Closed A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Moritz and Ayosel meet in the market

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Moritz Craven on April 10th, 2021, 2:31 pm

3 Spring 521

Sitting inside Kyra's home and training area once more, Moritz waited for Kyra to respond. He had long ago learned to not interrupt when she was meditating, and that the best course of action was to wait till she stirred.

As he sat with his new weapons in his lap Moritz waited, his breathing slowly changing to match Kyra's own steady pace. Finally she did begin to move, stretching and then slowly turning to face Moritz.

"So, I see you have some weapons with you?"

Moritz nodded, holding out the scabbard with the pair of blades within. Kyra accepted the offered item, peering at it for a moment before pulling out a blade in one smooth motion. Something that had taken Moritz longer due to its odd shape. Clearly Kyra had seen a similar one before and knew how to draw it.

"My mother said it was made of cold iron, and would last forever. Do you know of cold iron? Is it magical or something?"

Kyra smiled, eying the boy, finding his words humerus.

"Always questioning, aren't you? Ever the logical one. Well as far as I know if its just cold iron, or cold steel as some call it, its not magical. And lasting forever, I'd not say that was necessarily true either. Not unless it had some other magical effect on it. It is certainly better than regular steel, though not quite as fine as say... Isurian Steel. But still better than the more standard type."

Setting down the scabbard Kyra drew the other blade and held both for a moment before moving about with both in a series of motions lost on Moritz. Once she was done she tapped them against each other, pausing to listen to the sound, before returning them to the scabbard.

"Considering your size, I'd advise getting something to support and distribute the weight, to put the scabbard on. A good weapon harness will carry it on your shoulders instead of one hip, and keep it more evenly across you instead of one side. Though it'll need to be attached low, on a hip or the small of the back, the bottom here, if you want to be able to draw it."

Pausing once more the woman inspected Mortiz, before continuing.

"I'd also say get one with a quick release, so you can easily remove it for shifting. I'd say... 5 Kina should make for a decent one. Any cheaper and its probably damaged or stolen, any more expensive and they are just marking it up. Try the Azure Market, it has leather and cloth goods. Just be ready to haggle."

Moritz nodded at Kyra, meeting her eyes, his oddly patterned and colored hues making it clear he was not a simple human. First he had been odd due to his Okomo nature, and then his eyes had been added to and changed their appearance again due to his initiation into Pathfinding.

"Thank you master. Do you mind if I leave the weapons here for now, till I need them?"

"Sure. Just... I've heard things Moritz. I'd advise you prepare for a trip, alright? Be ready to leave if asked. Also, I've got another lump of Kina for you, some additional scholarship funds. I'll hold them for you, but if you leave make sure you get it. This one is... I think three sources. In total its 1,500 Kina."

Nodding the young kelvic counted the money in his mind, adding it to his other funds. He already had around 300 or so Kina, a bit more... Another fifteen hundred... Fifteen, plus, three, was eighteen.... Over eighteen hundred Kina! Pausing at the amount Moritz knew it was quite a bit of funds, and wondered once more who was so interested in his future that they'd donate that much for his education and things. Kyra however seemed unwilling to explain or give further details, and he knew when she decided to keep something to herself she would not divulge anything.

"Thank you master, I will make sure to spend it well. I will go now and see about that weapon harness."

With a nod Kyra dismissed Moritz, taking the offered weapon and heading into a back room. Moritz for his part headed out the front door, only to stop as a shape exploded from the ground in front of him.

"Moritz! You done! Where are you going?"

The spirit Julan had been hiding in the ground, announcing his presence boisterously as always.

"Yes Julan, I'm heading to the Azure market. Have you been before?"

The ghost nodded eagerly, smiling at Moritz with his serious demeanor.

"Yes, I'll show the way!"

And with that the ghost ran off at a fast speed for a small child, forcing Moritz to speed walk to keep up after him.

Soon enough the pair arrived at the place, an oddly blue painted area, Moritz carrying his pack with some funds and little else but his clothes on his person. Following after the ghost Moritz headed inside, explaining what he was trying to find and looking from business to business for one that was selling what he needed.

WC: 858
Money :
See entry for additional 1,500 gm of funds from challenges:
1-400 gm (corrected on next page to 400) here
2-800 gm here
3-300 gm here
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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Ayosel on April 10th, 2021, 5:44 pm

Ayosel had taken a moment to herself when she'd found the Azure Market, simply standing off to the side where a stall might be erected sometime soon to pack her pipe, light it, and drink in the colour. Blues were all but foreign to her; the sea was wine dark and deep, a freshly churned river choked with grasses was muddy, and though people described water as blue nothing had ever truly prepared her for this. For azure. For blue buildings and blue stalls.

