19th of Summer, 484 It seemed as if it was forever since she fed the last time. Slowly dragging one foot after the other, Tarja appeared to be much more tired then usual. Maybe it was the time of the day? No, she doubted that was the reason. What was moving over her head was the fact that none of them had even seen anything alive other than animals for weeks now, and not to talk about hunting or having fun in their own, specific way. Yes... that was it... that was her problem... but as any other, it instantly disappeared as she felt that warm, gentle arm on her shoulder. His fingers curled up her back, through her hair and she stopped, turning around and sinking into a deep pool of emotions. Their souls were one and now it was obvious, with their fingers tangled together, heartbeats synchronized, eyes closed.... they almost looked like one body as well.... Once their lips parted, Tarja sighed softly, opening her eyes and smiling. Everything bad had disappeared whenever he touched her, in any way. He was both, her guardian angel and her only weakness in this world. Was it healthy? No... of course not, especially not with the life they were living.. but Hell, she didn't really care, because those eyes, those beautiful eyes that were locked on hers right now, were everything she needed. "What can be bothering the most beautiful woman on earth?"he whispered while lightly brushing her cheek with his fingers. They seemed like every other, loving and caring couple. There was nothing strange, nothing violent in what any of what they said or did around each other. But would anyone who knew them think that way as well? No... of course not.. which the next scene will describe perfectly. One of the guys from their gang came along, pulling Eyvind aside, on what he just growled, making sure Tarja followed as well. It didn't take them too long before they ran into the rest of the crowd. They seemed to be talking about something that got their interest."We will talk about that as soon as we see what got their attention my love"Eyvind whispered, just before they were close enough for the rest of them to pay attention. It appeared as if Eyvind was the leader of that gang, even though he never allowed anyone to exclude Tarja from that title, she wasn't as respected as he was. Probably because she was the only female.. But yes, as soon as he came around, everyone turned their attention to him and one of the guys stepped forward, respectfully nodding to both of them. It was a quite strange sight, since this man was almost twice as big as Tarja and at least a head taller then Eyvind. Even his face didn't give out a very trustworthy feeling. (Looked like this) Neither of them seemed worried, as the matter of a fact, Tarja had a smile on her face, holding Eyvind's hand and sniffing around questioningly. The man's voice was rather deep, which was expected, but the words seemed to bring interest in each and every member of the gang... and of course, especially Tarja's. "Eyvind... Tarja... We have seen a couple of creatures moving around so I've been sent to see if there is a city near by, and I have some amazing news..." |