Dash's plotnotes

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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.

Dash's plotnotes

Postby Dash on September 19th, 2019, 11:53 pm

Lots of planning to do here. Firstly, to get more feel for Dash. I've noticed he's a hyper derp that gets distracted. I originally had this idea to make him all calm, cool and aloof. I've only done 2 posts for him and he's more of a scatterbrained derper who tries very hard at whatever he sets out to do, but seems to come up a bit short somehow. Hmmm reminds me of someone...

-Ask first if someone prefers you to be in Kelvic or human form because otherwise, it's plain rude. You can do this with the npc, but not an actual PC!

-Keep your skills in mind when making plans for a thread. Don't just get 30 ideas and not PLAN AHEAD.

**Work on 2 job threads a season--MANDATORY or poor Dash doesn't get to do that eating thing. And he's always hungry, so please feed your wolf.

***Google facts about the things you plan for your thread and put them HEEEEREEEE or you'll lose or forget them! Ffs, it's not rocket science to learn new things but it helps to type it HEREEEE first. Get out the word stew and cook it later. Just found this. Not sure how I'll use it yet but neat facts! "Next to smell, the sense of hearing is the most acute of the wolf's senses. Wolves can hear as far as six miles away in the forest and ten miles in the open. Wolves can hear well up to a frequency of 25 khz."

***Work on MORE about Dash! he's: lefty, kind, curious, feels like an oddball for having eyes that show he's kelvic so the inarta won't truly accept him as 'pure,' look through the question things in the cs's and flesh him out.

***The more you write, the more you know and the more you know, then the more you'll write. Breathe life into Dash with details!

***Read 1 lore a day coz there's so much!

***Stop. Look. Edit. Repeat BEFORE you submit. Remember measure twice cut once? That. Seriously. Stop screwing up. See the typo up there? Go change it!

***Look into those wretched box codes to "make things easier"(HARDER!) so you can clean things up and get things done with special buttons in special places and learn that shit. Stop rolling your eyes.

***I forgot the rest of all the stuff already!! headdesk.

Oh yea. copy paste this link to your user control panel with the 10,000 buttons and settings. READ THEM. copy/paste FIRST.
Wait a sec. SUBMIT! copy/paste then SUBMIT.

"In the wild, red wolves typically live five to six years, and as long as 14 years in captivity."
Last edited by Dash on September 24th, 2019, 5:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Dash's plotnotes

Postby Dash on September 20th, 2019, 1:54 am

things in my scrapbook that fit much better here:
Fall is a BAD time for accidents outside.
1. Pickers, stickers, burrs whatever the hell you call them, they get EVERYWHERE! I've had to pick them off my pet's butts and it's not pretty. I've picked them off my ankles when they got stuck to my sneakers and I didn't wear socks. If it's sharp and pointy, it will bite you and not let go.

2. Bugs! Oh so many bugs that fly and sting all looking for that place to hibernate. They weren't there a minute ago and suddenly 3 wasps are just under your very tender hand with stingers poised and wings buzzing angrily!

3. Ungulates in rutting season! Big fat huge muthatuckin moose and stags running around with huge horns, a bad attitude, and watch out for brainworm!!

4. Bears! Giant ravenous bears either looking for a cave or coming after you for food. Very. Very. Very. Scary. Can't climb coz they climb! They can smell your thoughts I think. Anyway, large predators with claws and teeth and grumpy.

5. Temperature. I'll get a sunburn by noon and then at dusk it's so cold I can see my breath! Sure, take off that hat and coat and hoodie coz it's soooooo warm out. By lunch you might notice, hey I have a really bad burn--I should put on something to cover my arms. By supper it's frosty cold and you have a sunburn under everything you're wearing. Ty nature.

6. Wind! Fall means wind comes along to get the leaves off the trees to protect the earth in a nice blanket. It also blows your scent to predators and prey alike within a general 5 mile radius. Don't stand on a tall place -in the wind- and advertise your scent!!!! Also, it covers other sounds so that you either miss your prey or you have an angry black bear in your back pocket.
Last edited by Dash on September 24th, 2019, 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dash's plotnotes

Postby Dash on September 20th, 2019, 1:39 pm

**This is a stream of consciousness that really needed doing**
So I skimmed the reading on Kelvics and that was my lapse in judgement. I read it more thoroughly this morning. They're magical, effortless and have no more consequence than public nudity. There's no positive or ill effects on food types, form preference or healing. It's a just a magical thing with no effort involved.

Seeing as I've already committed to a Kelvic, so be it. I find it peculiar that with the amount of regulations on food, housing, supplies, costs, location, strict culture castes/society and wilderness survival skills, that this ability is truly unfettered in any way; entirely open to the imagination, consequence free. It has an ambivalent feel to it now, for a species as a whole. The only real application of it is to merely account for a briefer life span.

