Weekend Challenge 10/23-10/26
I'd like you all to think of one brand new never been thought of or discussed plot for your PC that you introduce this weekend in a single introductory thread. I'd like this plot to have a significant impact on your PC and change some fundamental part of your PC's life that you can spin other plots off of for NaNo. This can be an event, an encounter, or a single situation that has a huge impact on your PC.
To sign up you need to post here and be prepared to post a synopsis of the plot within this thread. It's okay if you sign up and post the plot synopsis after you do your writing but before the deadline - aka make the plot part of the post TBA etc. Then link your sign-up-post to the thread you where you write about the situation. This thread can be linked to other threads or other happenings, but the core of the thread must be something entirely new from the moment you read this post. The thread needs to be at least 2500 words long and be posted prior to Monday October 26th at 9pm PST.
Please don't reuse already developed plots. It is fine to work together and interweave each others plots. Each individual must finish thier 2500 words to recieve a challenge prize. Please have fun. And if you include something 'spooky' in your plot you will be eligible for an extra prize for honoring the spirit of the season.