilderness with all its dangers and hazards. Kelski was scared. She was scared they couldn’t get the buildings up soon enough. She was scared they couldn’t grow enough food to feed themselves through the winter. She’d brought other people and animals with her. They’d believed her and relied on her to steer them in the right direction.

But the truth was she had no idea what she was doing. Was she making good choices? Was her magic ready to put up this building? Kelski missed her children, her Achitectrix creations. They made her feel so much less lonely even among the people that were here. The truth was, Kelski wasn’t close to many of them. Probably none of them could knew what her favorite color was or even what her deepest fear or greatest hope was. Her Architectrix creations did. Was her Reimancy going to be enough to give them a set of building blocks to grow from? Kelski surveyed the area and made herself keep working, fighting through the near panic attack she was talking herself into. She didn’t want the others to know how afraid she was and how much she worried that they wouldn’t be fast enough. They had to grow things. They had to hunt and preserve things. Kelski wasn’t sure how to do all that. But she wanted to learn.

And the cold hard truth staring her in the face is that without serious help and major hard work, they weren’t going to make it. If it were just her, she wouldn’t worry. Kelski could take care of herself. She could hunt and roost in trees and survive day to day. But this was a whole different situation. For some reason, as she’d told each person she was leaving one by one, they’d all decided to come with her. Kelski had no idea why. But before she knew it, it wasn’t just a small group. It was a whole lot of people, from the very young to the very old. And though she couldn’t claim to know them really well, she could claim to love them. Mosa, for example, couldn’t survive or thrive out here alone. She needed Kelski and had given Kelski her trust. And for some reason, the old woman gave Kelski the mothering that Kelski had never truly had. And now – even though Mosa wasn’t living in a tent anymore out in Sunberth’s cold – her life was in danger every day… as much as it could have been in Sunberth.

Kelski had to fix that. She had to get structures up and crops in the ground.

They all trusted her.

Kelski nearly jumped out of her skin, distracted from her thoughts and the mallet she was wielding when Vasin found her and got her attention. He started talking immediately and the Kelvic put down her mallet to give him her full attention. Vasin, it seemed, wanted to scout. Kelski knew they couldn’t be doing enough of that… and probably should patrol the land so she nodded as she listened. Something he said though, brought her up short.

Kelski blinked a moment. “Yukmen? What are Yukmen? Are they dangerous?” The Kelvic asked, having never heard of things before. She wondered if they were animal, mineral, or vegetable but she hesitated to voice the question. She hoped Vasin would explain it.

“Scouting is a good idea. Let me go grab my backpack and some gear in case we get caught out and we can leave. I need a break anyhow, my arm feels like its about to fall off.” Kelski said, knowing Vasin had a roaming personality, one that had a need to explore and move. She didn’t really have time to go scout the area she’d overflown more than once before deciding on this spot – but she wouldn’t let him go alone.

Kelski put up her tools and her stakes, and went to grab her backpack and change into her tall boots. She put a little medical kit into her backpack, her climbing gear, and a small tent and a tarp along with her rope. Then she put a few rations in the pack and was back with Vasin before he knew she was gone. “Zeltiva is not very far by the water. I don’t know if we can even get to the city by land though.” Kelski admitted, glancing around.

“Dess and I scouted west and inland. Which way do you want to explore? Maybe east and inland as well?” She asked, curious, then depending upon his answer would set off with him to go on a brisk walk around. “We need to be home by dark. I got a lot done today so its no problem leaving for a bit.” She said, as if trying to talk herself into the fact that she had enough time. It wasn’t working as well as she though it would, but Kelski knew if she didn’t go with Vasin, he might go alone and she didn’t think any of them needed to be out in the wilderness alone.

“What do you think of the place so far? You did an amazing job clearing the area we are in right now. We have wood for the fire for a long time and its made laying out the manor so much easier. I’m going to start with a tower, you know…. or at least that’s the plan.” Kelski said, following Vasin’s lead and letting him determine which way they’d explore.
They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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Dream to Reality (Empyreal Demesne) (Kelski)

