Timestamp: 70th of Fall, 519 AV
The winds off of the bay had grown considerably colder off as the season passed. The leaves of the trees that made up much of the backdrop to the Demesne had turned their deep colors and fallen, leaving only the noble conifers clothed among the Wildlands. Dess knew what autumn meant deeper in the forests, where he was raised and lived until recently. Any structures that needed repairs or had significant gaps were tended to, so that they could protect against the weather. Food was horded, both that purchased and hauled in from seasonal family caravans to the cities, and that small amount which was gathered, grown, trapped or hunted in the forest around them.
It was no less a busy time at the Meraki manor. Even more so, in that the means to acquire and store food for the winter were tested for the first time. Zeltiva had a perpetual shortage of food, aside from fish, which added to the challenge of the Meraki as they planned for the colder season. They had some crops, of which Dawson was over seeing the harvest of with Djinn. Kelski was already learning out to can the apples to store.
Prepping winter stores was Lynneah's forte. She was out in the field and orchard, organizing the harvested food and finding room for it in the basement level of the tower. The Zreven had no problems giving orders when it came to securing their food supply for the threatening Winter, including the Damazar for who's family she once worked.
A hunter had been welcomed by the Meraki, a half-Symmenestra who found little hospitality in town. He provided meat for most days, the Wildlands rich with game, from rabbit and squirrel to turkey and deer. It was assumed he could continue to secure meat through the winter, though with less frequency.
Earlier in the season, Lynneah had proposed a second source of protein, from a method she practiced on a small scale at the K'etir and Damazar manors. Fish from local streams and ponds were preserved for winter. Her smoked fish had been a favorite of Dessarian's, providing a palatable source of protein when game became scarce in the dead of winter. Not everyone in the families felt the same about the strongly flavored filets. Fish was a favorite of Kelski's, but Dess wondered if the lightly salted, smoked fish would be tasty or offensive to the sea eagle's tongue. As it was the Meraki's first winter, Dess and Lynneah had decided to set up the means to smoke some fish, to supplement the food supply for the uncertain future.
The two had sat down at a table near the hearth in the tower one evening to discuss the plans. The Zreven woman explained the process and what would be needed. The goal was to keep the fish from spoiling in storage. When it came to the K'etir, the mages had means to create cold storage for some foods. The fish had been a back up if things failed, to make room for more perishable foods, and because Lynneah's smoked fish had become a favorite among the elders of the family.
She explained that lightly salting the fish to begin with adds to the preservation and flavor. Smoking consisted of hanging the filleted fish over a low, smoldering fire. A hot fire provided little smoke. It was the smoke of a smoldering fire that penetrated the meat and add the preservation qualities and unique taste. The nature of the wood could enhance the flavors, but they didn't have time to track down specific trees to tailor the taste that season. Regardless, the fish would hang over the smoke for several days. When the process was complete, they could be wrapped and stored, good for the winter.
Lynneah suggested a basic make-shift structure to help contain the smoke, to make the process more efficient. Also, when the time came, they would need to secure a supply of fish, either from the docks in Zeltiva or the Svefra pods with which the Meraki traded.
The time had finally come to execute those plans. And while Lynneah worked on securing the size and type of fish needed, Dess would work on a basic smokehouse. While the had the material to build the shack, Dess knew they were low on some of the tools and supplies needed. They would have to get what the needed from Zeltiva or Svefra.
purchases :
Word count: 706