Winter 5, 510 AV
Ivan was so tired... He’d wandered the woods for the entire day without rest, searching for something to kill. He was getting hungry and did not want to deplete his food stores. It was an hour or two past noon, and he’d set out from the city at the break of dawn. His grip on his hammer was firm, though he had to squint his eyes in the bright light. Two full moons had passed since he had left the mountains and still the sun’s brilliance effected him negatively.
Ivan took a deep breath. His walk had led him a bit deeper into the woods then he would have liked, and he thought about returning. As his belly grumbled, he also thought of returning empty handed. Ivan stopped dead in his tracks, having heard something. It sounded as though some creature had disturbed the bush of the area, though he saw nothing. He took note that it was unnaturally quiet here. Even on the peaks of Sultros, birds sang a tune.
The silence usually meant but one thing. Some predator bigger then him was near by. There was the option to walk away, but Ivan was still without a new supply of food. He thought of what big animals would hunt these parts, but he had no clue. There were no big hunters in the high mountains. He decided that filling his belly and finding out could be accomplished at the same time, and listened again for any noise. Perhaps he wouldn’t die.