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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]
by Karsynwa on December 1st, 2020, 3:39 am

30th of Fall, 520 AV
At this hour, the Blue Bull was almost quiet. There was just Janii tending to the tables in the back. Karsynwa was mulling over a beer. He was starting to regret coming here. Arrel had shown him this place back when he was learning what it meant to do intelligence work. Introduced him to Janii and the other.. What was her name? Ann something. He’d come here wanting to ask about the Rat hole, but seeing their faces made him feel so hollow on the inside. It was all he could do to order a beer.
Now he was just sitting there. Sullenly staring down into the amber liquid while he wondered why Arrel couldn’t just tell him where it was in the first place. Why he had to make this so difficult. No, that wasn’t fair. The man’s life had just ended and all he asked for was privacy in this delicate matter of him being back. Back. Only he wasn’t back. Would never be back.
His fingers clenched around the mug as he sucked in a deep breath through his nose. A glass clinked against another behind him. It was a jarring noise that caused him to flinch away before casting a dirty look over his shoulder. Janii favored him with a lopsided grin and released a girlish giggle.
“You’re in a mood today.” She said as she came around to the other side of the bar to set down the empty wine bottles. Karsynwa followed her around with his eyes.
“Ever been to the Rat hole.” He asked, an unintentional edge to his voice. Janii frowned slightly and drummed her fingers lightly across the surface of the bar.
“Maybe. What’s it to ya?” Her tone was a little more curt now as her eyes narrowed at him.
Karsynwa raked his nails across the top of the bar. “Maybe I want a drink.” He groused through clenched teeth as he resisted the urge to slam his fist down. While he knew his temper wasn’t doing him any favors here, he didn’t have the luxury of just walking away from this place. This was the only way he could think of to find out what he needed in a timely fashion. An she was just being so petching obstinate.
The look on Janii’s face made him half expect that she’d read his mind. It was a spiteful look that raised the hairs on the back of his neck. She opened her mouth to speak, but Karsynwa beat her to it.
“Arrel is dead.” He said simply. Janii’s eyes widened slightly as she took a step back from the bar. “Oh” She said with her words as well as her lips, holding that expression for a long moment before leaning forward to refill his mug. “Well if you are that thirsty I suppose I could take you to there. Just give me half a bell to get Ann up here.” Her voice was quiet now, without a trace of ire to it which left Karsynwa feeling somewhat mollified as she disappeared through the doorway behind the bar.
WC - 517
Last edited by
Karsynwa on December 15th, 2020, 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tukant - Common

Karsynwa - Player
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- Joined roleplay: June 18th, 2020, 7:24 pm
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by Karsynwa on December 1st, 2020, 3:40 am

The rat hole turned out to be more than just an expression. It was little more than a hole in the wall with boards plastered over the entrance to serve as a door. Located near the base of the cliff, it took nearly a full bell for Janii to lead him to it, and she left before he had the chance to thank her for the trouble. Karsynwa hesitated to go inside. He wasn’t sure what he would find inside, or what he would do. It was hard to be sure of anything with Arrel gone.
His fingers reached up to caress the pommel of his lakan that dangled from his harness. A small comfort against the odds he found himself against. Pulling his hand away from it to rest non-threateningly by his side took nearly all of his willpower as he stepped inside. Pushing aside the door with his palm, he found it to be uncommonly light, and rough against the skin. The light filtered in from behind him to illuminate the dim interior.
Two people immediately caught his gaze. A man behind the bar, and a woman sitting at the end of the bar. The man was not particularly interesting, roughly handsome in the human kind of way. Obviously the bar tender, possibly even the owner of the establishment as he didn’t think a run down place like this had enough traffic to hire help. The woman on the other hand had a pair of golden horns rising from her dark red hair. An ethaefal. And one in considerable distress he judged quickly from her disheveled state.
Her hair was matted against her scalp with bits of dirt haphazardly sprinkled throughout. Mud was similarly smudged across the almost luminous skin of her face, and her clothing was torn in many places. The left sleeve of her blouse looked to have been ripped off some time ago, and her dress had a tear in it that ran almost up to her hip. Something he felt almost ashamed to notice as his eyes met hers. They were golden like his, only there was something more there, like a fire was burning bright just behind that golden curtain.
The sight of such a creature here was jarring. He almost forgot what he had come in here for in the first place until the man behind the bar helpfully cleared his throat. Karsynwa’s eyes flicked over to meet his, and he offered a small, awkward nod before taking a seat across from the man.
“A friend of mine came in here yesterday. He passed this morning but not without leaving me word that he thought his coming here important. So I am here to follow up on that.” He said, his tone stilted as he voiced the lines he had been rehearsing all the way down here. Shame flushed his cheeks as Finaewa chastised his delivery and his mind could think of little else besides the eyes of the woman at the end of the room. In a bout of fancy, he drummed his fingers across the table as the bar man gave him an odd look.
WC - 525
Last edited by
Karsynwa on December 15th, 2020, 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tukant - Common