Trying to organize my thoughts on how best to portray this. It makes a night and day difference on the personality I had planned. To shift forms penalty free, unlimited amounts means he can be as blasé about this incredible thing as he feels like.

I guess the whole collar/slavery thing would be a concern if he were in another location, but he'd be another essential working body so it's again, nothing. Well, nothing other than the slightest inconvenience of changing clothes more often and a lack of modesty.

How would this shape his personality? He's a young wolf in his prime, clearly his own master. He could be selfish af and just hunt for himself in wolf form and that would be that. What would be his tie to the xenophobic Inarta? If he really was raised in a creche type setting with no real bonds to anyone or anything--what would make him care about anything other than himself? Perhaps early, intense training and teaching of WR ideals to instill a sense of purpose. But how far-reaching would that really be on his pysche?

As far as I can tell, while social within their well-known pack, my Kelvic would be introverted, self-centered (not narcissistic) for preservation of self. I'd seriously think about a 180 of his character style with this new information. Perhaps in this effortless, no responsibilities type of form, he'd be an outright callous asshole. He could easily live on the fringe of Inarta society, avoiding caste all together.

Red wolves eat tiny things that might live in the inner warrens that he could provide for himself easily. I just don't know what would make him a caring member of a caste driven society when he could simply live an uncaring, self-devoted life of eating and sleeping.

Just found this tidbit: "shy by nature and unlikely to confront humans"

Seems like the most defining characteristic he'd have is being a totally feral, antisocial and avoidant-personality type. Self isolation and true independence which is the polar opposite of Inarta.

This sounds like a real challenge to play and probably not much fun for anyone to interact with. A charmingly inept scatterbrain running around trying to please others doesn't quite seem like the right personality with this effortless form changing. Essentially, he could do whatever he pleased, shaping his moral self in a very uncaring, ambivalent at best, sort of way.

(later rejoinder) EUREKA! So I was thinking we're all ego driven so YES-a big stinking fat ego. He'd be driven to prove he was 'alpha' as a wolf and a hunter. A purpose! A PC without purpose is no PC at all. So he'd strive intensely to prove to himself and the others that he could hunt well. That's remaining true to his wolfy self AND Inarta culture. Worked it out. Ok, that's better. Kind of. At least now I know why and how he would be the way he is. Dash won't be the amusing young cub that appeared despite adversity. A very deep personality shift that will take a lot of forethought to write.
Last edited by Dash on September 24th, 2019, 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dash's plotnotes

Postby Dash on September 21st, 2019, 1:59 am

Dash is far more serious now so I need to look up more about specific social behavior cues. The forest is exactly Red Wolf habitat so that's a green for go. I need to plan a couple threads to get help and experience about birds. He admires them greatly because they are perfectly evolved predators so it can bring out his softer side.

He is harsh af and I'm glad Bricken can bring out his curious side as it's the only part of him that's not savage or thinking about being angry.
**Fact: Red Wolves eat 2 to 4 lbs of raw meat daily for prime condition. They can go up to 12 days without food. Mainly eat small rodents and hares, although they'll take down a deer if in a strong pack. They're a genetic hybrid of Timber wolves and coyotes.
Last edited by Dash on September 24th, 2019, 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dash's plotnotes

Postby Dash on September 21st, 2019, 2:13 pm

Solo thread ideas:
Dash goes to someone in a Position Of Authority for help, as he is supposed to do. Soon after, he discovers that this person in a POA mocks him and calls him derogatory names erroneously behind his back and then gossips to other people in a POA. Dash is understandably furious with such callous and careless disregard for the trust he never should've placed in that person. When that person in a POA mocks, gossips and talks behind his back, it's a strong indicator that it's always being done to others as well. The friends that gossip with you, will gossip about you too. Someone in a POA is supposed to be someone you can trust. But when they show a deep moral failing, how does he proceed?

Should Dash either A: Continue on alone, finding other people in a POA that he knows haven't talked shit behind his back while avoiding that main person in a POA?

B: Get a few skills and some job threads done for Mizas or pinions and gtfo of that city.
Last edited by Dash on September 24th, 2019, 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dash's plotnotes

Postby Dash on September 21st, 2019, 6:53 pm

Awareness is everything! The reason i chose a Red Wolf for my Kelvic:

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Dash's plotnotes

Postby Dash on October 9th, 2019, 7:10 pm

Plot notes for Dash. *laughs hysterically*

*Keep existing as a pathetically solitary wolf in a deserted city
*Play pretend rp with you, yourself and only you. for infinity
*Dust occasionally
*......watch the extinction of Red Wolves as it happens

Ooooooor I can desert the beautiful city of Wind Reach and (maybe if I'm not there, they can come back to it and breathe life into it again?) go through flaming hoops to move an uwanted (me) Dash to another city to end up in the same exact straits or worse. hmm options... *looks at a very old game and decides to go play that*
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