Timestamp: 16th of Summer, 519 A.V.
The ashes of last night's fire sat there in the fire pit cool, some blowing out with the oncoming breeze. The gentle sound of waves rolling onto the beach not far off. The salty sea air filled the nose mixing in with the smell of burnt wood. Multiple spots around the fire pit had begun to wear in, from where people sat or stood. Vasin poked through the fire pit with a stick, slowly sifting through the ashes, he wondered if maybe there was an ember, still hanging onto life? But no, it seemed that all there really was just ash and charcoal. Vasin breathed out, squatting next to it as he glanced around. The sun was rising over the horizon, the sky was lighting up, the warmth of the day rolled in like the waves on the beach. Tenderly Vasin prodded one of the wounds he had received on a previous day. He ran his hand over the area on his side. A Mountain Lion had attacked him, it's claws having dragged through his flesh. He had been bloodied pretty bad, and if it hadn't been for Tack he wondered if would even be here. After the encounter Vasin had brought the Cougar corpse into camp, not sure what to do with it. Maybe it could serve as food? Regardless, he had his wounds initially treated with seawater, scrubbing them clean.
It hadn't been one of the most pleasant experiences, and he had to go into Zeltiva to get proper treatment. Vasin was glad he had done so though, as a Healer there had tended to the wounds. In Sunberth he never recalled such miracles, probably because any healer there would have been lynched by ignorant townsfolk. Vasin sighed shaking his head, his mind going back to that Mountain Lion. It had snuck up on him so easily, silent, only Tack had noticed it. Perhaps if the sounds of him chopping wood had not scared the birds into silence? Then they would have fallen silent for the Mountain Lion. Vasin wasn't sure, he was no hunter, he didn't really understand Wild Animals all that much. Vasin stood up, giving a stretch the wind coming through his beard. But, there was something else, if he had encountered a Mountain Lion so close to camp... then surely someone else here could? That was a scary thought, to have someone disappear like that, never to be seen again all because a Mountain Lion would... He had to figure out something to do, try and make the area more secure? How? Anja! If anyone would know a thing or two about it, then he would! Right? Anja seemed pretty good with animals, could more than hold his own in a fight.
Vasin glanced around the camp, thinking of where he could find Anja at this hour? At his tent! Of course. Vasin would wander his way past a few tents, including his own. The Camp was slowly but surely stirring to life. People entering and exiting tents to get started on the day. He had managed to clear a couple of acres of land, but there was still so much more that had to be done. Though, when he came to Anja's tent he would find that they were not there. Scratching his beard Vasin glanced around, before then, snapping his fingers."The animals." he reasoned Anja would be over with the Animals. Perhaps caring for them? Vasin nodded, though knew if he searched long enough regardless he could find Anja. With that in mind, Vasin headed over to where the horses were being kept. There, he saw Anja and would approach."Hello there, Anja." Vasin said giving a little friendly wave."Other day I had a run-in with a Mountain Lion. Been worried that there might be some more surprises in the area." Vasin said getting to the point explaining his reasoning here."I was wondering if maybe I and you could make the area safer? Not sure how one would go about it." Vasin would say as he came up next to Tack gently placing his hand on their side."Also ran into some emerging Yukmen before that, had to dispose of the bodies."
The ashes of last night's fire sat there in the fire pit cool, some blowing out with the oncoming breeze. The gentle sound of waves rolling onto the beach not far off. The salty sea air filled the nose mixing in with the smell of burnt wood. Multiple spots around the fire pit had begun to wear in, from where people sat or stood. Vasin poked through the fire pit with a stick, slowly sifting through the ashes, he wondered if maybe there was an ember, still hanging onto life? But no, it seemed that all there really was just ash and charcoal. Vasin breathed out, squatting next to it as he glanced around. The sun was rising over the horizon, the sky was lighting up, the warmth of the day rolled in like the waves on the beach. Tenderly Vasin prodded one of the wounds he had received on a previous day. He ran his hand over the area on his side. A Mountain Lion had attacked him, it's claws having dragged through his flesh. He had been bloodied pretty bad, and if it hadn't been for Tack he wondered if would even be here. After the encounter Vasin had brought the Cougar corpse into camp, not sure what to do with it. Maybe it could serve as food? Regardless, he had his wounds initially treated with seawater, scrubbing them clean.
It hadn't been one of the most pleasant experiences, and he had to go into Zeltiva to get proper treatment. Vasin was glad he had done so though, as a Healer there had tended to the wounds. In Sunberth he never recalled such miracles, probably because any healer there would have been lynched by ignorant townsfolk. Vasin sighed shaking his head, his mind going back to that Mountain Lion. It had snuck up on him so easily, silent, only Tack had noticed it. Perhaps if the sounds of him chopping wood had not scared the birds into silence? Then they would have fallen silent for the Mountain Lion. Vasin wasn't sure, he was no hunter, he didn't really understand Wild Animals all that much. Vasin stood up, giving a stretch the wind coming through his beard. But, there was something else, if he had encountered a Mountain Lion so close to camp... then surely someone else here could? That was a scary thought, to have someone disappear like that, never to be seen again all because a Mountain Lion would... He had to figure out something to do, try and make the area more secure? How? Anja! If anyone would know a thing or two about it, then he would! Right? Anja seemed pretty good with animals, could more than hold his own in a fight.
Vasin glanced around the camp, thinking of where he could find Anja at this hour? At his tent! Of course. Vasin would wander his way past a few tents, including his own. The Camp was slowly but surely stirring to life. People entering and exiting tents to get started on the day. He had managed to clear a couple of acres of land, but there was still so much more that had to be done. Though, when he came to Anja's tent he would find that they were not there. Scratching his beard Vasin glanced around, before then, snapping his fingers."The animals." he reasoned Anja would be over with the Animals. Perhaps caring for them? Vasin nodded, though knew if he searched long enough regardless he could find Anja. With that in mind, Vasin headed over to where the horses were being kept. There, he saw Anja and would approach."Hello there, Anja." Vasin said giving a little friendly wave."Other day I had a run-in with a Mountain Lion. Been worried that there might be some more surprises in the area." Vasin said getting to the point explaining his reasoning here."I was wondering if maybe I and you could make the area safer? Not sure how one would go about it." Vasin would say as he came up next to Tack gently placing his hand on their side."Also ran into some emerging Yukmen before that, had to dispose of the bodies."