Pop Quiz

Alice helps out in Madeira's class

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Pop Quiz

Postby Madeira Dusk on March 8th, 2021, 12:07 am


"Books away it's time for a POP QUIZ!"

Madeira busted open the door to her own classroom, a whirling dervish of expensive silk and wicked smiles. Her class of six alumni, ranging in age from mid-thirties to nearly sixty, including Aldgare Dusk himself, exchanged looks with each other at their desks. Nobody had bothered to bring books in the first place. Madeira taught Spiritism the same way she had learned: brutally, where perfection was required and cuts and bruises and the occasional possession fueled dissociative episode were all part of the process. Theory and academics was for lesser magics.

"If I may, Miss Craven", Aldgare addressed her politely as she dumped her bag of supplies out on her. "What will we be tested on?"

Madeira paused in the middle of madly sorting through everything she had. She hadn't gotten that far yet. Her fiancé had taught her the meaning of the phrase pop quiz not five chimes ago and she had been so enamored by the concept that she was uprooting her entire lesson plan to accommodate it. She had no idea what she was doing.

Thankfully her powers of bullshyke were unrivalled.

"Everything", she purred, as she separated her darts from her beads from her nails. She set aside a jar of soulmist. "This is a field test of everything you have learned up to this point. We are going to measure you against an unscripted event."

"An event? What kind?" Bisset, the one woman in the class, raised her hand.

"The new kind", Madeira answered immediately, her wheels turning. "I have a new friend I want to introduce you to. You've never met, so you will not know her skills, power or tactics. It'll be a surprise!" She cheered delightedly to the room of adults resigned to their fate today as spiritual punching bags.

Too excited to do it properly, Madeira bit her lip and spat upon her desk, where she traced the blood and saliva into a lopsided sixteen-point star and slammed her hand down on top. "Alice!", she called.

Their was a crackle of energy as the ghost was teleported from wherever she might have been to the top floor of the Dusk Tower. The temperature in the room wavered and then dropped by several degrees.

"I apologize for the sudden interruption", Madeira smiled apologetically to the ghost. "You're in the Dusk Tower, and this is my class." she swept a hand over the lot of them, who dutifully rose to greet her. But Aldgare was the only one to slip out of his desk to approach. He bowed his head respectfully.

"A pleasure, Miss Alice. I'm Aldgare Dusk. A spirit is always a welcome addition to our classes. We're very glad you came."

It seemed he was the only one. The rest of the class was eyeing the ghost up like she was a potentially dangerous animal who had dropped into their midst. Madeira had a track record of bring some very violent and/or unstable ghosts to class.

"We would like your help", Madeira explained. "We're going to play a game. A free-for-all, if you will. If they manage to restrain you, they pass their test. If you best them, either through evasion or overpowering, then I've got several liters of soulmist with your name on it." she purred. "The rules are only that we must stay within this room. What do you say, want to play?"
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Pop Quiz

Postby Alice Weaver on March 8th, 2021, 4:52 am

Alice was not doing anything important before she was summoned, though the ghost would never admit that. Nor would she ever admit that she was in a deep discussion with a stray cat that seemed to appreciate her trailing, translucent cloak and was chasing after it. Its ears flicking in annoyance as its claws passed through the ethereal ghost, sneezing at the fat flakes of frost that formed on its nose when it tried to bite her.

Why the cat was not afraid of her was the real question. Most animals didn’t like to be around the dead so why this one was so intent on hunting her she had no idea...but that didn’t make bating it to jump at her hands any less fun. So while she was lost in playing with the stray she barely felt the tug of a call and the crackle of excitement that came with it. The tug became more and more instant until it registered that something was trying to get her to come.

So she stood up from where she was antagonizing the cat as turned towards the call, noting that it was pulling her up and towards a large tower. Dusk Tower if she was correct.