Karsynwa - Player
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- Joined roleplay: June 18th, 2020, 7:24 pm
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by Karsynwa on December 1st, 2020, 3:41 am

“Not the sort of introduction I’m accustomed to, but I’ll entertain you. Who’s your friend.” He asked in a tone that bordered on glib. Or perhaps Karsynwa was just on edge as he rested his elbows on the counter top, and started grinding his teeth.
“Arrel.” He managed through his teeth, and at that the man looked almost apologetic as he set a mug down in front of Karsynwa. Before he could hold up a hand to say no, the man poured a swallow of a dense brown liquid into the mug before sliding it over to him. Karsynwa looked down at it, and then back up at the man.
The man shrugged, then took a prompt swig of the mug. “Your loss. Arrel was dear friend of mine and I’m sorry to hear of his passing. I’m not sure what he was needing from my establishment however.”
There was a crash at the end of the bar and Karsynwa looked over to see the woman had toppled out of chair to lay motionless on her side. As he hurried over, Karsynwa could hear she was breathing heavily and a thin sheen of sweat covered her skin. Kneeling beside her, he paused to look at the barman who was walking up.
“What did you do?” He asked accusingly as his hands curled into fists. The man immediately held up his hands in surprise, backing away slightly from Karsynwa.
“Nothing, I took her in off the streets not long before you walked in. Said she was supposed to meet someone here, and I didn’t ask. This isn’t exactly the place people come to be interr-” The man stopped as Karsynwa pushed a chair over to slam against the ground.
“An what of Arrel. Did you take him off the streets too?” Karsynwa asked, seething now as he started to stand up.
“No, no, he-” The woman started coughing then and gripped his ankle weakly. She mumbled something that he didn’t quite catch over the man’s blubbering, but the movement had his attention so he knelt back down to check on her. He kept watching the man out of the corner of his eye for the moment.
“I met Arrel here yesterday. We where supposed to follow up again today.” She said in a voice so quiet he could barely hear her even leaning in. Confused, Karsynwa turned to regard her. Her eyes were barely open as she addressed him. Looking back at the barman, he seemed to confirm this with a small nod, and Karsynwa was left with a difficult decision. Either he could stay here to try to get answers from the barman, or he could take her to receiver treatment an hope that she might have the answers he needed.
It really wasn’t much of a choice. What kind of man would he be to leave her here in such a state, regardless of his intent. Putting his arms through hers he picked her up slowly before carrying her out the door. It was to be a long trip to the medical center.
WC - 514
Last edited by
Karsynwa on December 15th, 2020, 5:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tukant - Common

Karsynwa - Player
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- Joined roleplay: June 18th, 2020, 7:24 pm
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by Karsynwa on December 1st, 2020, 3:42 am