Postby Vasin on July 25th, 2019, 1:16 am

Vasin upon approaching Kelski noticed she seemed to be driving stakes into the ground? For what reason he was not sure. Maybe stakes for a tent? He looked it overseeing that they had already driven a few stakes here and there. How long had Kelski been driving those stakes into the ground with a mallet? She must have gotten up pretty earlier he figured. It was the only way to get things done in a timely fashion. Got way to warm and hot at midday so it was always best to do things early or late he found. Speaking of which, the warmth of the sun as it rose further and further into the sky was making things warmer and warmer. Though that salty breeze coming off from the sea helped a lot. Leaves rustled and the wind whistled as it went between trees in the distance. Smack! Whack! Smack! She drove a stake into the ground. Kelski had not taken notice of Vasin approaching her. So when he spoke up he had to take a pause, noticing that he had surprised her. He rubbed the back of his neck, apologetic in look."Sorry for startling you. Looks like you have been busy huh?" he asked looking at the mallet."Are you setting up a tent?" he questioned, curiously looking to Kelski.

Vasin blinked himself when she asked him what Yukmen were. THough nodded, realizing he hadn't seen or known of them until rather recently. Thoughts going back to when he encountered them in the tunnels bellow Sunberth. It was claustrophobic and terrifying. Then out in the open when he rushed to kill them before they surfaced all at once. He moved without thinking, otherwise, he would be dead."Yukmen are incredibly dangerous." he said with a nod, raising an index finger."Monster things they are. But they look just like humans. Usually, I hear." he said glancing off past her, between the trees and foliage. Far off into the distance, the number of trees meant one could not see for far. The forest tightly held onto secrets in this way."The difference is, they have cracked skin, with dirt and rocks embedded in it! They have a shrill shriek! Enough rattle your eardrums! They kill anything they can find, with their bare hands." he said gesturing with his hands."Extremely strong, could rip my arm off if they got leverage. They rise out of the earth." he said lowering his hands and raising it a little."The scariest part about them? They watch... they copy... and they get very good very fast."

"Bringing some gear is a good idea too." he said pointing out."I'll go grab my stuff as well. From the ground the forest looks like a maze." he said glancing back to it, and then up at the slowly shifting leaves of the trees. "I could barely move my arms after I cleared that land. Best to take a break from it every once and a while I think. But, at the same time..." he reached up thinking about."Things just have to get done some times." he said nodding a little.

When Kelski went off to go get her travel gear Vasin would make his way quickly back to his tent. Back over by the shore, the scent of the ocean at it's strongest. He stared at the endless horizon for a moment. Slowly breathing in before shaking it from his system. He would go into his tent, but on some boots, grab his backpack with his things, and also take his throwing axe. Strapping it to his belt the opposite side of his other weapon. Golden Retriever glove. It was a nice glove, might be good for protecting his hands while they were out there. He gave one look to his armor and decided against it. For exploring? No need, plus it was going to get hot sooner than get cooler. The climbing gear that Kelski had gifted him also packed Vasin would return to where he had met up with her, seeing that she was now also geared up. He had made sure to pack some trail rations and fill up on water as well. "Good question..." he said thinking it over for a moment, he stared up at the mountains that shot up over the forest. Their peaks scraping and kissing the sky far above the trees. A cloud passing on them could be seen. Silent and powerful, he stared a moment at one and then another."Maybe there is a pass-through them? With climbing gear we could make it..." he paused thinking of something."Have you ever flown to the top of a mountain?" he asked looking to Kelski, curious as to what her answer might be.

"I think we should explore the east and inland. I'm sure if there was a pass by the water someone would have found it by now... Maybe not though?"
he questioned."But yeah, let's see what is east. If we explore a bit in each direction we will have a more... rounded? Rounded picture of these lands." he said with a nod thinking that made sense."How close to the mountains you think?" he questioned wondering if they should go to their base."Yeah, given what I have encountered out here so far? Mountain Lion... Yukmen... Being home by dark is a good idea." Vasin said a small smirk. Indeed, he was afraid to find out what stalked these woods at night. No doubt many creatures out here could see better in the dark then he could."Did you find anything interesting when you scouted with Dess?" he asked interested.