“What are you up to Maderia.” The Spirit squinted as she shook her head. Well. The only way to find out would be to go, she decided, as she leaned into the summon and with a flash was yanked through the air as she flew like a comet before coming to a sudden halt in front of Maderia...and a few others.

She was first met by an apology for the call which she waved away with an eye roll, smile, and small chuckle.

“No no. It’s fine. Not like I was in an important conversation or anything. I’m dead! What could you interrupt?”

It took her a few ticks to realized that she wasn’t alone with the Spiritist here. There were others all awkwardly lurching up from the tables and desks as they gave a greeting. One student swept forward however as introduced himself as Aldgare Dusk, probably the man who runs this tower. What was he doing as a student?!?

“A pleasure to meet you as well.” She gave the man a large smile, followed by a cursty with a bowed head before she stood back up as continued to cast a gaze over the students, still speaking to Aldgare. “I would shake your hand but...they seem to be elsewhere at the moment….”

Madeira continued to talk when the brief interaction was over, explaining why she was here and what she wanted her to do.

“So...you want me. A single ghost. To try and evade a few of your students in an enclosed room? The only rule is that I must stay in the room? One. Doesn’t that seem a bit dangerous and two. Yes. Yes, I will do this. I can see in no way does this go wrong or backfire…” She finishes dryly but her shroud crackled with excitement and the sudden thrill. The spirit, it seemed, was still not over their season in Sunberth where everything is life or death, and always something exciting is happening.
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Postby Madeira Dusk on March 13th, 2021, 12:32 am


"Dangerous?" Madeira blinked at the ghost as she voiced her concerns. "Naturally. If there isn't at least a little risk then what would we learn? But I'm glad you're on board. This will be a valuable lesson", she clapped her hands once in delight, an expression of almost childish glee on her face.

"Okay, this is what we have to work with." she gestured over her desk and the haphazard jumble of supplies. "Six soul darts, but the crossbow stays with me", she shook back her sleeve to reveal a tiny bracer crossbow wrapped around her wrist. The thing was accurate enough in a space this enclosed, but it wasn't powerful enough to do any real damage, unless the person shot happened to be a ghost or particularly unlucky.

"Three jars of soulmist for our guest", she continued. "Nine ghostnails; and I'll be very impressed if you can get those through the stone floor. A notebook, an inkstick, and the bacon-and-cheese bun I intended to have for lunch. Oh, and everything in this room not nailed down, of course." She looked up, beaming. "Lastly, I'll be a tool myself. I will not resist possession, but I will also give advice if asked."

"Now", she rounded on her weary students. "Who would like to go first?"

All of them glanced at the ghost, noting the excited whirl of her soulmist and the crackle of spiritual energy skating across their lips and wet surfaces of their eyes, and valiantly decided they would let someone else go first. It was as if the room had become unbearably fascinating in the ticks since their teacher spoke, as every pair of eyes roamed the room as if they had never seen it before.

Unsurprisingly, it was Royce who finally broke the silence. A fit and sturdy man of forty, he sported thick black hair and a proud twist of a moustache. His Lhavitian attire spoke less of wealth and more to how much he valued the simple and durable.

"I'll do it", he said gruffly, rising to his feet.

"Very good, Royce!" Madeira praised sincerely. "Remember, the name of the game is restraint and incapacitation. You win when you have our lovely Alice in a position where she can neither escape or cause more damage. Alice, you must stay out of his grasp in whichever way you wish. Once I've seen all I need to I'll call it off." Madeira stepped back to the corner of the room, beside a potted plant. Taking that as a cue, the rest of the class rose to their feet and lined up against the back wall, ready to duck and dodge as required.

"Ready? And... Go!"

