OOC : My goals for Ennisa
- Enni's big, bad quest is to cause havoc amongst the Svefra. The concept is to, somehow, make Ennisa cause a shipwreck for the plunder and the thril of causing trouble, except for it all to go badly wrong when she causes some young'uns and their parents to die in the shipwreck.
How possible this is... I just don't know. But it's the goal.
But what are her reasons?
- Her father is Svefra, and he left before she was even born. This hasn't caused her family any heartache, but Ennisa begrudges that she has never had the chance to know her true father, and pins all of the blame on his shoulders.
- She enjoys causing trouble. With the underlying excuse that she distrusts Svefra, their abstract lives don't mean much to her, and if she can successfully pull off the shipwrecking, it would delight her beyond belief to hear stories of what she did and secretly hold the kernel of truth that she did it.
What are the hurdles?
- Svefra aren't exactly the most common sight around Lhavit, and so managing to a) find a viable Pod, and b) sync up the scheme in time with their departure from Lhavit will be tricksy.
- Out-Svefraing the Svefra will be a challenge and a half. As they are sea-worthy to the extreme, a landlubber like Ennisa's going to struggle to figure out a way to actually cause the shipwreck.
- As of yet, Ennisa does not have the skills to pull it off. Easy! Solved with
w r i t i n g . . . - Avoiding capture will be difficult. If they succeed, where would they store the loot? How would they sell/use the loot and avoid getting arrested for being murderers and thieves? - potentially using the Outpost?