A Peculiar Door

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A Peculiar Door

Postby Sevris on December 5th, 2021, 4:42 am

Sevris could see why the location of Ravok wasn't quite known. It was built in a strategic location which made it difficult to invade. He wasn't aware of all the lands, and the routes in between. But he had been to Sunberth and Riverfall. These adventures were important in him learning more about the world of Mizahar and its inhabitants. "It may be hard to explain without a map of some sort. But it seems to be quite the distance away from Lhavit." He hadn't heard of a mountainous city as this. Kalea region however sounded familiar though.

Then Mortiz made a point about Liandra being a good friend. He wasn't sure what to call her. She helped him in a time of need. And gave him a weapon to fend himself. The first and last time he saw her. But he nodded in approval, that was a good friend to him.

He also mentioned his own family had business with a trade of their own. Like his family, though they were more brutal in their dealings. "That sounds like a good trade. There seems to be a need for protection in many places. My family works heavily within the military. Our job is to protect our city from any dangers. Which made me a good canditate to explore this place."

Now that he had established contact. This mission was a resounding discovery. He had expected danger, however it was nothing of the sort. Quite the opposite. Then Mortiz interjected that Sevris was basically speaking nonsense. This made Sevris chuckle. Which was a first. No one had ever made him laugh before. He was quite serious most of the time. But he figured out he was a Kelvic. There were many he had encountered in Ravok, each one was a different experience.

"Nothing in particular." He noted looking for magical items. "With such a wide array of items from different cities I was curious." The Stryfe and the Black Sun were always on the lookout for interesting artifacts or information that may lead them to fragments. This place could very well give them some clues as to where one could be. But they had no idea what to look for.

"But your bracelet you say is? Bound to your wrist, that is strange. Perhaps I could take it off." He himself owned a helmet that allowed him to see magic and its usage across many disciplines. It showed him a different side to the world of magic. The bracelet did not seem dangerous. Sevris stretched his hand outward, nodding first to Moritz to see if it was ok for him to try and remove it.

If he allowed it, Sevris would grab the bracelet with his hands and attempt to unbuckle it.
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A Peculiar Door

Postby Moritz Craven on December 10th, 2021, 2:05 am

Moritz shrugged hearing Sevris try to explain what he knew of the lands, not really understanding or feeling anything he said expanded on what Moritz knew.

"I'm not sure. Nor do I know where to find a map. Though I'm sure there is one around here somewhere. I just know... Well Lhavit and the whole mountain region around it is north of Syka. And Syka is in this jungle region south of that mountain. Though we did not get there by land. We went along the coast south from Lhavit, down around the bottom, and then on the east side came back up. Then it was a short trip across from there from Riverfall to Syka where I ended up. I suppose since its the closest big city to the smaller settlement. But I've not been anywhere else."

At explaining what Sevris and his family did in Ravok Moritz frowned as he thought it over. It took him a moment to find what was off, before coming to a conclusion. He had described the place in perfect terms before, which made Moritz suspicious of his truthfulness... But know he was saying the place needed protection, and a miilitary force of some size to do so... Which did not seem to him to be perfection. Was there some clear threat there that needed such thins? Or did they have enemies? There did not seem to be too many conclusions one could come to logically from what had been said, but if such a large military force was needed... Then clearly it was not so perfect as Sevris has said.

He also found another thing of interest... Sevris had come here with the assumption that it was a danger to his city... Which also seemed odd to the Kelvic.

"Right... But you still never said, how would you expect to find such things? You said you would look for them, but how would you know one if you saw it? Do you have some trick to it or something? Otherwise just looking for some magic item, would be like finding a certain needle among a pile of needles. You say you are looking, but how?"

From this Moritz assumed either the man was lying, had some secret method, or perhaps had not thought things through well enough.

"Its not like they would just be labeled, magic item here, come buy them. Or at least, I've not seen any such signs."

Moritz considered for a moment, but then shook his head, certain he had not seen such things.

At the request Mortiz shrugged, holding out an arm for Sevris to inspect things. He was unsure what he had been expecting, but did not sense anything specific from the man. Did he have some ability to sense such things? Or something of the sort? If he did what? When the man seemed to fumble at the bracelet and try to take it off he began to wonder... Was the man dumb?

Moritz had after all clearly said it did not come off. Did he think Moritz was lying? Or had somehow been pulling wrong or something of the sort? When he simply tugged on it and seemed to do nothing else it left Moritz wondering if the man was a fool or just thought too highly of himself... Or perhaps did have some hidden ability which was quite well hidden.

At the contact of the man touching him Moritz once more felt... Something... he was increasingly sure that such things was related to the bracelet, though each time the impression he had gotten had been different. The last time had been his own mother, and she had been feeling a need for understanding.

Now, Moritz tried to understand the feeling... The feeling of... Worth... A need of worth? A need or proving worth. Moritz mostly felt emotions and feelings, but also was left with some odd impressions from the touch. This one however made more sense to the Kelvic, perhaps as it was something he felt at times as well. A need to prove himself and his worth, to be something in others eyes... For him it came and went, not the most or least important thing, and was not a constant drive. But for this man, he felt a strong, urgent need... A drive to prove something of himself.

Moritz would stay silent while Sevris inspected his bracelet, waiting to speak until he was done and had withdrawn his touch and given up on the task. If that did not come after several chimes, or once he was done Moritz would turn to meet the mans eyes before asking a question.

"What is it you need to prove so much? Or to who? I feel such... Need from you... It makes me wonder why... Who chooses your worth? Yourself, or someone else you've loaned that right out to?"

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A Peculiar Door

Postby Sevris on December 21st, 2021, 4:06 am

Sevris looked at the questioning Moritz as he pointed out how the Lazarin would go about this. "I have a tool back at my home that can help me detect anomalies like that. I will need to make a return trip here in the near future." Since they were both aware their respective cities were quite far from one another. They didn't try to find out exactly where the distance lay.

After Sevris had looked to see what made they bracelet so special. After touching it he felt a strange sensation. He couldn't quite place what he felt, but just as quickly as it came, it left. There he took his hands off and kind of dropped them. It was indeed a strange item. Then just as he was going to say what happen, Mortiz asked him a question that made him arch an eyebrow.

A question revealing one of his deepest desires. To prove how worthy he was in the face of adversity. His involvement in the Ansel Lazarins murder. He had done great work and still he had failed. Becoming a Paladin again was only the start. But this revelation about this haunting of his mind, caused great anger in Sevris.

It was weak for his true feelings to come out. Less the Druvin Lazerin burn it out of him if he sensed it in their training. This need was routed in all of his life choices. The need for power, the need for recognition. All to fill the need to be worthy of Rhysol's love. Falling out of grace in either way did help him.

No one could know this. Instantly he was defensive, "Ah...that is nothing to speak on." He said brushing the statement away with a gesture. "It is of no concern. But that is certainly a peculiar bracelet you have there." Perhaps that was the sensation he felt. A slight connection with him that seemed to read him. This ruffled him, as he had never been asked him such a personal question before. It was a strange feeling he didn't like.

"Perhaps on my next visit we can do more exploring. We shall meet again." He was quick to get out of here. He had seen all he needed to see for now. There was certainly going to be a return trip with much more people. His family and the other families would get first dibs of course. But Moritz was quite helpful during this encounter. He'd be weary of his bracelet next time however.
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