Alice was between Royce and the tools on the desk. As soon as the signal was given the man rushed towards her, intending to grab for a weapon through the ghost's body. Madeira approved of the strategy. The man was tough enough to tank at least one direct spiritual touch. Force might be the way to go for him.
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Postby Alice Weaver on March 13th, 2021, 3:27 am

Alice continued to float there, dampening her air of excitement by casting it underneath a cool disposition. With an effort, she calmed the whirling soulmist that disrupted her body as Maderia explained the tools she, and her competitors, would have at their disposal. It was a nice surprise to see a few jars of soulmist that were available to her for a quick recharge or even a large exertion.

While they were deciding among themselves who would first take on the ghost as she further corrected her posture, relaxing her shoulders and slightly spreading her arms to the side, doing her best to imitate a Sunberthaian gang member peacocking on their turf. She kept the small smile playing across her lips, trying to project an air of confidence and strength. Possibly to make them hesitate and possibly to encourage the spirit herself. She could scarcely lift a full bowl, looked like murked water given form when she materialized. Her one strength was her possession, her ability to take over another body.

There was just one issue with that.

All these people here for Spiritist in training and she was aware of how easily Maderia locked Alice within her own body and could have just walked off with the ghost. She did not wish to try a possession on them unless it was a last-ditch effort. Madeira’s body was always an option however, that crossbow looked like a fun time...for her at least!

“I’ll do it,” A gruff voice broke her from her internal schemes as a challenger rose. A sturdy man with a large mustache and shining hair, someone who looked fasted and ready to deck a ghost into the ground.

“Ready? And...go!” Madeira called out and the man shot forward like a startled gaze, seeming intent to pass through the ghost and reach through her.

Slow him. Get him to hesitate. He knows what touching a ghost can do. Remind him.

“I wouldn’t. The last one lost that hand.” She lied with as much confidence as she could, stalling, as an ethereal hand reached behind her, ready to project into the few items and throw them off the table, painstaking one at a time. It was to her shock and delight when one of the darts pressed into her hand. The things coated with soulmist she could touch.

Abandoning her slower attempt she spun in place and swept an arm across the table, ignoring the few knicks she got from the coated darts. While before the sensation would have had her crying out the time in the swamp had re-sensitized her to those feelings as she watched with a grin as the few darts and nails fly off the table, a few getting air and the rest rolling across the table and scattering across the floor.

She was only brought out of her satisfaction when an arm was thrust through her chest, lunging for a dart teetering on the edge of the table.
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Postby Madeira Dusk on March 13th, 2021, 9:51 pm


At Alice's snarling claim, Royce hesitated for half a tick, but that was all she needed to wipe the table and launch his weapons out of reach. Darts and nails scattered, rolling under desks and bumping into walls.

"Be aware of mind tricks and intimidation", Madeira commented from the corner. "Ghost's get a lot done just through fear, be prepared for it!"

The bear of a man was not deterred though. He lunged through her for the one remaining dart, but the touch of her soul on his made him clumsy. He brushed the goose feathered tip with his fingers and it toppled off the desk. Royce swore loudly. Whether it was with frustration or pain was anybody's guess, but Madeira was impressed by the filthiness of it.

He snatched back his hand but didn't step out of arms reach. It looked like he was about to try and get around her and pick something up off the floor. But even he seemed to recognize what a terrible idea it would be to both tear his eyes away from the creature, and to show his back to her. In his second bout of hesitation Madeira spoke again.

"Never limit yourself to just what weapons you have on hand", she coached quickly, the tone seemed to indicate she was expecting him to connect the dots. "Improvise. Your weapons are out of reach. What will you do?"

His dark eyes widened perceptively. In a tick he lunged back at the desk, but this time aiming for the bun beside Alice. Snatching it away, he backed away and immediately and started to cram the thing in his mouth, biting straight through the paper it was wrapped in.

"What's the main difference between personal and world magic?" Madeira proposed the question to the back of the room, where the other five students were watching the unfolding scene with interest.

"In the most basic of terms", Aldgare began, dusting at his strange brooch with his sleeve, which giggled in response, "personal magic comes from within, world magic from without. Spiritism is a world magic, which means it requires supplies and certain preparations."

