Greetings Mizahar!
Its been ten years of gaming for us here on Mizahar. That gaming has had its ups and downs, but we've always had a good time, eh? I think its fitting that I get my 20,000th post here on the site on Thanksgiving Day, 2019 wishing all of you a great deal of love and happiness in your lives.
I'm grateful for this site. It's saved my sanity more often than naught. I'm grateful for Tarot, and my other active founders. I'm also incredibly grateful for the marvelous group of gamers we have onboard filling out pages with stories.
Thank you each and every one. Season Change is just about on us. NaNo is just about over. And we have a new set of Features coming out. I hope you will love the amazing Character and Contributor we get to showcase this next season.
Feel free to share your gratitude below as well. If you have specific compliments to fellow players, be sure to include them. It's never a bad thing to make someone happy or remind them how grateful you are with them being in your life. Life is short. LIfe is bittersweet. We have to enjoy the good times when they are here.
Write on, my fellow fantasy enthusiasts. You are amazing.