Kreig fights one of the Daggerhand's fighters and realizes just how dangerous the bugger is... he's enjoying it immensely
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Kreig Messer on August 13th, 2019, 12:52 pm
18th of Summer, 519 A.V. 19th Bell.
It was time to earn his keep again, and Tall Johnny set him up again with a fight that wasn’t against some wannabe who thinks they could give Kreig a run for his mizas. It was a good thing Johnny did or Kreig would have had to sharpen his skills on hapless thugs on purpose rather than running into them on the streets or in a bar fight. There was only so much one could do without getting gangsters really irritated with him and he was sure some of them still had a beef with him.
Standing in the fight pit Kreig had a grin on his face, feeling that bit of familiar excitement the brawler palmed his fist as he saw his opponent across from him. It was another human, male, again slightly taller than the brawler but he liked to think he was getting over his minor complex. He carried no weapons, no armor, only his two fists and feet which were wrapped in cloth. This was going to be a straight up fight like Kreig preferred and against one of the Gang’s own no less… Not to say fighting armed opponents didn’t give him a thrill, but it was a different sort of flavor he liked to think.
“ People of Sunberth, are you ready for some bloodshed? Tonight we have for you a straight-up slug faced brought to you by Sunbirth’s own so-called son…” Kreig rolled his eyes at the so-called bit, he was her Son and he’d be damned if anyone said otherwise “ versus the Daggerhand’s own bloody pugilist, Tycho Grimfist!” And Kreig wasn’t sure if that last name was madeup or some incredible coincidence considering Grimfist was fighting him fist-to-fist.
‘Would be a funny thing if it were’ Kreig thought.
“ Fighters, at your ready, begin!”And they were off and it was Kreig who took the initiative this time around as he pulled his right fist back and launched in a haymaker. Grimfist wasn’t slow to react however and a haymaker wasn’t a subtle blow by anymeans, he ducked and shifted about to Kreig’s side pulling back his fist for a hook punch.
However Kreig was able to bring up his right palm to intercept the fist and redirect to strike air as he moved away ‘Bastard’s got ‘imself good speed and reflexes’ Kreig realized, and the punch was a boxer’s hook if he ever saw it. But Grimfist was an aggressive sort it seemed as he didn’t let it end there as he stepped forward in his crouching position to rise up and throw a vicious uppercut. The blow met Kreig’s chin and sent the brawler up and landing on his back as the world seemed to go into a haze.
Perhaps he underestimated just how speedy and fast the bastard was, the ache in his jaw and world shaking seemed to just indicated how effective a punch that was. It at least confirmed what preferred style of fighting the fellow had, and just how proficient he was with it.
‘Now here’s hopin’ he ain’t out to kill me ’ |
Feeel thy wrath!!!!"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"

Kreig Messer - The guy in crazy town.
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by Kreig Messer on August 13th, 2019, 1:54 pm
What wits Kreig still retained had expected Grimfist to move in for the kill, so the brawler lifted his foot up hoping is opponent would run into it like a wagon to an elevated log. A loud gasp of breath and weight shifting his foot back said volumes of its success and if the brawler was honest with himself he hadn’t exactly expected that to work as he lifted his dizzying head to see Grimfist’s slack jawed expression. Kreig raised his hand to slap himself as to bring back focus and he grinned mischievously as he stood to his knees and raised hands before jettisoning himself forward to body tackle him.
His body collided with Grimfist’s, tackling the boxer to the ground as Kreig sat over his waist. Grimfist looked breathless but undaunted as he threw a jab from his position. Kreig blocked the below with minimal effort, not much sting to the Jab as it looked like Grimfist had no breath to spare. The follow up punch which was a hook to the head met similar favor as Kreig caught the fist and grinned at Grimfist “An’ here I thought I was gonna be havin’ some fun, but it’s lookin’ like yer all yp” Kreig now pulled back his own fist to throw in a solid straight.
The fist flew and Grimfist blocked the punch but barely, the strength of the punch itself straining the one-armed block the boxer raised and there was now a noticeable shake to it “ Ya shyke-headed arse, ain’t goin’ down that easily” He spat as he pulled free his caught fist and launched it again to punch Kreig’s face. The brawler took the punch and hardly flinched as he turned his head to look down on Grimfist “ That there bite yer fist is sayin’ otherwise, feels all bark to me” Kreig taunted as he brought down his fist again.
Grimfist knocked the fist aside though instead of blocking like previously and forcing an opening on Kreig. A counterpunch came that struck Kreig much harder in the face this time, forcing the Brawler off Grimfist as he slid out from under Kreig and moved back a good distance away. Kreig looked back at the Boxer as he slowly stood to his feet, Grimfist taking a battle position though his left arm was shaking. A weakspot if Kreig ever saw one, the Brawler could exploit that. His tongue ran around his mouth as it tasted copper, those blows were no joke Kreig knew but he could this to his advantage as well.
“Alright, so its more than bark I’ll be admittin’ that “ He conceded with another Grin, the Brawlers hands flexing as he brought one to his face and massaged the struck spot “Ahh, I’ll probably be feelin’ it a lot more later” Kreig chuckled and then his eyes narrowed “But ya know there friend, its jus’ gonna be messier from here on out an’…” He brought his arms down as he turned his neck about to let out the sounds of cracks before staring intently at Grimfist with a hungry grin “… I might jus’ end up breakin’ that there arm” Grimfist’s eyes widened and he pulled away his shaking arm, shifting his position so that only one arm was visible and raised while the other was hidden at his side.
Kreig could only grin as he got into the bugger’s mind, taking a step forward to close the gap and ready to strike Grimfist silly. |
Feeel thy wrath!!!!"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"