"Excellent. The key word here is preparations. It requires time. Making soulmist on the fly is doable, as long as you can both defend yourself and keep the concentration needed to achieve it at the same time." She turned back to Royce. "You can do it, sir, keep your back up and don't let her break through your focus!"
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Postby Alice Weaver on March 14th, 2021, 3:57 am

The spirit could have almost cheered at the man’s slow reaction and as he fumbled for the soul dart only to have it tumble triumphantly down. The man, Royce, almost bent down to grab the dart but didn’t. Something in the way Alice twitched when he began the motion must have tripped a mental alarm that he shouldn’t turn and instead he lunged for the bun and danced back, stuffing it in his mouth.

“Already hungry? I would have thought that one as beefy as you would be able to skip a few mea-”

“The keyword here is preperations” Madeira’s voice interrupted the ghost’s attempted to buy time and run out Royce’s endurance. The passive play giving the man time to create his soulmist. To create a weapon. One that could very easily touch her.

“Knight petching piece of shyke!” Was the long swear as she dove at the man.

“Don’t let her break your focus!” Madeira called out to Royce as Alice’s mind raced at how she could do just that. As much as she’d like to sucker-punch the man and make him spit it out it would take too long to possess Maderia and do that. She had no idea how long it took to make soulmist and she would assume it was a quick process, else he wouldn’t be attempting it currently...right?

Get the bun away from him. Then the food out of his mouth. Or mouth first? Gah! Just go! Alice thought to herself as she cast off the absurdity of the situation and instead of crossed the distances in the only way a ghost knew hot. Blinking.

She pulled two of the hops off in quick succession, launching out of her reforming soulmist a few feet in front of Royce, a flattened, spear of a hand, launched towards his face from a slightly crouched position as she twisted her body into the punch. Hips, shoulders, arms all to give it more speed...more shock! The only new change was the open hand but it wasn’t so different from how she learned to throw a punch before.

The spear-like hand plowed through the air, taking on a solid yet murky form as she wrapped her shroud over itself, creating an illusion of physicality as it raced towards his face as another hand reached out to scratch at the bun in his hand, that was her real target. Just enough oomph was put behind the spear to get his head to jerk back as she brushed a hand along the bun, wrapping a strand of her mists around it, weaving a net of gossamer threads over the confection.

Moment of truth. She prayed the quick faint would loosen his grip, otherwise, her weak projection would have no chance as she pushed with all her might against his fingertips. If the food was gone she’d deal with the mouthful of soulmist he might create but she needed to get the source to make more out of the way. The next step was to possess Maderia and just attempt to kick him in the groin...or even take a few shots with the crossbow if this went belly up.
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Postby Madeira Dusk on March 20th, 2021, 1:23 am


Alice knew how to fight, apparently. Madeira blinked in surprise as the ghost got low and threw a punch like an Akalak. The spiritist wasn't sure what a good punch was, but she was pretty sure it looked a lot like that. She wondered what else she had hidden in her past she didn't know about.

But it took a good body to be a good fighter, and Alice's was somewhat lacking, considering she didn't have one. Madeira, guessing that Alice didn't have more than two to ten pounds of force in her, assumed it to be a desperate throw. That was until she blinked again and the bun was gone.


But no, there it was, hitting the backboard with a soggy plop. Royce's head was back, and in his open mouth was nothing but crumbs and shredded paper. Alice had faked the hit, and distracted him long enough to grab the bun straight out of his mouth.

"You fell for the same trick twice!" Madeira scolded, the heels of her hands slapping over her eyes as if she couldn't bear to see. "I told you, they get a lot done with fear! Stop falling for such obvious bait! Alright. You're done. We're going to work on your preparedness a little more", she waved him off with a shake of her head.

As Royce slunk to the back of the room, looking wounded despite the swagger in his shoulders, Madeira collected a jar from the desk and held it out to Alice. "Top up?" she inquired casually just under earshot, a grin spreading on her face. "Thanks for that. It's good for these guys to get knocked off their high horses every now and then."