Ayosel had come here to buy clothing for her new profession, to fill her wardrobe with reds and golds and coppers and cosmetics to colour her pallour into something hearty and healthy, but she'd literally been stopped in her tracks to be exposed for the first time to something so bold.

She had to try not to stare. There was a Shinya guard standing off to the side somewhere behind her keeping a careful eye on her interactions to ensure she didn't pull back her teeth and eat someone whole--despite all assurances that Ayosel liked to eat things whole in a more accommodating form she had been regarded with suspicion, a little more intensely after making a passing joke to this same guard about eating a whole pet songbird--and she had to resist turning back to him wildly waving at all of this b l u e.

Pulling a deep breath through her pipe and letting the smoke linger for a long few moments in her mouth before exhaling, Ayosel breathed and let herself take in the sights rather than exploding into a flurry of excited limbs and loud sounds. If she could learn to capture this colour...

In a few chimes, after taking deep breathes and smoothing the frenetic pulse of her heart into a steady beat once more, Ayosel tapped out the spent contents of her pipe and tucked it back into her bag, moving away from the wall she'd taken shelter against to wander into the Market.

Although her initial desire had been to come out and enhance her wardrobe for her profession she was caught up quite frequently in what other wares were being offered. Little baubles, bundled grasses, a building with an open door that smelled like tanning leather and dark beyond the entrance, until finally finding a fine little nook with second-hand clothes kept nicely by the proprieters. It was nestled a few doors down the narrow alley from a wine store and a place the locals had pointed her to where weapons could be bought 'cheap'.

Dark eyes flitted between both, weapons or clothes, before she moved towards the former storefront. It was a little sweaty but it reminded her of claustrophobic dens... and was a comfort.
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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Moritz Craven on April 10th, 2021, 8:29 pm

As the pair walked along Julan the child spirit continued on with his normal high energy mannerisms. This was juxtaposed by Moritz own rather more sedate mannerism and speech. He seemed to take most things in stride, sometimes pausing to consider before replying, but otherwise being a rather steady and calm talker. He was not yet fully grown, around five foot or so, but only appearing as a teenager of around thirteen. Julan appeared even younger, despite being older in truth due to his lack of aging as a ghost.

This was not to say Moritz never became excited or spoke at speed, as he did at times- usually both at once- but at the moment the youth was calm and doing his best to focus on where he was going. The market, being a market, was a small explosion of sound and movement, and was quite a lot for the young kelvic. Oddly enough Julan's manner seemed to distract him from this, and helped him focus on something other than the noise and extreme sensory environment.

"So what are you looking for?"

"A weapon harness Julan."

"Whats that?"

"A harness, one that holds... Weapons. Its in the name. From what master Kyra said its cloth and leather, and has places to put weapons on it. I need one to hold my new scabbard and weapons, and any other weapons I end up getting. I need to find a good one, one with some releases for easy removal, for when I change."

Bouncing as he walked Julan at casual glance appeared normal, at least until he walked into the sun and it became all the more clear he was not solid. On closer inspection he was insubstantial, somewhat see through, and his edges were blurred like the bad painting of a child rather than an actual one.

That and his occasional clipping of objects as he walked along. Sometimes he would dip into the ground a bit on landing, sometimes his hand would go through a bit of wall or a post. And on a few occasions it went through a person, generally a hand or a few fingers, which resulted in a small yelp from the contact. This was more from having something move through them unexpectedly than from any actual pain or discomfort.

"Julan, watch your hands! You can't go around... Well not technically touching.... You can't go around invading peoples personal space, all right?"

Julan nodded, frowning and looking sad for a moment, only to ramp up his energy again a moment later.

"Ooh, is that one there?"

As the ghost began to point a woman, a rather tall one, began to head in the same direction. Perhaps turning to walk into a shop or alley of the market, she had moved in the same direction by chance Julans arm had extended into.

If she did not stop or avoid the limb she would walk right through it, perhaps a bit odd of a thing to experience but not painful in truth. Julan was not skilled enough at materializing for that, and he was not actively attempting to take on a true bodies appearance.

