Solo A Trail Traveled Part II

Moritz heads into the wilds for a lesson...

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The vast mountain range of Kalea is home of secret valleys, dead-end canyons, and passes that lead to places long forgotten or yet to be discovered.

A Trail Traveled Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on November 29th, 2020, 3:19 am

65 Fall 520

Heading just outside the gate of Lhavit, Moritz spent a moment looking around. He had been given a time, a place, and a cost, and had arrive a few chimes early to be on the safe side. A few people passed by in that time, going in or out of the gate and being questioned by the Shinya, but not much happened. After all, not many people went out of the city, and Mortiz was one normally one of them. Of course today he was to be accompanied by one of the members of the hunting guild, Liard, someone who knew how to handle himself in the wilds.

Still, he found the experience a bit odd, having never before in his memory wandered outside of the city proper. Never before had he a need to do so, though after today that would not be true.

Admittedly today was more of a test than anything else, a test to show his mettle and to prove he was ready for a lesson in his human form with Naymon.

After a few chimes wait he saw someone approaching the gate and headed through after a quick word with someone there. Clearly he was somewhat known, which made sense what with him being a hunter and someone who often traveled into the wilds to go after game.

Moritz waved at Liard once he came into range, seeing he had a pack on his back and a bow and quiver attached to that. It was a bit smaller than some he had seen, though a bow all the same. Along with that was the same cat he had seen at the guild, following along after the hunter.

He in turn just had his clothes on, and five topaz kina clutched in a hand. Payment for the lesson. He had been told not to bring anything else, which made sense as he was to shift into a kelvic for this first lesson and watch and follow along in learning the basics of how to track while in that form. Moritz supposed it did not really matter, since he could learn in either form. The downside was he could not ask questions, since Liard would not understand him when in his kelvic form. Suddenly Moritz realized that may have been the mans intent all along, wanting to keep Mortiz quiet and listening during any instruction or explanation rather than talking or asking questions.

Moritz also realized then that the man Liard's name was almost lizard, only it was missing the letter Z. This had no impact on anything, but Moritz fond it interesting and so considered it for a moment while he waited for Liard to approach.

Coming close Liard waved for Moritz to follow, cat in tow, clearly wanting to get clear of the gate before having Moritz shift. Once they had walked for about five chimes and were out of easy sight of the gate he finally spoke.

"Alright, let me have the money, then you can give me your stuff to hold while you shift. then we'll get going."

Mortiz nodded, handing the five topaz kina to Liard before undressing. Once all of his clothing and boots had been handed to Liard who placed them in hiis pack Mortiz backed up clear of the man and then initiated the shifting. For an instant there was a flash of swirling light, moments later the light was gone and a Okomo stood in its place.

WC: 582
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Novice Hunting/Tracking lesson from the Hunters guild- 5 Topaz Kina
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A Trail Traveled Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on November 29th, 2020, 6:31 pm

Once Moritz shifted Liard gestured again.

"Alright, we'll need to get away from the city first, then we can start looking for a trail. I'm thinking a nice deer or something simple like that. If you want to track something down you have to go where it goes, understand where that is, and find the traces it leaves behind."

Moritz in his Okomo form nodded to confirm he understood, and then headed along after Liard. Then the two, three including the cat, headed out from Lhavit. While Lhavit was a open city integrated in some manners with nature, wild animals and the like were not likely too roam that close to so many people. Which meant heading further out, away from the city. Initially they were descending, moving down the mountain and outward from the city. After a bit though the general turbulent nature of the mountain began to kick in, which meant there were ups and downs. Peaks and valley. Rolling rocky crags, and stretches of dirt with some plants and even a stray tree or two. These were less common, it being a mountain, and most vegetation was smaller outcrops of grass or weeds, flowers or shrubbery.

As they headed further out, Moritz noticed something else about Liard. While he was not silent he certainly talked less, keeping his pitches low. Mortiz could only assume this was an attempt to avoid deterring wild animals, who might be spooked by loud noises or humans talking. At some point he had also drawn his bow, and was holding it in one hand along with an arrow in the other. He had not pulled the bow string back or knocked an arrow, but he had gotten as close to that as was possible without actually pulling back an arrow ready to fire. Moritz was left to wonder if this had a specific reason, perhaps something about the functioning of the bow or the string if held for a long period of time, but as he was in his Okomo form he could not.

Continuing to walk Moritz had nothiing to do but watch his surroundings and Liard, along with mulling over his own thoughts. Had Liard expected him to be loud and noisy, and so for that reason had asked him to be in his Okomo form so as to keep him from talking? Or did he have another reason. If nothing else moving about in the mountains in his Okomo form was easier than his human form, so he supposed it could have been as easy as that.

Suddenly, almost without Moritz noticed, Liard stopped and threw the arm with the arrow in it up. Moritz managed to stop in time, but nearly barged straight into the hunter.