Turning back to the room at large, she addressed the class.

"Do we have another volunteer?"

This time the silence didn't last long. Aldgare Dusk himself straightened up from where he had been leaning on the wall. He was at least twenty years older than Royce and half his weight, but nobody could accuse the Dusk patriarch of being small. Something about his very aura seemed to command space. He wore a sensible Lhavitian-style suit and an ever present enigmatic smile.

"I would appreciate the chance to test my mettle, Miss Alice", Aldgare addressed the ghost directly. "Forgive an old man his frailties though. Our sprightly young teacher sets quite a standard. Please, first move is all yours." He positioned himself carefully in the center of the room and folded his hands at his waist.
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Postby Alice Weaver on March 20th, 2021, 11:17 pm

It worked! Holy crap it worked! Alice was ecstatic as she watched the food fly. She could do this! She was just about to begin another lunge towards the man before Maderia’s voice crossed the room, halting the hungry ghost’s assault.

Her chest heaved in a natural rhythm as if she was still alive but a cheshire grin was plastered on her see-through face. She brushed a few strands of ghostly hair out of her eyes as she straightened her dress. “Nice try. But you lost to a dead woman in a dress. Isn’t that your whole job? To not lose to a dead person? Speaking of dresses I really should change sometimes. I think more work-oriented clothes would be nice, maybe pants. Could be fun.” She poked at the man before she turned to her own musings.

Alice made a mental note to work on a new form that wasn’t as flashy. It seemed Mads had plans and as much as she liked to look good and dead, practical clothes always felt better to the formerly poor weaver.

“I wouldn’t mind a drink, no.” She responded to Maderia’s offer, running a hand over the rim of the jar and giving a rotation of her mists to pop the top off the jar as she dipped a hand into the off-white liquid. She gave a contented sigh as the material flowed up her arm, condensing at her core before moving out in a wave, giving more definition to the decaying djed that made up her body. As well as giving Alice an energy boost that could be seen as she bounced from one foot to the other, a grin ever present on her face.

“I’m always willing to knock a few people off their high horse. It was always satisfying to watch a knight clang to the ground and watch them roll around struggling to get up.” She responded as she referenced a high-risk Syliran game where kids would try to get a horse to dump their knight before scattering into a back alley. The lashes from the Knights then their mothers if they were caught would often leave them unable to sit for a week straight. All part of the fun!

The person that stepped up next, however, put a slight damper on her excitement.

“Is...is it ok if I punch the ruler of the Dusk tower in the face? I feel that’s a bad move for my overall plan to learn a few magics…” She directed at Maderia but loud enough that Aldgare could hear her as well.

“You are quite polite, sir.” The ghost nodded her acceptance of the first move, deciding to use the most of it. The few fights she saw in Sunberth she knew that he was either confident in his abilities or a fool. The honorable fighter always got their throat slit in the end.

“What’s it’s like being a tower patriarch? You get to meet a lot of important people, yes? And what are you doing learning from someone like Maderia?” She talked to her challenger as she drifted around the room, circling like a shark as she picked up a single soul dart before completing the circle and stopping just behind Maderia. Well... as behind as she could with the Spiritist’s position against the wall.

She hovered next to them laying a cold arm on their shoulder and leaning her head next to Maderia’s, gently floating a soul dark in the air in front of their face.

“You know how to shoot.” It wasn’t a question, it was more a statement. Alice had a pretty good understanding of Maderia’s skills since their last Graceful possession. “I wouldn’t be opposed to the help.” She winked at Aldgare as she pushed the soul dart straight up into the air as her body lost cohesion and flowed into Maderia’s body. The intent clear in her mind.