Stopping Moritz would try to apologize on behalf of the ghost, speaking only to remember a few moments later some considered it rude to not make eye contact.

"Ah, sorry about that, he can be a bit excitable."

Done speaking he turned his head up to meet the woman's gaze, if she stopped and paid attention, revealing his odd eyes to her which was clearly not the gaze of a normal human.

If nothing else though his eyes were not actively glowing, as he was not just then using his Iraso sight.

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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Ayosel on April 10th, 2021, 10:24 pm

The sensation of walking through a ghost was the weirdest thing Ayosel had ever felt and even walking through an arm, her first ever encounter with the spirits of the dead, brought her pause. She actually shivered, possessed by a chill, and sidestepped away from the offending sensation, glancing at the boy and his ghost with sudden uncertainty when she'd simply paid them no mind until now. In all honesty, Ayosel was also unfamiliar with children and how they worked if they weren't considered adults like she was. They were smaller adults with higher voices and softer faces, so squishable and fragile that even on the boat to Lhavit she'd been perplexed by the Svefra child who's family sailed the ship.

So she was also perplexed by this one and his clearly different-as-compared-to-human features, cocking her head inquisitively and only marginally aware that her... 'babysitter' had hung back to watch just barely out of sight but never out of mind. Perhaps she ought to buy him a drink later.

"What was that?" Ayosel asked, biting the 's' on her words to limit the lisp ever intent on drowning out the sounds. She drew back and wrapped her cloak around her just a bit as a protective shield though she doubted it could stop something that could touch her at will and go right through her. "It felt--" she didn't have a word for it in this language, merely an idea, like cold rain on bare shoulders, the way a mildew-fresh breeze felt. She wrinkled her nose though and, possessed of her own exciteable curiosity, gave the living boy a vague smile to focus on his ghost. "Did it hurt?" She asked Julan. Unclear though it might be, Ayosel was asking about what it felt like when he moved through things.

Her task forgotten for a bit, easily distracted as the Iyvess was by something so newly fascinating, she was fully willing and not at all restrained from going into near interrogating this deathly apparition.
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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Moritz Craven on April 11th, 2021, 12:24 am

Moritz cocked his head, unsure for a moment what the woman was asking. What was what? The touch of a ghost? Frowning in puzzlement he tried to work out if the woman was joking or not, unsure how someone could be so uninformed about ghosts that she did not - literally- know it when one walked through her or touched her.

Then again, Moritz reasoned, his upbringing was far from normal and he grew up among ghosts from a young age. Having a ghost companion following him about was normal to his mother, while other things about school and people seemed odd to her. Clearly, considering things and thoughts logically, this was not normal. So then was the woman's response normal, even if he at first considered it odd? He did not often think on peoples thoughts and such things, but could see the merit in doing so now.

Other people thought differently, had a different upbringing, knew different things, and came to a different conclusion due to these things... So was he the odd one or was the woman? Or was anyone odd?

As usual Moritz paused before responding, considering his words and what the person meant before responding.

"That was Julan. He was pointing, and you walked through his arm. Or wait, did you mean what he is? He's a ghost, you know. A dead person without a body. Just a naked soul. So he can pass through stuff. Have you not seen a ghost before? Don't worry, he's nice, he's just keeping me company."

As Moritz spoke Julan began staring at the tall woman, giving her a look. While he had not been alive for awhile he still seemed a bit better at noting social cues than the still living kelvic. Sometimes a good bit better.

Moritz while being quite logical and intelligent and mature in other ways was quite blind.

When the woman spoke more she had an odd... Smile on her face... Or Moritz thought it was a smile. Even he found it a bit unnerving, not quite right. He wasn't sure why, until he thought on the circumstance. Smiling right then as if out of excitement or joy just did not make sense. Not from being insubstantially touched...

Peering at Moritz and then the woman Julan squirmed about, jumping a bit and coming to float behind Moritz as if he thought the woman might charge him.

"Uh, no, I didn't really touch you. I just sort of... Passed through... It happens."

Turning to whisper to Moritz, though speaking at a volume loud enough for the woman to hear if she was listening, Julan continued directly to the kelvic.

"Moritz, this ladies weird. We should go. There's something... Off about her."

Moritz paused and frowned, seeing the smile was a bit odd but unsure what it was Julan was picking up on. After a moment he responded, this time talking to the woman rather than the spirit who had spoken to him.

"Uh anyways... Sorry about that. I'll make sure he's careful. But we've really got to get going, need to find a weapon harness."