Kreig Messer - The guy in crazy town.
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by Kreig Messer on August 13th, 2019, 2:35 pm
As Kreig moved forward Grimfist stepped back, the sliver of fear in him taking root, aggression replaced with a desire to keep his limbs intact clouding his mind and limiting his perspective. Kreig was fine with that as he moved forward and instinctively Grimfist moved back yet again and then Kreig crouched and brought his fingers over the dirt, swinging his arms up he flung dust at Grimfist hoping to prevent his movement briefly so Kreig could get in closer to strike.
But Grimfist wasn’t entirely out of wits as he brought his arm to cover his head and closed his eyes, instinct told him what was to come as he shifted aside to avoid a blow from Kreig but accumulated meant he couldn’t escape in time as Kreig’s fist struck his guard, the Boxer gritting his teeth as the arm was feeling as strained as the other. He lowered his arm to see that Kreig was going to throw another blow and prepared to dodge accordingly.
‘ That’s right ya little daggerhand, don’t lose all yer gumption on me now’ Kreig thought as he threw a punch aimed for Grimfist’s side. Theblow struck but not cleanly as Grim fist gasped in pain, the fist grazing his side and avoiding what could have been a devastating liver punch; Kreig chuckled mentally as it seemed the fight was prolonged.
Grimfist’s resolve hardened as returned a blow, seeing that Kreig’s own aggressive onslaught wouldn’t let up without a firm touch. That firm touch came in the form of a jab that stunned Kreig in his tracks, the following straight punch however was caught in the palm of Kreig’s fist who then attempted to pull Grimfist closer to bring his face into Kreig’s skull as Kreig went for a head-butt. Seeing no way to fully avoid the blow Grimfist brought his own head for a headbutt, skull colliding with skull although Grimfist’s reeled slightly as Kreig had more momentum to his.
That is not say Kreig didn’t have his own reeling to do, hard head they both of had but their brain was rattling. Kreig stepped back in a daze and so did Grimfist, both shook their heads as they tried to bring themselves to focus. It took them a bit, and the excitement of the crowd was loud enough that it felt like they were in a hangover, but they eventually shook themselves out of it as they stared back at each other.
“Ya petchin’ arse, ya do know if ya win this the Daggerhands ain’t gonna let ya forget” Threatened Grimfist, and Kreig could only chuckledin response as if he was told the sky was blue.
“Ay, I know ya rotten lot ain’t might not let this slight go on quietly, but I’ve already got a bunch o’ people angry at me. What’s one or two more? All the more fodder for me fists I say” Kreig palmed his fist “An’ an eggrot like you’ll jus’ be one of the many shykeheads who end up on the wrong side of ‘em” |
Feeel thy wrath!!!!"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"