Push Maderia’s limit. Grab the dart and shoot him in the leg. If that gets shyked up. I’m going to grab a handful of plant dirt, throw it in his eyes then deck him.
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Postby Madeira Dusk on March 21st, 2021, 1:12 am


Alice asked if she could punch the ruler of the Dusk tower in the face, and Madeira's own face made a complicated sort of grimace. Because of course you can't, but frankly Madeira had done worse to him, so...

Luckily, it was Aldgare who answered. "You certainly can try", he said pleasantly, the wrinkles around his eyes creasing good-humouredly. "But I'm certain Miss Craven will agree it's not a sound tactic. A human can hit with about sixty pounds of force, give or take. And from my observations of your abilities, I'd guess you can pull maybe.... Five? Ten at the most? I'd say it's an excellent shock, but you might have shown that card too early."

Aldgare was tracking the ghost with his eyes as she drifted around the room. There was something keen and cutting about his passive observation. It was clear he was thinking, even when he wasn't moving.

"I can't say I've ever heard of a ghost wanting to learn magic before. You're a fascinating woman. Perhaps if I'm not too badly damaged we can have a discussion after class. I'd love to know more."

Pull your punches, Madeira read between the lines and smiled to herself. Clever. He was trying to get her to pull back on the physical damage by both pointing out Alice's weaknesses and then giving her an incentive not to hurt him.

"Being the patriarch has its moments", he continued their conversation, chuckling as he watched Alice return to the front of the class and carefully retrieve a souldart off the floor. "I meet many important people. That's how I came to be a humble student of our Miss Craven. Or perhaps I should start saying Mrs. Dusk. I'll be blessed enough to call her my daughter-in-law soon."

Deflecting again. It was incredible how the man could talk for bells without saying anything about himself, and still dangle an interesting unrelated tidbit like baiting a hook. She guessed that was the politician in him.

Alice slid in behind Madeira, her incorporeal form having to phase halfway through the wall to in order to achieve the threatening gesture. And Aldgare did indeed look spooked. It was clear that possession of his daughter-to-be was the last thing he wanted. She could understand why. She had never gone over exorcism except in theory with this class.

“I wouldn’t be opposed to the help", Alice purred in Madeira's ear, the breathless sound still sent a shiver up her spine.

"I said I wouldn't resist, not that I would help", Madeira's laugh was cut off mid-choke as her body was taken over. True to her word, the Spiritist neatly moved aside for the invader, giving in to the possession and leaving Alice to pilot her body alone. Madeira could shoot, but Alice couldn't. Without Grace and the cohabitation of their souls there was no way for the ghost to access the host's skills.

Alice was able to jam the dart into the barrel of the crossbow and pull the trigger, but her aim was off. Thankfully there was only a few meters between her and her target, and Madeira guessed that the bolt was going to lodge directly in the patriarch's foot. But even before the trigger was pulled Aldagre was moving out of the way, his leg kicking back and his body turning aside in a graceful little dance. The bolt hit the floor and skittered into the leg of a desk.

As Aldgare bent down to collect the weapon Madeira's hand dove into the potted plant, Alice using her solid body to kick up as much dirt as possible. Then, moving in a way Madeira's body certainly never did when it was uninhabited, she ran forward with the intention to land a solid hit on the patriarch.

But whether it was her own slightly sluggish movements from the competent possession, or some foresight of Aldgare's from watching the same move on Royce, the man neatly sidestepped the hit, rotating his body so they passed close without ever touching. As he did he shook out the sleeve of his expensive suit with a frown. It was covered in dirt, having clearly blocked the blinding assault meant for his eyes.

For a wild tick Madeira wondered if Aldgare was reading Alice's mind. It wouldn't be the first time Madeira had had such an uncomfortable thought around him. But the realization hit her a tick later. Of course. Aldgare was the best aurist she had ever seen. He wasn't reading her mind, he was looking at Alice's aura and reading her intentions. He could see what she was focusing on and anticipate what she was going to do.

