Quarentine, Social Distancing, and Returning Players
I just want to say new players and returning veteran players are very welcome during these trying times in the US and Worldwide. I know a lot of you are now jobless, stuck at home, or climbing the walls looking for something to do. If you want to pick up an old PC for some light roleplaying, please don't hesitate. We have a lot of helpful staff to get you restarted or to even help you write up a new PC to explore the world with.
We normally don't use our AJAX chat anymore. Instead, we have a big Discord Server:
New To Discord: https://discord.gg/MaqnyWq
Returning Discord Folks: https://discordapp.com/channels/375917971329253388/375917971329253390
You can get instant help there... chat mindlessly, enjoy cat pictures, and we even have a Covid-19 channel so if you just want to vent about current events in the world you can do so. Chat rules still apply except in the Covid-19 channel since its a non-Miz world event... so be mindful of them before you join.
Have a great day and we'll be glad to see some of you folks returning!