Kreig Messer - The guy in crazy town.
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by Kreig Messer on August 13th, 2019, 3:06 pm
Grimfist didn’t like that declaration Kreig surmised as Grimfist stepped in, raising his one good-ish arm for another jab but Kreig shifted his head away from along with that the two other strikes that came after. But Grimfist was persistant and so he pulled up his other arm and swung it for a body-blow but that too kissed air as the Brawler just stepped back.
Kreig’s palm darted forward in attempt to catch the arm and catch it he did as Grimfist suddenly wore a panicked expression and winced “Leggo you sonuva of a whore!” He retaliated with a hook to the face that Kreig blocked with a raised arm, unimpressed by the blow. “That’s not how throw a punch” Kreig drawled as he pulled back his fist “This is” And so the fist flew in mimicry to Grimfist’s blow, but the boxer blocked it much like Kreig did, pushed the fist away and tried again for his own but that too missed its mark as Kreig parried the fist away and pulled in Grimfist for a knee strike that connected not fully as Grimfist was able to intercept with his arm, but still stood as he threw a punch for a body blow.
Kreig let out a gasp but as he was expecting the punch his body was prepared for the impact, it still smarted though and Grimfist the opportunity to break free to step back and then lunge forward for another punch. But Kreig raised the back of his left fist as he stepped aside and parried the blow, letting Grimfist move past him while Kreig’s hand reached out to grab the fighter by the hair. Kreig pulled firmly on the hair and brought his leg to kick at the back of Grimfist’s, forcing him to his knees.
Grimfist in desperation brought his elbow forward and sung it back to force Kreig away from but the Brawler just stepped to the other side out of its reach. He attempted again with the other arm but he met as much failure there as he was left to Kreig’s mercy. The Brawler took hold of the sides of Grimfist’s head and was ready to strike theback of it with his knee, ready to bring an end to bout. The strike was hard and true, but not lethal hopefully. Kreig couldn’t really know but as Grimfist’s face met with the dirt of the arena, his body began to rise and lower gently as he breathed.
Fight was over, Kreig won. The brawler let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, Grimfist wasn’t bad a fighter if he was honest and some of those blows could have ended Kreig himself then and there. He just had the misfortune of running up against someone who’s life was filled with those who outmatched Kreig himself and thus he had a much wider breath of experience to call upon.
And fate hasn’t killed him off yet, and he wasn’t about to let it do it now. |
Feeel thy wrath!!!!"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"

Kreig Messer - The guy in crazy town.
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by Kreig Messer on August 13th, 2019, 3:20 pm
He walked away from the arena to see Tall Johnny waiting forhim, the tall man looked down on him with an expression Kreig couldn’t quite read though that may be partially because he did take a few strikes to the head “Somethin’ wrong there, Johnny? You ain’t usually ‘ere waitin’”
“Yes well, usually most of your fights don’t include gang members having a row at you and the Daggerhands are a prideful bunch. If you lost they’d have killed you here and then, you know?” Kreig nodded at that, knowing full well they might have done just that had they won. Probably thinking if they didn’t Kreig would’ve wanted a grudge match and wouldn’t keep it to the ring. It was also possible because Kreig had no interest in being a gang member, particularly a Daggerhand, and thus was a threat that tidying up. There was also the fact he defaulted on a fight last year, so if they betted for him they might by angry at the lost sum, or at least how it was lost.
“Ay, gathered that much. An’ since I won ‘s a good chance they might jus’ jump me at some point” And the Daggerhands were ever a grudge fueled lot.
Tall Johnny nodded at that “Well, it seems you understand that much at least. I do say there’s affair chance they will do just that sooner or later, and they’ll probably dispose of you in a way I can’t prove just so you know” Kreig sighed at that and nodded, he knew that much as well.
“Well its not like we didn’t know when ya told I’d be fighting one of their own. If your gonna bring it up this late why’d ya even allow the bastard to fight me anyway?” At that Tall Johnny smiled and pulled out one of coins. Kreig closed his eyes and rubbed at his forehead, feeling a headache coming along. His fate was decided on a bloody coin flip, typical. Johnny was fortunate for both being Kreig’ sboss and that he surprisingly getting a soft spot for the luck worshiping priest, otherwise he might have just punched him for this.
Not to say this didn’t excite Kreig a bit anyway, though he’d rather had his tango with the gangs start in a way he could control. Kreig only chuckled as he walked past Tall Johnny, patting him on the shoulder “Well, lets hope the odds are in my favor, eh?”
He was going to need all the luck after all. |
Feeel thy wrath!!!!"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"

Kreig Messer - The guy in crazy town.
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