I didn’t realize my job application from when I first started never actually got addressed and added to my SS thread (or any of my job threads or wages), so here it is again now.
Thank you, and please let me know if I need to fix anything!
Job Application
Character Name: Caspian
Character Sheet: Link
Requested Job Title: Spy
Season: Fall 518
Place of Employment: Ravok
Wage (If known): 6 GM/day
Main Job Skill and Experience Level: Intelligence / 15 SP / Novice
Why have you chosen this job? Please explain in less than 150 words: Caspian was raised by a band of criminals in Sunberth, and the skills that fall in line with the profession of spying are the only ones he was encouraged to cultivate.
Wage/Seasonal XP Application
Name: Caspian
Link to Character Sheet:CS
Season (aka Fall 515): Fall 518
Job Title: Spy
Wage: 6 GM/day
Job Skill & Experience Level: Intelligence/15/Novice; Stealth/10/Novice
2 Threads Eligible for Seasonal Wages
- Slither and Sweep WC: 3,662
- Sugar and Steam WC: 3,580
Wage/Seasonal XP Application
Name: Caspian
Link to Character Sheet: Link
Season: Winter 518
Job Title: Spy
Wage: 6 GM/day
Job Skill & Experience Level: Intelligence / 15 / Novice
2 Threads Eligible for Seasonal Wages
Wage/Seasonal XP Application
Name: Caspian
Link to Character Sheet: Link
Season: Spring 519
Job Title: Spy
Wage: 6 GM/day
Job Skill & Experience Level: Intelligence / 15 / Novice
2 Threads Eligible for Seasonal Wages
Wage/Seasonal XP Application
Name: Caspian
Link to Character Sheet: Link
Season: Summer 519
Job Title: Spy
Wage: 6 GM/day
Job Skill & Experience Level: Intelligence / 15 / Novice
2 Threads Eligible for Seasonal Wages