To his relief, the woman’s condition seemed to improve as they made the trek up the cliff. Her breathing became more regular and she even started walking more on her own. Still, part of him worried that this was only temporary. That she might have been dealt the same card Arrel had because of that bar. Though if that was true he supposed the medical center would have an answer for him on that account. Then it would just be a matter of letting the lodge know before he returned to that dump.
There was still the question of what she and Arrel had been discussing together. Something about that sounded odd to him, making him more than a little bit curious to see how it was linked into this convoluted situation. Unfortunately, she wasn’t in any condition to answer his questions right now but maybe later when she’d had time to recover.
When he arrived at the medical center, the staff quickly took custody of the woman and took his name as a point of reference. Having done all he could do, Karsynwa decided to go to the park instead of home. What he needed was some peace right now and he didn’t think that he would find that at home. Arrel could find him there, would find him there which was something he did not want want to deal with right now. The man’s recollections of events was as sparse as it was dubious, and Karsynwa needed time to think this through.
He ended up finding a familiar alcove that was sheltered slightly by a row of bushes. Laying out in the shade, Karsynwa closed his eyes as he started to try clearing his mind.
Though he tried, rest would not find him there. The warm sunshine, and light breeze was not enough to take him from his contemplations. On the darkness that had come over his mind as he thought about what had become of his mentor. Where once had been a confident man was now a deeply disturbed soul. In truth, he didn’t know if it was even Arrel whom had stayed behind. It could have just as easily been his brother. Karsynwa had been so overwhelmed by the moment that he hadn’t really thought much about it at the time. Now that he was laying down he had nothing but time. His mind flitting between existential musings like do Akalak souls separate when they die? He supposed that would be the case, though that was tricky business where ghosts were concerned. If it was Arrel’s dark brother Suval who remained behind then that could explain a lot about his present paranoia. Although he had not gotten to know the brother much over the years, he did make an appearance on occasion. He was a great deal more overbearing than Arrel, and was obsessed with controlling the variables.
Karsynwa supposed he should bring this to the lodge so as to make this official, despite Arrel’s wishes for him to do otherwise. Simply put he did not feel comfortable working like this. About leaving his squad in the dark. It was not how Arrel had trained him, which further reinforced his gut feeling that more was off about this situation than the simple fact that Arrel had chosen to linger as a ghost. What had happened that convinced his mentor of the poisoning? A large part of him hoped that it was not just the mad delusion of Arrel’s dark half. For that thought made the man’s death harder to bear. If it was all made up, did that in some way cheapen it?
Brushing the hair out of his eyes, he pushed the musings away. He needed to settle things with the lodge soon, might as well do it now. His mentor wasn’t getting any closer to his final rest while he lay here dawdling.
No one bothered him on his way down the lodge. Perhaps it was the scowl he wore, or the way he was practically charging down the slope of the cliff face. He was more than a little eager to get this all over with. However once he found himself outside of the place, he stopped, breath catching for a brief moment. The betrayal felt sharper with his goal in slight. Karsynwa almost growled at the indecision from his brother Finaewa. The Arrel we knew wouldn’t place such a burden to be shouldered by us alone. Finaewa’s retort was instant. He would because he thought us strong enough to bear it. Stay strong, hold true to Arre’s wish. Karsynwa snorted, and took a step forwards. He wasn’t about to entertain his brother’s games now. Not today.
Taking a determined step forward, he entered the lodge.
WC - 793
Tukant - Common

Karsynwa - Player
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by Karsynwa on December 15th, 2020, 5:34 am

Date, Season, Year
Karsynwa did not feel comfortable sitting across from Commander Nodorus. The man cast a long shadow, and there were few in Riverfall who did not know his name. Having seen him in the flesh on more than one occasion, he could tell that reputation was well deserved. His face was unmarred but his body told a different story underneath his leathers. From his vantage Karsynwa could see only hints of the scars beneath. A dark blue scar coming up from his chest to cross his collar bone. Another that ran across the back of his hand to where a chunk was missing on his middle knuckle. There were others to be sure, but they were well hidden by the man’s armor. As were Karsynwa’s. They ached when a storm was on its way. Like they ached now. He tried not to think that was connected to the news about Arrel.
“Its about Arrel sir. He came to my room as a ghost, and seems to think he was poisoned. I’ve asked around, but haven’t been able to confirm anything he said to me.” Karsynwa said. He felt a coldness inside of him voicing that to Nodorus, but he didn’t know what else to do. This was a strange place Arrel had put him in. He didn’t have a lot of options, and there was no chance of him solving this on his own. Karsynwa just hoped that Arrel would eventually understand, or Suval if it had been him that remained behind.
“What all did he say with you?” Nodorus asked, his voice slow and methodical as he leaned against the right arm of his chair.
“Just that he thought he had been poisoned, and told me to start with the Rat Hole. Didn’t tell me where to find it unfortunately so I had to waste time tracking around the city before I eventually got there.” Karsynwa said. He didn’t have a hard time maintaining eye contact but that didn’t stop him from feeling a profound sense of unease meeting Nodorus’ stern gaze. “I asked around while I was there, but apparently he didn’t consume anything so it didn’t seem likely the poisoning occurred there if it even happened at all.”
Nodorus nodded, and pulled out a layer of parchment onto the center of his desk. “Arrel was a good man, but I fear death might have broken him. I saw no signs of poisoning on the body when I viewed it myself, nor did it appear he was suffering from anything other than exhaustion when he was out on the grass. However I will get a healer to check on his body if it will set his mind at ease. Tell him to look for me if you speak to him again.” Nodorus said as he scrawled quickly across the parchment.
“Yes sir. If I find out any information that might help in this matter, I will be sure to bring it to you quickly.” Karsynwa said, standing up and offering a gentle bow in the man’s direction.
“That will be fine. Till then, continue with your normal duties.” Nodorus said, dismissing him with a small wave.
WC - 527
Tukant - Common

Karsynwa - Player
- Posts: 219
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- Joined roleplay: June 18th, 2020, 7:24 pm
- Race: Akalak
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