"What do you think Misty? What have we got here? Mmm.... Not a cougar. Not quite the right shape for a hunting cat. Yeah that bit is not making a good impression. Something with cloven hooves? Goat maybe? Not an Okomo, too small. Not a horse... Need a better print. Moritz, come look here. We have a track. Looks old, but I'm not sure what it is. Not a cat though."

As directed Moritz cautiously headed over and looked at the mark. However he was puzzled as it appeared as little more than a smudge on the ground. There was a point where some dirt met rock, and the dirt had gotten wet from something which made a small bit of mud. Something had gone into it, making a mark, but what that mark was or looked like was unclear to Moritz. he trusted the tracker, but could not discern anything from it.

"Right, lets keep moving. This one looks old, so should have a fresher mark if we get closer on the right track."

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A Trail Traveled Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on November 29th, 2020, 7:07 pm

After the first print, or whatever the mark was in the mud that Liard understood but Moritz did not, Moritz and Liard did not have any interruptions for several miles. It was simply up and down the mountain, more peaks and draws, a few depressions not quite a valley, but mostly just rough stony terrain. He did see one tree, but the small thing seemed to be hanging on more by will than any actual purchase on the ground.

Finally after the confusing and barely changing landscape, they came to a bit of greenery. There was some rough crags, with small bits of dirt and soil atop the stone, with a few small patches of grass, flowers, and weeds. There were also some weeds and things sticking up from among the crags, seeds that had crept into the cracks in the stone and found purchase for their roots. No one would say they were healthy or vibrant, but still they clung on. As they walked past Moritz nipped at one of the chunks of weed, ripping it off and chewing it further as they walked. He was getting a bit peckish, it being a bit since he had last eaten. Before Moritz however had managed to finish chewing and swallowed the plant Liard lifted a hand again and motioned for Moritz to look.

"Here we are, a better track. I'd say is... A Wild Pig? No, boar. Yeah definitely a boar. Big one too for these size of print. Probably not a good idea to try and take one down, but since we are just working on tracking and its the only petching thing we've seen, wouldn't hurt to go after it. Just keep your distance, boars can be dangerous if you get too close. Don't go approaching wild animals Moritz unless you are ready to fight or kill it. Got it?"

Moritz nodded, finishing chewing and swallowing the pulped piece of greenery, before heading over to look at the new print. This one was at least a bit more visible, though still hard to see. That bit there, or perhaps that bit there... Was that the hoof? Then what was that part on this side? A... Toe? Or no, maybe it was just smudged from the motion as the animal moved through it?

Whatever the case the new print seemed to help Liard with refining their direction, which he changed slightly. With all of the small changes to their route needed due to the odd landscape, and the constantly changing yet similar waves of mountain, Moritz could soon see what a greater danger to the mountain was. Getting lost. Perhaps even more so than getting attacked by an animal, a landslide, or other such dangers, was simply not knowing ones way and getting lost. Moritz could see that being a problem, and so did his best to keep his bearings. However this was difficult bordering on impossible due to the complexity of the land.

"Come on Mortiz, lets go. I think we are getting close to the animal, probably a boar. Fairly certain thats what it is."

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A Trail Traveled Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on December 20th, 2020, 3:34 pm

Passing over another bend in the landscape, Moritz and Liard moved to a part of the mountain sweeping downward. This part of the land seemed somewhat smoothed and ground down, with several cliffs near the edge dropping off suddenly. Some were more smooth, some a bit steeper, with a few parts slowly moving down to the cliff while others had a steep decline leading up to the sudden drop off.

As they did an animal in the distance became clear, a large brown beast that seemed to have bony protuberances from its face. Tusks. As they moved over the rise said beast noticed the movement. Where it had been rooting around on the ground for something, its head down but bony bits visible, it lifted its head to examine the two. It was then Moritz noticed something odd about it. Or more to the point, its eyes... They seemed to have a sparkle of light within them, a fine point but visible from its glow. It had not been noticeable before but now that Moritz and the beast were looking towards each other it was that much more visible.

Liard for his part let out a small muffled gasp of surprise, looking quizzically at it.

"Something is definitely off about that, not a normal boar. Must be some kind of magic. I've seen a few beasts affected by wild djed, but this... This is something else. Come on Moritz, lets go. Better we don't get involved, such things can be trouble."

Tugging at Moritz flank the human tried to push Moritz along, but he found himself oddly entranced. Not by any means magical, just by something of interest to him. He could not fathom why, but he could tell there was something odd about the boar just as Liard had said. But what that was, what that could be, it puzzled him. Logically there had to be a reason, his own horns glowed but not for no reason, and so this boars eyes glowing must have a reason as well. Or so the Okomo Kelvic reasoned.

