Hey! I never know what to write in these things. Hello, hola, bonjour, konnichiwa, nuqneH.
I've been looking for an RP forum for awhile. I wanted to start my own RP on a freeform site, but I'm heading to boot camp in March so at some point I'm going to dip out and I wouldn't have the tenacity or the resources to keep it going. I was glad to find this site, through the power of Google, with an original universe.
I'd like to have a character I can return to when I come back into the real world in May, and then keep visiting this site anywhere in the world I am.
I have made one character, a Symenestra leatherworker in Lhavit. I have another idea for a Dhani in Sunberth but we'll see if I can handle one character!
If I make any obvious missteps, I'd appreciate any advice or ideas!