The Singing Hammer
Business Type: Goods/Services
Description: The Singing Hammer is a small, open-doored smithy shop. There is no counter, unless you're counting the workbenches scattered across the packed dirt flooring. The proprietor, Bandin Everdance, can be found most days working the large open-hearth forge that doubles as both a blacksmithing and metalworking station. The main work that The Singing Hammer produces consists of building supplies and the general metal goods that a small, developing settlement such as Syka needs to survive.
At the far backhand corner, a small door leads to Bandin's bedroom and a guest room. It's a simple affair in both; a single bed occupies both rooms with just a bench, small table, and privy.
Items Sold:
Bandin always has nails, horseshoes, fasteners, hinges, etc, on hand. Repair and commission work can be done as needed. See the price list for details. If it's a metalcraft that a competent blacksmith could reasonably produce, then Bandin can hammer it out for you.
-Nails(Metal): 5 sm / lb
-Shovel: 2 gm
-Spade: 2 gm
-Pitchfork: 1 gm
-Crowbar: 2 gm
-Rake: 1 gm
Base Income: Blacksmith 6 gm/day
Skill Bonus: Competent Blacksmithing 3 gm/day
Sale's Bonus: 1 gm/day (20% of 9, 1.8 gm/day, rounded down.)
Total Income: 10 gm/day
Land, Jungle/Beach (1 acres): 1,200 gm
Smithy, Simple: 700 gm (25% Reduction Applied)
Bedroom, Simple: 350 gm (25% Reduction Applied)
Whetstone Wheel: 20 gm
Iron 50lbs: 25 gm
Lumber 30sqft: 30 gm
2,062.5 GM owed to Skya's Founders