25 Summer 521 Letting out a sigh, Crylon lay resting in his bed. For some reason on this morning the Isur, normally an early riser, was having trouble getting out of bed. But at the same time he knew he was not asleep, and did not think he would fall back asleep, and so did not see much use in just sitting there... Finally after a chime or two the Isur opened his eyes and levering himself out of bed got up. Lightly patting himself on the face with his palms Crylon shook his head, feeling more awake but still dragging at the moment. Today all of the things he needed doing where done. The smithy was stocked and fed. No piles of ruined metal items needed reforging. Overall, he did not feel like he had much to do today... Thinking on this, Crylon realized that might have been part of his problem getting up. He was feeling undriven, as he had nothing specific to do. Perhaps then he could find something? Or at least help someone else in their tasks. Getting up Crylon made his morning ablutions, making sure to stop and splash some water in his face, before heading down to check to see if anyone had any food going. Crylon did not doubt his ability to build a house if needed, but building much more than a sandwich was more or less beyond the Isur. When he did arrive he was glad to see a familiar face, and ladling a bowl of some mysterious bubbling food that smelled nice, Crylon gave Toni a wave as he tucked in. "Hello Toni! Any plans, on day?" Toni, eating something that Crylon could not determine was meat or plant due to its odd coloration, nodded quickly. "Yeah, someone requested a bench be made. They had one, but somehow it got broken so they are requesting a new one. I don't suppose you would want to help Have you got the time?" Crylon nodded quickly enough, taking a few more bites of the food from his bowl. "Yes. have time. Is help. What need do?" Rather than telling Toni waved the Isur off, finishing up his food before finally rising and gesturing for Crylon to follow. After that it was a short walk to a clear spot where Toni was clearly planning to do his work. In it he had numerous tools, not just the hammers and saws and things Crylon usually used for simpler tasks. "This one isn't just simple cut pieces, it will need some detail work. People don't want to just sit on a plank of wood. It will need rounding, buffing, and the like. So, wanna get started? The plans are over there." With a nod Crylon rushed over, picking up the papers where Toni had laid out his work. The seat was more or less flat, but with an indication of rounding at the front. It had two legs, but rather than a single solid rod on either side, there was a much more solid shape... A four sided shape with a wider bottom and a narrower top, and a straight edge on either side. The back though he was having trouble understanding, due tot he markings Toni was using. "Well, lets get to it, shall we!" WC: 548 |