If the woman did not stop him or ask him to stay in some manner Moritz would continue onward in his search, trying to find the item they needed to locate and purchase.

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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Ayosel on April 11th, 2021, 12:48 am

Ayosel hadn't smiled, not for joy, but it must have seemed that way with her human mouth and human teeth all on display like a predator. On her end, she thought she was being reasonably civil; when dhani found an interesting thing they typically took it apart piece by piece, people included.

She was confused for a moment then when the ghost shied away and similarly took a half-step further back thinking correctly that she must have somehow triggered alarm. This was weird. Ayosel didn't understand the nuances of socializing, not yet, not like this, and her body language was unaggressive because she hadn't postured as if to strike or rise up to seem larger and more threatening, and she wasn't afraid and slinking away, just off-put by a strange child and his ghost.

"They don't have ghosts where I'm from," she explained, her s's escaping her control for a moment, drawn out like a hiss and, bizarrely enough, comforting her upon recognizing the sound. Okay, hissing. Hissing meant snakes. Snakes was safe. "I think?" She amended only a moment after though; living in a cave system with things that ate other people (and as infants sometimes each other) must have fostered ghosts, right? She'd never seen one, though. Just pale pythons basking in the eerie waters in the earth's damp belly.

It didn't occur to Ayosel to apologize, thinking she hadn't been at fault because she couldn't identify the strange behaviour. She hadn't smiled, after all, only gotten excited the same way someone who is not fond of caterpillars might get excited to see a butterfly. Looking at them as if they were strange now, she gave them a wide berth and...

Well, because they were going to the same place, she floundered a bit, deciding whether or not to turn back and do her other tasks first, before making up her mind and following along a little bit afterwards, and just fast enough to scoot by the boy and his ghost and into the store, barely brushing against them.

"Sorry, need to still get some things," she explained under her breath, not so 'hissy' this time now that she had a rein on her socializing. She wouldn't actively avoid the child but she would not be secretive in her positions in the cluttered shop, just so they knew she was there and wasn't going to gobble them up... or whatever they were afraid of that she'd done.
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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Moritz Craven on April 11th, 2021, 12:15 pm

Moritz frowned again at the woman's response, finding it quite odd. To his mind ghosts were natural, but even so he knew they were a side effect of death. And logically if one did not have ghosts, a side effect of death...

"What, does no one die where your from? I mean not everyone who dies becomes a ghost, but it does happen. How can there be no ghosts at all where your from? Or were there ghosts and you just didn't know about them? That's a rather important difference. Like saying you've never been stabbed, and saying no one gets stabbed. One is a statement of your own experience, the other on an activity as a whole."

Frowning in concentration Moritz continued on his way, unsure if the woman was being dishonest or not. Or perhaps simply speaking from a point of... Not having knowledge... Ill-knowledgeable? Moritz frowned once more in concentration as he tried to think of the right word, knowing his meaning but even in his own head being troubled by not finding it.

Ineptitude? Inexperience? Close enough... Shaking off the thought Moritz continued, focusing on the task at hand of finding his new equipment.

Moving inside of a shop that seemed to have similar wares Moritz began sweeping the aisles, when he noticed from his peripheral vision motion. There off to the side of the shop was the woman. Was she following him? Or, Moritz reasoned, they were in a shop and so it was possible she had simply been planning to go to the same place as him. Or needed a similar item... Still though... Moritz glanced at the woman before turning back, making sure to avoid her gaze and not make it seem he was staring.

Her response seemed to indicate she was also shopping here by chance, though as Moritz knew others- particularly adults- lied quite often.

Julan seemed to focus on finding what Moritz was looking for, having seen Moritz see the woman and desiring their finishing their task as soon as possible.

The shop though was only so big, and though he avoided looking directly at her she was often in his sight line.

"Julan, you keep looking. I'll just be a moment."

Taking a deep breath Moritz decided on a clear line of action. If the woman was following him it would be good to be able to recognize her. And he knew the simplest way to do that was to learn her djed pattern. If he took the time to do so and he saw her and her pattern of djed again he believed he'd be able to know it for what it was. Even, he assumed logically, if she put on a disguise or tried to conceal herself in some other manner.

