5 Spring 521 Crylon found himself on another morning slowly munching away at some food. He had already completed his morning ablutions, and now was eating his morning repast before he began his work. It seemed to be some leftover stew someone had made the night before, warm but not hot, with some fish meat and other vague greens he did not know the term for. As he munched he pondered the needs of the Meraki and the Demesne, considering what he should work on. Sona hadn't mentioned needing any help of late... The forge was stocked and he had recently cleaned out its stock of ruined or scrapped metal needing reforging. He had done some repairs recently on the non-living structures there and at the Outpost... And so he found himself unsure what he needed to do for the day. Surely there was something? But try as he might he could not think of anything, and felt odd with nothing to do. Perhaps due to being an Isur, or perhaps due to being Crylon, he tended to always be busy and active needed something or other to do. As he was pondering what skill or thing he would work on, perhaps practice his magic or something useful to the group, he saw Toni approaching. He had worked with the man the season prior, not having talked to him much before that, and so knew him somewhat. "Ah, Crylon! There you are. I was hoping we could talk." Crylon finished his current spoon of stew before nodding and replying. “Morning, Toni. Is you... Have need of me?” Toni nodded, smiling at the Isur. Crylon had been among humans for awhile but he still at times had trouble with their tongue, common, and was not quite fluent in the language. He tended to do better at understanding it than speaking it, but felt he would grasp it in time if he kept at it. "Yes, you remember we started on the designs for the boathouse? We weren't sure what to do for the second floor well I've talked to Kelski and she's given me a general layout, at least in terms of the broad things she wants. Though I think you'd need to work out the specifics, how it'd all fit together and such and go where." With excitement Crylon stood, a grin on his face, ready for the task at hand. In quick succession he polished off his last few spoons of stew before meeting Toni's gaze. “Yes, we go. Finish work. Is good do today. Do now?” Tony nodded and gestured for Crylon to lead the way, and with that Crylon headed off to the tower and the room where his things were at, namely his design table he'd received the season prior when they began their work. Once they arrived Crylon quickly began going through things, taking out paper, ink, quills, a ruler, and other things he would need for measuring precisely and keeping his work to scale. It was times like these his skills as an Architect came to the forefront, often forgotten by others as he spent as much time or more doing repairs and metal work as he did design. Though in his mind it was all one and the same, and in order to repair and keep things in order one had to understand the structure as a doctor did bones and bodies. WC: 566 |