As the two met their gaze from afar Moritz could tell there was something about the boar, more than just a wild dumb beast. Was that perhaps an indication it had an intellect, was perhaps even a kelvic? Or something else? Moritz felt if nothing else he could tell a dumb animal from something more intelligent, and that was what he felt he saw here. He could not give the exact reasoning, the why, perhaps it was as much instinct as anything else, Moritz just... Felt it. Something he did not often do, and found somewhat odd.

Rather than moving backward Moritz took a step forward, then another, his hoofs quietly clacking on the stone of the mountain. For a moment both Moritz and the boar were silent as they locked gazes, and then the boar turned and began to move away in haste. For a moment nothing happened. And then there was a crack, as some part of the rock that had been eroded away split. Suddenly the relatively smooth ground the boar had been standing on was falling, shattering, flowing downward, ending on one of the long steep slopes that dropped off to a cliff. Once hitting the incline the boar began to scrabble and move, trying to find a purchase, but unable to find one. Instead it was quickly rushing towards the cliff.

Moritz had already begun to move, startled by the crack of the ground. In a push of motion Moritz moved forward, closing the distance even as the rock fell, picking up speed as he jumped and moved. He had not really thought, simply acting, moving towards the boar. But now that he was moving he did think, continuing to approach as the boar slid downward the steep slope without finding any purchase.

If Moritz did nothing the boar would go over the cliff. Now that he was moving, was picking up speed, his options unfolded before him. Motion gave him options, speed gave him choices. He could continue forward, move to the sides, or go back in a few leaps. Instead he continued onward, angling further down the slope from the boar in an attempt to meet it on the incline before the beast went over the cliff.

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A Trail Traveled Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on December 20th, 2020, 9:36 pm

Rushing onward Moritz spread out his vision, seeing across the horitzon in a way a human could not. Seeing in a way even Moritz in his human form could not. In either form he had the same eyes, but without an Okomo's head to set them properly they were not as good. As it was he could see across the horizon quite far, what would be beyond peripheral for human eyes were within his scope. Of course as with anything it had downsides, that being Moritz could not see up or down very far. If he needed to do that he would need to sweep his head and therefore gaze line up or down much more than a human would.

Here though that was less of an issue, and so long as he kept with the sweep of the terrain he could see quite well about him. As it was he could see the cliff which the boar was sliding towards. The slope of the rocky shelf at an incline ending at it. He had gone down a rise, and was now on that incline at and an angle running and leaping as only an Okomo could on a mountain. Like a goat his hooves were made for gripping such unclear terrain, Moritz was able to find a full grip and purchase on little more than a toehold even on seemingly smooth and sheer drops. Perhaps better, or so Moritz felt, than a human could on flat ground.

He focused on the path before him, the route the boar was slipping along, and the route he needed to take to get to where the boar was going before it got there. And then he just plotted that out, visualizing the vague line of motion in his head. He was going this way at such way... And the boar was moving that way at such and such way... And it would intersect, their motion, there... Going on the safe side Moritz gave himself some extra room and aimed a bit lower, and then moved and leaped across the ground from point to point while picking up motion.

A hop here, then there, up a bit, down, a spot there with a good purchase, and then a leap... And Moritz was left standing on all four hooves right in the path of the sliding boar. Turning to face the oncoming mass of animal Moritz dug in his hind hooves to find a good place to purchase them, and then moved forward with his fore hooves as he pushed and braced. A boar was a big beast, but an Okomo was much bigger. A full sized boar was not that much bigger or heavier than a human, and humans rode on Okomo. Okomo were not quite horse sized, or at least not the size of a large one, but still were quite large and heavy when full grown. Digging in and pushing Moritz used his body weight to push forward like a bull forcing himself through a fence. And then he waited a moment, bracing, pushing, bracing. And then an impact.

He felt the weight as the boar collided with him, below his shoulder level. He was left with his head head resting on the boars meaty haunch, feeling his hooves grind and slip a bit before grabbing at the ground. For a moment they both froze, not moving at all. And then Moritz began to push, shoving the boar back up the incline.

Locking himself in place with two hooves Moritz would push forward with the other two, keeping at it till he was near the end of their reach and then finding a new purchase. Then he would slip the other two forward while shoving the boar a bit further along, until those also found a purchase. And then back the other way, and over again, repeating the slow but steady motion which moved them up the hill inches or perhaps a foot at a time.

Rather than panicking the boar seemed to calmly wait for Moritz to finish, another sign it was more intelligent than a normal beast. Even though it would be large for a human the weight of the boar was not too bad. Rather the strain on him was to his endurance, keeping at the motion over and over.

He felt his legs straining as they neared the top of the decline, his muscles beginning to burn. Normally he kept in motion, moving and jumping and moving again. Not staying in one place. Here it was a steady push of motion and muscles which strained his body. He felt a burn deep within his chest, even as his legs burned even more harshly.

