“Yes,” he said slowly in return, still not quite sure why Moritz spoke the way he did, “I suppose everything can be resolved with logic. Gut feelings be damned” he continued cheerily. He wasn’t mocking the lad, that was not his intention. He had simply learned some time ago that those – including himself - who were so set on something being correct were nigh impossible to get to see the flaws with their thinking. They were all human after all, or mortal at least. He wasn’t even sure the divines were infallible either he had to admit. Moritz seemed to be happy in the basic assumption that logic was supreme, which he felt sure Moritz would also call an assumption…and round and round they went. So why ruin the journey he said to himself with amusement. Strangers from new lands were proving to be more curious than the naïve targets that came to the city. “Of course, makes perfect sense that the goddess of death should visit a soon to be born child. Perhaps I will ask your mother, is she around? It would surely be a unique story. I’d like to be alive after haring it though, think that’d be able to be arranged?” he asked, knowing that the humour would likely be lost but it didn’t matter. Regardless he followed Moritz’ instruction. He had the feeling that he had never really taught before given the brusque instruction. Or that perhaps he took for granted that others could simply do as he was telling him to do. In fairness he hadn’t paid for anything so it was free tuition so there was nothing lost but time and time he had some of. He sat and closed his eyes, opening them a little every so often at first to make sure this wasn’t going to turn into some hugely amusing but elaborate con, but eventually as not threat seemed apparent keeping them closed. “Dark emptiness” he sighed…he was not sure what that meant. From the earliest age he couldn’t remember a time where his mind was not taking up some thought or another. It was incredibly difficult to empty his mind. Even when he managed to do so some thought about Moritz cropped up, or a random saying he had overheard somewhere, or the voice of his mother from years ago, and on and on. He managed perhaps ten seconds of empty blackness at a time and then only a couple of times. He was not sure how long he had tried but it felt like a long time indeed. He breathed out through his nose sharply and realised his shoulders were tense and his trying to attempt a void was actually taking effort and seemed counterintuitive. He tried the breathing, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Hold it he remembered after a while and tried that. It was perhaps a bit easier for slightly longer periods of blackness but still his thoughts tumbled and vaulted around his head. They wouldn’t rest, they were too busy being too much like him. He sighed after a while and opened his eyes before stopping the attempt . “My mind is apparently too busy to be able to relax…I suppose I could try it again at another time with more success. I shall remember the technique and see if the next time we meet I have achieved some mastery of it” he said, looking up at nothing in particular. Analysing himself he supposed that he felt a bit calmer, at least his mind and heart did, his body rebelled and had become a little tense. Or perhaps he had now become aware of it. Perhaps he’d have to take another approach in the future. He rolled his shoulders to ease them a little. Then again he couldn’t tell how much was self-fulfilling – looking for a change and then finding one. He chuckled to himself. “One more try then I suppose” he muttered, closing his eyes once more. This time he didn’t try to stop his mind working, it was a fool’s errand. Instead he occupied it with thinking upon his body, his tight muscles specifically and the attempt at trying to soothe them. This proved slightly more successful and though he had no ‘black void’ appear he did feel as if he were more relaxed than the previous attempt. This was a very strange practise he had to admit, it seemed a luxury for Sunberth where if he did this in the street he’d probably end up without clothes by the end. With that amusement the concentration broke and he opened his eyes for the final time. “Yes…definitely more practise required but we will see how it goes” he said. “Why don’t you show me these forms of yours and I’ll see if I can figure a way to better them” he suggested, interest in this fighting styles from other lands that seemed so formal and rigid. |