Vasin looked back to Kelski as they walked, slowly making their way further and further away from the camp. The shadows of the trees are up above cast on them. The occasional leaf floating down. Birds chirping in the distance. A ray of sunshine coming through in pockets resting against the forest floor. The scent of the coastal forest was interesting, to say the least."This place?" he questioned thinking about it for a moment more."It's different... it's interesting." he said pausing for a moment, glancing up through the trees."I like it, I do. I look out from where we camp and see what I talked about... or at least kind of. I'm finally out here, with you and everyone else. Making the unknown... known!" a smile came to his face."We are free out here. Far more free than we ever were in Sunberth or could be in any other city. Our lives are what we make them." he said with a brief nod."Clearing land, driving stakes, building. It's all a part of it." Vasin said breathing in the fresh air."Thank you. It's hard work, but it's rewarding work. I'm glad I was able to help out." he would say looking back to her."Tower? Like a watchtower? Kind of like the ones outside Sunberth?" he asked. Vasin was navigating the land by consistently pointing himself in the direction of the mountains. He could get glimpses of them up through the trees, they were huge and proud, and hard to lose track of. The best part was they were consistently east.

Though with his eyes either on the mountains or back towards Kelski it wasnt much of a surprise when something caught him by surprise. Specifically, Vasin felt his foot catch on something while looking up through the trees. He stumbled for one or two steps before falling face first onto the forest floor. The layers of dry leaves and vegetation cushioned his fall only a little. He lay there for a moment before slowly rolling to his back and side with a little bit of effort. Vasin looked up to Kelski rubbing the back of his head then looked to the disturbance where he fell. Then his eyes caught on something, something that was out of place. Sitting up he reached forward and dug through the leaves. He pulled out a stone block, covered in dirt. It was rectangular in shape, and had some moss growing on it. It had 90 degree angles, obviously cut."I think this is what I tripped on... it looked like..." he wasnt sure what to call it."Like what some of the houses in Sunberth had for foindation... or..." he wasnt sure. Vasin glanced around lowering the cut stone a little.
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Dream to Reality (Empyreal Demesne) (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on August 8th, 2019, 3:50 am

Kelski chuckled. “No, its not for a tent! I’m laying out where I want the new manor to be.” She said, gesturing to the stakes and swinging her mallet back onto her shoulder proudly. “It’s got to be large enough for all of us. It will be too.” She said, gesturing with her bundle of stakes. It had been a hard morning of work, but they were getting things done.

Slowly, surely, happily. Things were working out here.

He carefully explained Yukman and Kelski nodded, not wanting to meet them at all. At least she was forewarned they might be around. Noting their description, Kelski committed the information to memory and would know what she was seeing if she ever ran across one. Vasin’s description was good, so was his warning about how they could copy things and get very good very fast. She nodded to his words, and thanked him. There was so much she didn’t know about the Wilderness, and especially this place. She hoped the Yukman weren’t common.

They agreed to get the proper gear before they set off, and both split up to go do so. Kelski carefully packed her bag and met Vasin back at the eastern side of the cleared land. Vasin’s question took her slightly by surprise. “Yes… I’ve flew to the mountains. I scout every morning just looking for troubles, fires, anything that might effect us. The mountains aren’t impassible. They have valleys drifting through them and what looks like passes. Not many, but enough. But its something for later, to explore I mean, because right now our priority is getting the Demesne up and running, then we can expand out, explore, and that sort of thing.” Kelski added, giving the information to Vasin as he wanted.

She listened carefully to what Vasin had to say. He made good sense. He made perfect sense in fact. Inland and east for sure. And we’ll see what we can see. Dess and I discovered Hattie… who’s now moved in with us. And of course, the Tower that was on the edge of the land you cleared. That was a lucky discovery. It gives us all solid wall sleeping areas and we can transfer the pavilion to a stable until we are ready to build one. Have you seen it yet? It’s shielded but you can walk right through the shielding when you know where it is. We’re going to incorporate it into the Manor design. I’ve already released The Gem inside of it. She’s doing well.” Kelski added, smiling slightly. “I’m glad it had enough floors for me to take the top of the tower for my workshop and living quarters leaving a floor for the men and one for the women and a common area on the ground floor. That worked out well. As soon as we get the manor started, we’ll definitely have more space to spread out.” Kelski said, planning on each of them having suites according to their guild ranks. It was something she shared with all of them when she drew up the manifest for the Guild.

She liked how Vasin called them free here. Kelski felt the same way. “That’s exactly what I think too, Vasin. We are going to get out of the Demesne what we put into it… and so far, the effort is more than worth it. You did help out a great deal… so much so. You and Tack. We are grateful because if everyone pulls the kind of weight you are, this place will be productive sooner than later.” Kelski affirmed, confident that she was right.

