When Drav’laks Explode

Sevris becomes warped trying to recapture an escaped Drav’lak

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

When Drav’laks Explode

Postby Sevris on July 3rd, 2019, 10:22 pm

8th Night of Summer 519 A.V

Alarms. That was the first thing that made Sevris head jerk up in a fever. He was doing a little solo patrol, but that was quickly disturbed. There was many sounds coming to life, but the alarms were the most blaring. An immediate threat which needed to be handled quickly. Not knowing what to expect, Sevris unsheathed his longsword and readied himself for an unknown threat. His patrol had brought him to the Merchants ring. Curfew had been enforced by now and he was doing his duty.

The Lazarin had donned his brigantine armor and grabbed only his longsword and sheath for patrol. Tying it to his sash and then he was good to be off. He hadn't actually expected to be using it that day. There were screams that could be heard but it was faint. He focused on the sounds, trying to get a gauge on where they were coming from.

While he was listening, there was someone running down the street. Sevris quickly noticed another Ebonstryfe Soldier rushing to meet him. He seemed to be just as confused. "What happened?" Were the first words out of the Lazarins mouth.

The Solider looked at Sevris with real fear in his eyes. "Something escaped. It killed a handler and is now wreaking havoc in the city."

Sevris was also visibly disturbed by the news. He had never seen one, but he knew they were extremely dangerous. His short time as a Paladin he had only heard of such a beast. They were handled by expert trainers. "So its bad. I'll head their way to provide backup if needed. Where did they say it went?"

"I was also on patrol but a large contingent of forces passed by me. Told me to keep an eye out for dangerous beast afoot. Was to not engage but alarm the whereabouts immediately if possible. I believe they are looking for it here."

"Understood. I will do the same." With that Sevris turned around and sprinted around towards the sounds of yelling and screaming he heard.
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When Drav’laks Explode

Postby Sevris on July 6th, 2019, 7:00 am

Hiro kept a even jog through the streets. Looking for anything out of the ordinary. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. The ravolsamen were doing about their business as usual, he crossed a bridge and told one of them to get to safety. But as he was running, a roar unlike any he had ever heard burrowed loudly and deeply into his body. Sevris came to an immediate stop as a new fear took over him. No! Only one word coming to mind.

He had not expected a presence like this. The roar was followed by a deafening collection of odd sounds. It was crushing, crashing, smashing, and crumbling. Was he losing his mind. Sevris put a hand to his head as he was trying to focus on the path ahead of him, as it grew completely dark. Or did it. He had not noticed he was looking at something.

Something massive began to walk past Sevris. Frozen in complete fear, thinking it was better to be quiet than to dare fight it. The giant beast ignored him and continued down the path the Lazarin had patrolled. Lucky to not have been slain right then there. But he was in for another whirlpool of the beasts power.

Before him in the wake of the Drav'laks mere presence. All reality had been broken. The carefully paven roads and been replaced by sand. The water of Ravok of had turned a deep blood red. Buildings and people were warping into things that were indescribable.

He didn't have long to gander at the chaos that had just been rendered upon the world. As his body began to feel the very changes he was seeing. Sevris tried to yell but it was cut short by his body warping in and out of reality. The experience was the worst and wonderful that he had felt in a very long time...

Since the time he was touched by Rhysol himself.
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When Drav’laks Explode

Postby Sevris on July 8th, 2019, 5:59 pm

He had forgotten the Drav'lak. The most concerning thing was that his body was phasing in and out of reality. Everything around him began to take the same type of transformation as well. Nothing mattered right now except surviving. Sevris could even feel his brain changing, feeling almost unlike himself. His mind was becoming warped as well, before he completely lost himself.

There was only one way to counteract madness such as this. Equal chaos. The Lazarin focused his strength into his Chaon mark on his right shoulder. It flared and began to burn brightly, the effect of the Drav'lak subsided. No longer did he feel pain and that he was suffering. He felt bliss. The feeling was strange, but was even stranger was the change coming across him.

The Soldier hadn't noticed that he was no longer on the ground. He was floating in the air his right arm was undergoing some sort of change that was confusing to tell. But his mind was coming back to him though feeling of terrible bliss was still there.

The Chaon mark was lifting some of the effects on him and he began to wobble in the air. He was about two meters off the ground. Without panicking he willed his Gnosis mark to keep its power up, effecting the Djed manipulation on him. Albeit a bit too late.

As he started to lower to the ground, he could no longer form words as he was not sure what had happened to him. His right arm had changed completely. Turned into a black like stone, it was kind of slick and smooth. But also quite flexible, it moved just as his hand usually would. "Woah."

Was all he could say.
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When Drav’laks Explode

Postby Sevris on July 10th, 2019, 8:22 pm

Sand blew across his confused face. He was in a state of confusion, the Chaon mark helped him deal with the more chaotic effects. Insidious Djed that seeped its way into his brain, instigating terrible and horrible thoughts. He had been subjugated to such a phenomenon before.

When Rhysol touched him it gave a similar feel. Something unlike anything a mortal could inflict upon him. Sevris began to wander through the streets, forgetting his place and why he was there in the first place. The Drav'lak had since left him, luckily he did not have to fight such a creature.

There were buildings all around him that had changed its base properties as if it was the work of alchemy. One building gave him pause as it had completely changed to glass. He was able to see through the two story building, two young children cowering inside a closet. Afraid of the madness outside.

Sevris smiled and laughed with strange happiness taking over him. Unbeknownst to him were several Soldiers yelling at him from afar. It was only after a while that they were able to get the Lazarin's attention after he noticed their waving hands. "Come to us! Leave the area!" One of them shouted.

Why leave? Was the first question Hiro asked in his head. But he didn't really care. He trudged though the tough sand and made his way to the group of Soliders waiting for him. "By Rhysol. Look at his arm."

At the mention of his arm, Sevris held his arm up and the rest of the Soldiers marveled at the transformation. "Oh yea...this happened." He stared at it in wonder. To those watching, he seemed high and euphoric.

Clearly he was not in the right state of mind. The Soldiers acted quickly. "We'll get you to a doctor, just come with us." They could not enter the warped area or they themselves could be subjected to something much more horrible. Sevris walked and talked his head off to the bewildered Soldiers. Amazed that he survived a brush with a escaped Drav'lak.


For the Summer 519 Calendar of Events Challenge in Ravok

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When Drav’laks Explode

Postby Alric Lysane on January 6th, 2022, 8:34 am

Please update your CS and PM me for your grade should you return :D

~ Thanks to Gossamer/Shiress for post Boxcodes ~
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