OOC Info The Zeltiva Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

The Zeltiva Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Gossamer on March 1st, 2020, 9:18 pm


If you are playing in Zeltiva this season, please register here. Please feel free to PM me with any questions. Happy writing!

Character Name

Concept: Tell us a little about your character in 100-300 words. Be sure to include your character’s opinion on seaweed.
Race, Age, Gender: Self-Explanatory.
Profession: What does your PC do?
Arrival/Departure: Are you coming or going this season? If so, let me know which and when.

Character Goals: What does your character want to do this season? Not what you as a player wish to accomplish in-game, but what your character actually wants to do, even if it is just wake up every morning or feed themselves.
Player Goals: What do you as a player want to accomplish? It could be writing skills, plots, PC skills, experiences, time management, etc.
Favored Threads: Tell us what really just dills your pickle.
Disfavored Threads: Tell us what really just gets your goose.
Matchmaker: Are you looking to thread with anyone in particular? Do you have an open thread idea, or an event you’re planning IC this season? Post any and all matchmaker details here!

Other: This is for anything else you wish to add to your registration that is not already on there. I’d also like to remind ya’ll to make sure you CS maintenance is complete before registering! This means your ledger and thread list must be up-to-date, and your CS should not have a red check mark on it (if it does, you can still register, but not post).

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[center][box=630,#000000,#dedede,#dedede]Character Name

[left][b]Concept:[/b] Tell us a little about your character in 100-300 words. Be sure to include your character’s opinion on seaweed.
[b]Race, Age, Gender:[/b] Self-Explanatory.
[b]Profession:[/b] What does your PC do?
[b]Arrival/Departure:[/b] Are you coming or going this season? If so, let me know which and when.

[b]Character Goals:[/b] What does your character want to do this season? Not what you as a player wish to accomplish in-game, but what your [i]character[/i] actually wants to do, even if it is just wake up every morning or feed themselves.
[b]Player Goals:[/b] What do you as a player want to accomplish? It could be writing skills, plots, PC skills, experiences, time management, etc.
[b]Favored Threads:[/b] Tell us what really just dills your pickle.
[b]Disfavored Threads:[/b] Tell us what really just gets your goose.
[b]Matchmaker:[/b] Are you looking to thread with anyone in particular? Do you have an open thread idea, or an event you’re planning IC this season? Post any and all matchmaker details here!

[b]Other:[/b] This is for anything else you wish to add to your registration that is not already on there. I’d also like to remind ya’ll to make sure you CS maintenance is complete before registering! This means your ledger and thread list must be up-to-date, and your CS should not have a red check mark on it (if it does, you can still register, but not post).[/left][/box][/center]

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The Zeltiva Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Ambrosia Alar on July 11th, 2020, 9:19 pm

Ambrosia Alar

Concept: Ambrosia is trying to survive the sudden upheaval of her world from her enslavement and being dragged to Ravok. She has suffered many hardships in this time but has kept her cheery disposition. Each step here is a step toward returning home, so she can find a way to break her sister free from the underground in Alvadas. Kelp beer is the best thing since sliced bread (not really, but you gotta sell your own product).
Race, Age, Gender: 26-year old, human female
Profession: Barmaid at the Kelp Bar
Arrival/Departure: Arrived last season

Character Goals: Ambrosia needs to find a stability and she is going to do that but settling into her job as much as she can.
Player Goals: Find Ambrosia's joy again and get caught up
Favored Threads: I love pickles. But really, a good social thread if character development and revealing things occur are great fun. Action is great too, but you gotta have skills for that.
Disfavored Threads: When absolutely nothing happens
Matchmaker: Shiress! Also, if any Meraki are stalking this, come meet me! :)
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