They started walking, hiking deeper into the Demesne. Kelski trailed along beside Vasin, talking casually and making plans. The land was exciting and full of surprises. The Kelvic moved with grace, light footed and almost half Vasin’s size and lighter than him by a great deal. Still, his stumble and fall took her by surprise and she surged forward to make sure he was alright and hadn’t accidently broken something in his trip and fall. “Vasin! What in the world?!?! Are you okay?” She knelt beside him, worry filling her face. He seemed okay, albeit distracted, as he rolled and sat up then moved to see what he tripped over.

Kelski moved to assist and they were soon digging in the dirt like Anja’s dogs were prone to do. They uncovered the structure in record time, and Kelski had to agree. “You are right. It does look like a footing or cornerstone... a foundation. I’m not sure. I’m not that knowledgeable on masonry or even building this way.” She admitted, looking thoughtful.

Then she got up and started scouring the area, cutting a small sapling with the hand axe on her belt to use as a walking stick and to poke at the ground looking for more structures. Kelski searched hard, putting effort into it. And then because she was what she was, she tapped her well, drew power up into her eyes, and looked at the whole landscape with her auristics driven magesight. She had no idea what she’d find.
They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

Painted Sky Jewelry (The Wildlands) | Crossroads Jewelry (The Outpost)
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Dream to Reality (Empyreal Demesne) (Kelski)

Postby Vasin on August 21st, 2019, 10:52 pm

Vasin blinked looking to the stakes she had driven into the ground once more. He sort of silently mouthed 'Oh.' as his eyes traced the ground going stake by stake."That makes sense I suppose!" Vasin said with a chuckle of his own now as he rubbed the back of his head."Makes it easier then guessing out the size and shape. I've been going by paces and guesses so far when clearing stuff out. This is a lot more stone-like." he breathed seeing it all coming together like this... well it was wonderful. Slowly they were carving the land to be their own. "What will this end of the Manor be? Maybe a Library? A massive dining hall?" the possibilities in his mind were endless.

Vasin thought about what she said in regards to exploring and the mountains for a moment, he had been excited and his expression expressed that rather clearly. But he got serious, focussing in on what mattered."Agreed, we have all the time in the world for exploring once we are settled here. But that is great none the less. I imagine it must be rather the sight from up there! To be able to see the things that one would struggle to see from down here. Once we are all settled we will have to check out those possible passes. Though when flying up there did you see any activity? The things I've heard about Zeltiva it seems they tend to enter the city from the North? The one big road system I think leads from there."

Vasin had a surprised and then intrigued look as Kelski told him about the tower. "Well. I must admit that I had not seen it yet!" he said happily with the surprise of this tower."A surprise but a welcome one. Having a solid place to sleep is always a good thing. " a large smile on his face."We have been here for such a short period and already we have discovered something incredible. I make me wonder what else could be around here. " he shook his head knowing he was getting sidetracked from the tower itself."It sounds like a good starting point for us to build out from. Though, how big is the tower? Or rather, how tall is it?" he asked curiously."I suppose you can show me on the way back right? I can move my stuff into the living quarters at the end of the day. This is wonderful."

"I may not know much about building or any of that intricate stuff, but I can handle stuff like clearing land with trusty old Tack." he rubbed the back of his neck once more."If anyone needs a hand with anything I am more then willing to provide. Just need some direction is all. But thank you, this has probably been the most rewarding and honest work I have ever done. To shape the land for us to use... it is something different I tell you. I can't wait to see what it ends up looking like."

They started walking, hiking deeper into the Demesne. Kelski trailed along beside Vasin, talking casually and making plans. The land was exciting and full of surprises. The Kelvic moved with grace, light-footed and almost half Vasin’s size and lighter than him by a great deal. Still, his stumble and fall took her by surprise and she surged forward to make sure he was alright and hadn’t accidentally broken something in his trip and fall. “Vasin! What in the world?!?! Are you okay?” She knelt beside him, worry filling her face. He seemed okay, albeit distracted, as he rolled and sat up then moved to see what he tripped over.

