Hi everyone my real name is Kenzie, though my characters name is based off my daughters name Tyra (pronoused (teer-a) but i decided to spell this characters name differently because most people think of Tyra Banks for my daughter and I don't want to always be having to explain how to say this characters name though it would add a good amount of sass to her personality.
Any who I am new to this type of roleplay, I have normally done things such as wild horse or mythical horse type store lines. I'm wanting to try something new and i happened upon this forum. It looks fun and I've spent the past 2 hours looking at all the different information before I made this profile.
I decided to do with the Drykas, because they are horsemen/women and (big surprise) I love horses.
So I have all of that figured out and I've looked into starting her character sheet but that's very intimidating and I'm not totally sure how to start that, and how to pick her skills and such. I have a general understanding I think but I am not 100% sure. could someone help me with that maybe? I understand my character should have the horseman skill and the rider skill, but like..... I don'y know i'm still rather confused about that.
Then I am don't know what to do after I have gotten her character sheet done.
So I suppose this is both a "hello" and please "help".