79th Autumn 519 AV
Light from the overcast moon trickled down onto the streets that wound through Lhavit. Spots of warm, honeyed light spilled at intervals, where the homely sounds of laughter, merriment and chatter leaked out through open windows and doors. Away from those islands of comfort darkness pervaded, and through this darkness a short red-head walked. She was furtive. Her red hair peeked out from under the folds of a light headscarf, which hid her features and shadowed her face. She walked delicately but quickly, passing over the dizzying bridge onto Zintia Peak, her home.
Lhavit's atmosphere was one of suspicion, so it was quite lucky that Lacretzia did not get stopped by the Shinya as she trod the familiar route back home to the flat she shared with Ennisa. Her cloaked figure and nervous appearance would certainly have caused a degree of consternation from the city's protectors, what with the mage-murdering killer on the loose. As it was, she was lucky, and she reached home without delay.
Itzi trudged up the stairs, taking one at a time. As she got closer and closer to the flat, she began to slow down until she was almost at a standstill. The look on her face was indescribable. Her thoughts tumbled. She was almost scared to enter the room. Was Ennisa awake? The two women had not spoken much of late. Itzi had been away often, and Ennisa had yet to probe into her absences. The tension had been growing in the air. Itzi was almost certain the cloud would break soon. Then what?
Lhavit's atmosphere was one of suspicion, so it was quite lucky that Lacretzia did not get stopped by the Shinya as she trod the familiar route back home to the flat she shared with Ennisa. Her cloaked figure and nervous appearance would certainly have caused a degree of consternation from the city's protectors, what with the mage-murdering killer on the loose. As it was, she was lucky, and she reached home without delay.
Itzi trudged up the stairs, taking one at a time. As she got closer and closer to the flat, she began to slow down until she was almost at a standstill. The look on her face was indescribable. Her thoughts tumbled. She was almost scared to enter the room. Was Ennisa awake? The two women had not spoken much of late. Itzi had been away often, and Ennisa had yet to probe into her absences. The tension had been growing in the air. Itzi was almost certain the cloud would break soon. Then what?
Ennisa stood by the window letting the night air rustle the loose curtains. The moon, although it kept flitting in and out of the clouds, occasionally illuminated a patch of street down below, and it was this that she was gazing at absently. The worn cobbles glistened in the pale light, and the building facing onto the street looked quite pretty in the late autumn night. She wasn't appreciating the beauty, though. She was thinking, as she often did when alone in the evening, about her absentee friend.
Where are you, Itzi?
That question bothered her more and more often. On the brief occasions she had seen her, the red-head was distant, almost cold, and she had not gathered the courage to confront her. Yet now, with the brewing troubles in the city, the tense mood was rubbing off and she was beginning to feel deeply worried about her friend.
Whilst she was absorbed in her own thoughts, behind her the very woman she was wondering about cracked the door open and slid into the room. Itzi quietly shut the door, and it was the sound of the door clicking to that alerted Ennisa. She spun round instantly, and when she saw Itzi standing there, she began to speak then stopped herself at the look in her friend's eyes.
"Itzi... Please talk to me. What's going on? I haven't seen you in days and days. Where have you been?"
WC : 499
Where are you, Itzi?
That question bothered her more and more often. On the brief occasions she had seen her, the red-head was distant, almost cold, and she had not gathered the courage to confront her. Yet now, with the brewing troubles in the city, the tense mood was rubbing off and she was beginning to feel deeply worried about her friend.
Whilst she was absorbed in her own thoughts, behind her the very woman she was wondering about cracked the door open and slid into the room. Itzi quietly shut the door, and it was the sound of the door clicking to that alerted Ennisa. She spun round instantly, and when she saw Itzi standing there, she began to speak then stopped herself at the look in her friend's eyes.
"Itzi... Please talk to me. What's going on? I haven't seen you in days and days. Where have you been?"
WC : 499