Spring 17th 520 AV
Miha was sore. She had quite the workout the day before, plowing and tilling and hoeing and planting pot marigolds, whatever the hell that was. Today, she still had a lot of work to do, and Dawson was expecting her to bring in some seaweed. Now, the seal had never harvested seaweed before. She really didn't know much about seaweed at all, other than that it provided nice cover when she was swimming and that it was abundant in Mathew's Bay. The seaweed on the beach was always matted, smelly, and tangled up in debris, rocks, and driftwood, so she wanted to collect fresh seaweed, straight from the water. She even borrowed a big metal bucket to keep the seaweed in once she grabbed it.
The shore was high tide this morning, so the Kelvic stripped and shifted right in the sand. Her blobby but strongly muscled body flopped along the sand and into the water where she could get a better look at the seaweed and form a plan of attack. Miha swam to the bottom of the water and snooped around at the base of the seaweed plants. Hmm. She could see their roots wrapping around rocks at the bottom, and from those roots grew the long strips from which many smaller bits of the seaweed grew off of. They waved back and forth in the water from the movement of everything the ocean had to offer. Fish swam around the fronds, too, and carefully avoided the seal. But as yummy as they looked, Miha wasn't there to hunt.
The seal bit down on the strand of seaweed and started to pull. It was quite difficult - the seaweed wanted to stick to the rock, and her teeth weren't made for plants. Instead, she ended up tearing the stalk into shreds. It was still stuck, however. Staring at the plant attached to the seafloor, Miha realized that if she tore it up, it'd have to grow all over again. She wasn't a seaweed life cycle expert, but she knew growing took time, and that was only reaffirmed by her experience with Dawson the day before. She needed a better way to get the seaweed up, and she needed to figure out where to cut it from. The Kelvic pulled herself up to shore and flopped onto the sand next to her bucket, defeated by the plant for now. If she was going to collect a lot, she wanted to do it efficiently, and she wanted to keep the plant intact enough that it could keep growing and she could get more if she - or anyone else - needed it.
Miha shifted and pushed her silvery wet hair out of her face. She was so sore, and she figured she'd have better luck at low tide. A knife from the kitchen would work... game plan! Fortunately, it was a few hours until low tide, which meant she had plenty of time to go inside and take a nice nap and rest her sore body a little longer.
The shore was high tide this morning, so the Kelvic stripped and shifted right in the sand. Her blobby but strongly muscled body flopped along the sand and into the water where she could get a better look at the seaweed and form a plan of attack. Miha swam to the bottom of the water and snooped around at the base of the seaweed plants. Hmm. She could see their roots wrapping around rocks at the bottom, and from those roots grew the long strips from which many smaller bits of the seaweed grew off of. They waved back and forth in the water from the movement of everything the ocean had to offer. Fish swam around the fronds, too, and carefully avoided the seal. But as yummy as they looked, Miha wasn't there to hunt.
The seal bit down on the strand of seaweed and started to pull. It was quite difficult - the seaweed wanted to stick to the rock, and her teeth weren't made for plants. Instead, she ended up tearing the stalk into shreds. It was still stuck, however. Staring at the plant attached to the seafloor, Miha realized that if she tore it up, it'd have to grow all over again. She wasn't a seaweed life cycle expert, but she knew growing took time, and that was only reaffirmed by her experience with Dawson the day before. She needed a better way to get the seaweed up, and she needed to figure out where to cut it from. The Kelvic pulled herself up to shore and flopped onto the sand next to her bucket, defeated by the plant for now. If she was going to collect a lot, she wanted to do it efficiently, and she wanted to keep the plant intact enough that it could keep growing and she could get more if she - or anyone else - needed it.
Miha shifted and pushed her silvery wet hair out of her face. She was so sore, and she figured she'd have better luck at low tide. A knife from the kitchen would work... game plan! Fortunately, it was a few hours until low tide, which meant she had plenty of time to go inside and take a nice nap and rest her sore body a little longer.