Closing his eyes Moritz focused within himself, willing his djed to rise. Picturing a green grassy field he imagined a wave of wind cascading across the grass, bending it down only for the grass to rise back up. From within, like a spring, he imagined his djed rising from the ground. A mist, somewhat solid but also a gas, but not quite a liquid either... Then he willed it to move, picturing a channel on the edge of the grassy field as a path for his djed leading to his eyes, willing it to flow upward and outward and along this path from deep in the core in his gut and up to his eyes.

Opening his eyes he found nothing had happened, and so he took another breath and closed them again. In. Out. This time he pictured the djed as a wave, moving on each exhale, slowly creeping up the slope along the channel of his eyes, finally dripping and oozing upward bit by bit... Willing it to move and act on his will. And then reaching the spot that was his eyes, channeling and focusing it into the spot.

This time he opened his eyes he saw the overlay of Iraso vision across his sight line, which outwardly would be revealed by the Iraso marks on his eyes blazing to life with a light. Not perhaps enough to be noticeable from a long distance, but certainly distinct if one looked in that direction and particularly at his eyes.

Glancing over at the woman he saw her, while also seeing "HER". Her djed body, the core of djed that was her being and identified to him her as that specific her. Looking he could tell at once her djed seemed.... Dimmer... At least compared to his mother or his teacher. But more than that would take time and examination.

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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Ayosel on April 11th, 2021, 6:47 pm

His response had left her feeling offput by him, like he was the strange one, her brow furrowed and her expression even more bemused. Ayosel didn't understand what she'd said to warrant that particular line of questioning and the more she considered him and what he was saying the more she felt like she might not like 'children'. Just a bit.

Rather than continue to talk about this and risk being seen arguing with a child--where had she said people didn't die, hadn't she said she didn't think there were ghosts when she realized there very well could have been in Zinrah?--the Dhani let it drop. The simplicity of snakelings was suddenly longed for; they didn't think in such complicated terms as human children did, merely wanted for food and practiced their hunting instincts.

In the actual shop, Ayosel was keenly aware of where the boy and his ghost were wherever she went, keeping track of him out of the corner of her eye to watch for observation or approach. She wasn't very good at this; under water the dhani could better feel the motion of things, but she had used her periphery in the past when it came to snaking through dark tunnels and despite having no real way to watch everything he did like this, she was occasionally made to hone in on abrupt motions that disturbed her from her examinations.

The dhani was looking at a dao sword when she noticed he'd grown still, facing her, and she glanced his way curiously to see what he was doing. It was to her surprise that the boy, in the dim lighting of the shop, had glowing eyes of a strange colour, one she couldn't quite name. Not thinking anything innately magical about it, the dhani made a face at him and turned back to examining the sword... but warily now.
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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Moritz Craven on April 11th, 2021, 8:41 pm

Examining her djed body Moritz tried to not stare directly at her, at least after his initial look to get a simple grasp on it. But he quickly saw that doing so was quite tricky. Like trying to read a page of writing without looking directly at the words. He could see it, but not make it out unless that was where his focus was.

As he examined her djed body he saw the swirls of material, some lighter and others darker, or something akin to that within his djed sight. Each person had their own unique djed pattern, and this one was no exception. Though at this point he realized he had worked on remembering a fair number of djed signatures, and found it now increasingly hard to remember them while when he began it had been increasingly easy.

The more he saw that was different, the more he began to see similarities and patterns. Like seeing a common letter among a page which told a completely different story, but then, Moritz reasoned as he examined the woman, perhaps that was just him seeing the greater parts instead of each much smaller component. Looking at tiny details each looked totally different, but putting it into chunks the bigger sections looked more similar.... But, Moritz knew, such as looking at the part there with a shade and depth of so.... That even with that the overall was different.

Focused as he was on his task he was a bit surprised when the woman suddenly looked at him, and furthermore when she then- an adult- made a face at him. It reminded him of something he would expect a child to do, not an adult. Of course, he was staring at her...

After making her face the woman turned back, focusing again on her wares. Moritz let out a sigh and knew that while he had gotten the general gist of her djed pattern, he did not think he had gotten all of it.

By then Julan had returned, pointing out an item to him. On closer inspection Moritz saw it was a piece of equipment made of cloth, leather, and bits of steel. Picking it up he could see the hoops and bits where one pulled to tighten, the lengths of material mostly leather with some cloth grips, the connections primarily rings and things made of steel. Metal. Trying it on he fitting it around himself. It went on in some ways similar to pants, only with nothing but the connecting bits used. A belt around his waist with several clips and spots to attach things. Bits that went underneath and around up his crotch to connect it. And then similar to suspenders up over his shoulders to take some of the weight onto his chest rather than all on his hips and legs.