What seemed an eternity without end finally did, as Moritz pushed the boar over the lip and onto more flat ground. His breathing heavy Moritz took a few steps and then dropped onto the ground, breathing harshly and his limbs weak. From overhead he heard the cry of a bird, and saw motion as Liard approached.

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A Trail Traveled Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on December 20th, 2020, 10:46 pm

Moritz settled on the ground, trying to catch his breath and feeling the heat in his limbs as he lay. Turning his head he saw Liard approach from above a few chimes later.

"Petch Moritz! What did I say before? Caution! Not for you to go rushing in to save some boar! We're going right back!"

The human had his bow drawn, an arrow knocked, and was as focused on the boar Moritz had saved as Moritz whom he was speaking to. He was not outright pointing it at the boar, but seemed ready to if needed. The boar for their part seemed rather disinterested in the man, having turned around to look at Moritz but doing little else.

As he was beginning to regain his breath but before he could rise Moritz head some movement and then turned with Liard and the boar to see another approach. This one though was not a human, but a pair of hounds. Similar to his own dog they were large and hairy, and as they moved into sight Moritz noticed something. A sparkle of light in their eyes, even from the distance, though only a prick visible from there. Similar to the boar. Now that he had noticed that he tried to examine the boar's eyes more closely, only to find it was facing away and towards the new entrants.

"Petch, when things go wrong..."

Liard was clearly confused at the situation, but also assuming things were going poorly for him and his charge. He took his duties seriously, but seemed to have found more than he was expecting. The hounds waited on the ridge, letting out a series of barks, while Moritz slowly caught his breath and got his aching legs back under him. They did not have to wait long before a woman arrived, appearing over the ridge and between the dogs. After a moment she began moving towards Moritz group with the dogs in tow. They did not seem overly aggressive, but neither did they seem passive or shy.

Once they got close Liard seemed to loosen his hold on his bow, or at least moved to undraw it, but still seemed uncertain by events.

"Can I help you? We were out tracking something when... Well a lot of stuff happened."

The woman smiled, an odd leathery cloak about her shifting as she looked at the boar, over to Moritz, and then settled on Liard.

"Yes, I've come to fetch my friend here. The boar. His name is Jack. I was expecting him back earlier, and when he did not return I sent out some hawks to find him. When one returned I headed out on the trail with my hounds here. What happened exactly?"

Though she seemed to be speaking to Liard her eyes met Jack's, and Moritz saw then her eyes. There was an explosion of color and light among them, which had apparently been what he had seen before in the hounds and boar. As Liard began speaking and explaining what had happened Liard's eyes and their glow faded, or at least became less prominent. Liard seemed a bit offput by this, the glowing and light and then the lessening of it, but kept talking.

"...And so the boar here, err Jack, started sliding down ground towards the cliff. Would have gone over. Moritz here charged in and caught him, and pushed him back up to safe ground. I don't know if all Okomo are reckless, or maybe kelvic ones, but this one here sure seems to bring hardheadedness to a zenith."

Still smiling down, now at Moritz, the woman caught his eyes and gazed into them as she spoke. As if she was looking for something.

"Is that true Moritz?"

Having caught his breath Moritz let out a "aaah" of reply, as much agreeing as shrugging in a answer that more or less meant more or less yes. The woman seemed to find this funny, and as if she had understood him responded.

"Well now, you are a particular one aren't you. Can't just say yes or no, or take the compliment?"

Pausing the woman bent and rubbed a hand down Jack's back, as the boar rubbed up against her side fondly. Letting out a sigh the woman looked up, catching something Moritz did not.

"Ah where are my manners.... Don't talk to humans much I suppose... My name is Aja . Moritz, why don't we meet at the exit to Lhavit, on the first of Winter. We can talk more then. I would like to learn more of you, odd fellow."

With that the boar named Jack, Aja, and the pair of hounds all headed off. Liard for his part waited till they were out of earshot before cursing some more. He seemed done for the day, and immediately headed home with Moritz.

"And don't you ever try something like that again! I don't want a first lesson to be the last, but I'll not be giving you another one if you pull another stunt like that. As it is, don't bother asking for another lesson for at least a season, got it!"

Moritz, in his Okomo form, nodded in reply, pondering the woman and her beasts and their odd lighted eyes. Similar as if they were a matching set, which got Moritz mind thinking about all manner of other things.

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A Trail Traveled Part II

Postby Oralie on March 16th, 2022, 10:08 am

grade award!


  • Observation: 4
  • Tracking: 1
  • Running: 1
  • Acrobatics: 1
  • Bodybuilding: 1

  • Lhavit: The Misty Peaks
  • Tracking: Understand the animal you are looking for before you can find it
  • Tracking: Wild boar print
  • Aja: Appearance & mannerisms


Please PM me if you have any questions or concerns and don't forget to edit your grade request!
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