Even as the thought crossed her mind she kept it stubbornly to herself. She was going to be completely neutral in this fight. But she had to admit that was a wild strategy. He was making up his lackluster spiritism skills with his mastery of auristics. She had never seen such passive magic used in a fight before.

"Miss Craven," Aldgare was looking Madeira in the eye as he spoke directly to the vacant host. "I believe you said you would give yourself up for possession, but that us students were also entitled to advice. I would like to exercise that now if you please."

Madeira was taken aback. He wasn't wrong, that was exactly what she had said. She just didn't expect it to be used like this. From the way he was already backing up towards the desk, It was clear he didn't need advice, this was his attempt to buy time. Still, she had to play by her own rules.

The Spiritist reinstated control of her body, the speed of which being completely dependent on whether Alice intended to fight her about it or not. As soon as she surfaced she spoke quickly and concisely, minimizing the time she was taking away from Alice's possession.

"A possessing ghost loses their weakness to enchanted weapons, but they gain the weaknesses of their host's body. I'm neither strong nor heavy. I can be physically restrained."

She fell back into the possession, if Alice still wanted her body, but at that point Aldgare was already at the desk with a handful of Madeira's stolen master-level soulmist in his hand.
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Pop Quiz

Postby Alice Weaver on March 21st, 2021, 2:37 am

“Damn you’re spry for an old ma-” The thought wasn’t finished as Aldgare danced back from her assault and asked Maderia a question. A question that to answer meant that Alice had to be shoved back as she answered before she quickly reasserted control with a mental squint at Madeira.

“You knew he knew that. Clever fox. How’d ya do it? Can I ask?” She’s at this point lost her higher accent and went to a lower class speech pattern with a thicker draw on it, obviously her original one that she changed during her time as a ghost. The rough sounds looked totally bizarre coming out of Maderia. “Ya dodged and janked like ya knew what was comin’ at ya.”

A note of burning curiosity crept in through the anger at being so thoroughly danced around. But no matter. She could figure this out. No reason to give the man any unneeded advantages as she tried to calm herself.

“Ahem.” She cleared Maderia’s throat, fixing her speech as she stood on the other side of the room. “You have soulmist now. But I’m in here and you are out there. Do you perchance know of a way to force me out? Also, I will hold you to that talk. I’d be glad to pique your interest.”

During the time she was speaking she had stood up and corrected herself from the burst of action she just took, rolling her new body’s shoulders and clenching a hand to pop a few of the joints.

You need to get a bit stronger, Madeira. The ghost projected to the owner of the body she was borrowing as they began to pick their way through the tables. Not getting that much closer to the man who was essentially holding the ingredients to a high-grade spiritual grenade.

Hmm. I think this has just turned into the biggest game of keep away. I don’t want to leave the body. That leaves me open to the soulmist that he has...but remaining in the body limits my movement drastically. I do technically have a hostage...wait what did he say about Maderia? That she was his Daughter-in-Law. Maybe I could abuse that? I got nothing else. I won’t actually throw Mads out the window but I sure will threaten it with all my heart if it comes to that.

She didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t keen to close the distance and punch them. He knew that would be coming and he’s worked with Maderia a lot longer than Alice had. Plus Alice wasn’t all that comfortable in this body yet. Her competency at possession and a spiritist body sure helped with comfort but it was still an adjustment period.

Her own indecisiveness was killing her as an eye twitched as her hand curled around the crossbow still in her hand.


She forgot she had a literal weapon in her hand as was thinking about punching the man. There were still darts resting on the ground ripe for the taking. A plan set, the spirit in a body began to rotate around the room, taking careful step after step towards a few darts that were cast against the far wall. Her eyes continued to bore into Aldgare, watching for any twitch or any clue what he would be doing with the soulmist.

Damn. I have no idea what you are up to, Aldgare. But bring it on. She thought with narrowed eyes as she stepped ever closer to her ammunition.
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Alice Weaver
Crafting A Second Chance
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