Vasin would gradually stand up from where he was, holding the block of masonry in his hand examining it a little further. Though there was nothing more too it that he could uncover."I think I'm fine. Just a couple of scrapes." Vasin took a step as he began to look around himself, noticing Kelski crafting herself a walking stick. Vasin had a similar idea as he sat the brick down, and began to cautiously poke around with his feet fanning out and searching. It was less efficient then how Kelski was doing it however as soon enough she would find her stick poke something hard underneath the forest floor. If she were to uncover it she would discover another block, poking up out of the dirt. However, more interestingly would be when she brought up her mage sight. The area was littered or rather had traces of magic all over the place. Old and quietly sitting out here. There was however a concentration up ahead, a small barely noticeable clearing. Just under the surface, it would appear.
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Dream to Reality (Empyreal Demesne) (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on September 30th, 2019, 1:58 am

Kelski studied Vasin carefully. “I gave you the tools to take a form other than your own. Practice, Vasin. And when you get to the point you are confident in growing wings, I will teach you how to use them.” She reiterated. It was something she’d told him before. It was not something she’d promised lightly. He had the potential to be a good mage. He had taken to the morphing like a duck to water. But if he didn’t practice it, he’d not get any better than changing his eye color and growing talons. What he’d done thus far was toying at magic. She wanted him to fully embrace it. Then he could see such sights for himself.

“The Tower is four tall stories. It is a good starting point. Of course I will show you. It is where I’m installing The Gem. She can help grow it as well.” Kelski affirmed, knowing it was true enough. “It’s a good find. One that will give us a leap ahead and get us out of the Pavilion which we can turn into a stables.” Kelski said, always planning, not willing to let anything not go to use.

“Tack is a good boy. He was a lucky find.” Kelski said gently. “It’s been a big help, you clearing the land. We’d be so stalled if you hadn’t cut down those trees and cleared stumps. We now have room to grow because of you.” Kelski said, gratitude in her voice. “I’m sure people need help. We just have to look around. There’s so much to be done. Djinn is planting crops and planning a greenhouse. He’s also getting the seedling fruit trees in the ground. They will take a few years to have a harvest, but once they do it will be so worth having them.” Kelski said, looking whistful. “I should be helping more, but I’ve got to get the Jewelry business going. If we don’t have that income, we won’t eat all winter.” She said, meaning it.

Kelski followed Vasin deeper into the Demesne. She was content to let him lead and just add support and backup. Another pair of eyes was never unwelcome. It was nice being out with Vasin again, exploring. The man had a real knack for it and an enthusiasm that was catching. He never failed to show her things in a new light and light fires in her that she never knew could burn. She liked his size, his strength, and always felt protected with him. She had no idea if he was a fighter, but she suspected he was more of a dreamer than someone that got blood on his hands.

Truth be told Kelski was drenched in blood. She hated her life in Sunberth which was full of death and full of violence. She had no idea if any of that had ever touched Vasin. She hoped it hadn’t. And she hoped he didn’t know about her. One didn’t get as good at daggers as she had just pretending to be a fighter. In fact, it was one of the reasons she liked being with Vasin. Their friendship allowed her to be someone new, someone better, someone she didn’t always feel like she could be.

As she carefully watched where she stepped, trotting through the woods in a sinuous motion that mimicked how the forest grew wild and free. When Vasin went down, she was on him trying to assist. He was taller, heavier, and fell harder. She made her walking stick and poked at the vegetation with it, feeling out around where he was.

“Be more careful!” She said, glad he wasn’t hurt but knowing a broken ankle out here could be deadly. “If you break something, I’m not sure I could carry you back. And I’m no healer, none of us are really except Ebon.” Kelski said, poking at the vegetation again, until she found bocks. She frowned and set the staff aside. She began to uncover vegetation, not sure what she would find. Looking around with her Auristics Kelski started seeing the magic that was old, decayed, clinging to the ruins that the forest had superseded.

The Kelvic began to tease out the ruins, looking for patterns of foundations or clues as to what it was. She pulled at the forbes – small plants growing in the duff shed off the trees – and began to clear pathways that looked like the tops of stone walls sticking out of the earth. The magic called to her but it wasn’t something she was familiar with. She didn’t know if it was old shields that had decayed or if it was just a sign that the stone had been built with Reimancy or something older and unknown to her. She ignored Vasin for a while, knowing he was fine, to investigate the whole situation. Eventually she pulled off her pack, pulled out her sketchbook, and began to draw what she could see, adding layers of the magic as shaded smugged ‘fog’ over the ruins that she could see.

“What was this place?” She asked, glancing at Vasin, hoping he had more of an idea.
They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

Painted Sky Jewelry (The Wildlands) | Crossroads Jewelry (The Outpost)
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Freedom is earned. Fight for it.
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