Moving bits around he tightened and loosened till he felt he had a good fit, finally moving around a bit and jumping in the spot to check the fit. It was made to fit different size bodies, which meant as he grew he could loosen it. And furthermore when this bit was pulled here... And another bit here... It loosened up quickly, and by pushing it off his shoulders he could drop the entire thing off him in a heap.

Picking up the item he brought it to the owner of the establishment, an older man, recalling Kyra's words on haggling. It was expected. Though, he knew, he had not really done it before...

"How much?"

Without looking at Moritz the man inspected the wares, before responding. "Ten Kina."

Moritz frowned, remembering his master telling him it should go for around five kina. If he had been offered a price double its worth... Then he should go half.... Half of five was... Two and a half... Which he round down to two...

"How about two kina, that seems more fair."

The man looked up from his work at that, knowing a low ball offer when he heard it. He then involuntarily flinched, seeing Moritz eyes. Not only were they the eyes of an Okomo, they also had an odd pattern about them that were... Glowing. Moritz after all had not remembered to turn off his Iraso sight. He was growing more accustomed to the double sight, and though he was not focusing on keeping it active it had not turned itself off just yet and so was still glowing.

He could see the djed of the room, of the man, and then Moritz flinched himself as a series of lines cut through the room as he looked at a different angle. It was a shop after all, and so many people has passed through recently. At ground level there was a general wash of overlapping pathways, so dense he could not pick out one from the other. As if someone had taken a bucket of liquid djed trails and dumped them across the ground.

Looking back up Mortiz focused now, willing the djed vision of his Iraso sight to recede. Picturing the fluid djed running up the incline to flow back, to descend back into the center of his being. After a few moments it worked, and his Iraso sight faded as the glow of his eyes vanished.

"What? Uh... Yeah no, I can't even pay the cost of materials at that price. I could see about a discount through, say... Seven Kina."

Moritz frowned, knowing he had gotten the price down but still not to where he wanted. To where his master had told him to go. Thinking on it he realized it might be a good idea to deprecate the mans wares, even if in a somewhat exaggerated fashion. Not lying but... Exaggerating. He was fairly certain someone had told him that before...

"Three and a half kina. I mean after all, it looks used."

The man seemed offended, but seeing the boys eyes had stopped their glowing he noticed all the more his Okomo like eyes. He was certain the boy was a kelvic, though did not know more. But regardless he seemed eager to have Moritz out of his shop and so gave a more fair price. "Five kina, and not a jade less!"

Moritz nodded, accepting the offer. Taking the money from his pack Moritz deposited the item within, and then with a motion to Julan headed outside of the shop. If not interrupted they would head outside and keep going, going till they were clear out of the shopping area painted blue.

WC: 1,092

Purchase :
1 X Weapon Harness - 5 Kina
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A Roll of a Coin[Ayosel]

Postby Ayosel on April 11th, 2021, 10:00 pm

Ayosel was aware of the boy staring at her for a few long moments but managed not to turn on him and ask what the problem was. She'd let him be weird, let him see what he wanted to see with his strange luminous eyes, and breathe easy once he'd gone his own way and left her alone.

The whole interaction had soured her mood just the tiniest bit, made her long for the inhospitable jungle and the cruel constrictors and the savage Myrians, bless their vile hearts, because at least those things made sense and she was accustomed to them and how to navigate around them.

A quick glance his way told Ayosel that the boy was now bargaining with the shopkeep and she took the opportunity to slip away, slinking out the door with the intention to return later and ask about that sword. What she wanted to do right now was take a breather, see something pretty, and relax. Even the sight of the Azure Market had become something of an assault on the senses as if meeting that child and his ghost had opened Ayosel's eyes to how unpleasant something wonderful could be once she'd taken a deeper look.

"There's a park," the dhani said to the Shinya that was standing just around the corner, a young man who'd been following her at a distance for a while. "Al-hey-as. Can you point me to it?"

After a few moments of quiet discussion where she'd managed to soothe her rankled nerves and was less agitated as a whole, the Shinya man did indeed direct her to where she wanted to go and even gave her the blessing of following along, just in case she took a wrong turn and got lost as he assured, though she thought he might be trying to tease her.
a shining new era.
Posts: 70
Words: 31379
Joined roleplay: January 26th, 2017, 6:55 pm
Race: Dhani
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