Day 40, Winter, Year 510 AV
She could have ridden out.
It would have been quicker, it would have been easier.
But somehow it felt more symbolic, more impacting, by heading out of those gnarled gates on her own.
The guards had given her a second glance, but they are trustworthy. They knew her, flitting in and out of the city regularly. But they hadn’t seen her, well, armed before.
On her back she carried a quiver filled with arrows, and a longbow slung over her shoulder. She was going to learn how to use it today, she told herself. She also had a knife in her pocket, and some rope. She didn’t know why, something had just told her to bring it.
There was no other way to learn.
You had to have patience. You had to have will. You had to have heart.
And with this knowledge, she travelled along the stony path, etched out by countless travellers and horses and wanderers before her. How long had it taken to carve it out of the grass? The Drykas looked after the wilds, maybe the Sea of Grass respected them, too. Allowing them to have a road which would help them on their way.
She could hear rustles in the grass, but as far as she knew, nothing was there.