Backpack of VoidingIt can be of any color though the basic shape will remain as pictured. It can hold anything within it as long as the thing can fit through the bag's opening to disappear inside. It weighs as if it is an empty backpack and has no limit in terms of what can go in. One must concentrate on what one wants to retrieve from the inside of it when reaching in or else the contents coming to one's hand will be random. This backpack will not preserve items such as food. Any garbage or food that rots in it will cause the contents to smell and a stench to emit from it once the top flap is thrown open. The same might be said of soiled sweaty or dirty clothing, especially socks and shoes.
The Reptile's Promise This golden armband grants the wearer immunity from any reptile-based poison or venom regardless of how it's delivered. Snakebites will not harm the wearer even if it was a poisonous snake, nor will poisons made from snake venom (or the venom of other reptiles ) actually affect the wearer.
Night GogglesWhile wearing these dark lenses, Tazrae has the ability to see in the dark to a range of 50 feet. If she can somehow do this naturally or through morphing, wearing the goggles increases its range by 50 feet.
Perpetual IceboxThis is a normal upright metal insulated chest that holds standard blocks of ice. However, once a block of ice is placed in it, the ice will never melt and will instead keep the items stored within the chest at cool and frozen temperatures depending on how far away from the block of ice the items inside the box are stored. Directly on the ice? They will freeze. On shelves lofted above the ice? They will be kept cool.
Necklace of Adaptation A necklace with a swirling gemstone charm on it that will allow the wearer to breathe in all toxic environments... underwater, in thin air, in stale or poisonous air, etc.
Charm BraceletThe bracelet can be as masculine or feminine looking as you'd like. It is your choice on how it appears. However, it is indestructible and cannot be removed once you put it on. It can hold as many charms as it has links for. Tazae's is gold in color and has thick flat links that will hold 15 charms.
- Snake Charm - A small snaked-shaped charm with jeweled green eyes. This charm allows you to sense the proximity of any serpent to you within 100 feet. This works with snakes and Dhani alike. It gives you a mental awareness of where that snake is and what sort of snake it might be.
- Ghost Charm - This charm is a small triangle-shaped charm that will glow with light in the presence of a ghost - a ghost that is manifesting or not manifesting.
- Amulet of Finding The Lost - This small charm allows the user to find something they owned that they've misplaced. It works on inorganic items, organic items, even children. The caveat is that the owner of the amulet must own the lost item and have legitimately lost it, not sold, given away, or discarded the missing thing in question. (NaNo 2020)
- Screaming Face Half-Melted - This small charm, when worn, immediately alerts the wearer if something such as a person, place, or thing is an Insid or having been to or originating from the Insidious Realm. Owning this item allows the PC to understand what the Insidious Realm is and what it contains. This understanding happens through dreams, having someone tell the pc, etc. The choice is yours. This understanding grants the wearer a + 25 to resist any sort of influence an Insid Creature or Item might apply to someone such as hypnotism or seduction. Many many cursed items have come from the Insidious Realm so your PC is more apt to not fall prey to these items and their sometimes all but sentient influence.
- Eagle-s Eye Charm - This charm is shaped like an eagle’s head with emphasis on the carved fierce eye. Activating this charm once per day will allow the wearer of the charm to have vision as good as the eagle who inspired it. They can see incredible detail at great distances and this charm gives the wearer that same ability.
- Worn Leaf - This charm looks like a wavey slightly rumpled tattered autumn leaf. However, it protects the wearer from sudden hard falls at high velocity. Instead of falling based on their weight and speed, the charm allows the wearer to fall as if they were a light gracefully shed autumnal leaf.
- Messenger Bag - This charm looks exactly like a tiny metal messenger bag. It can hold the contents of a standard leather messenger bag of 13" height x 18" width x 5" depth. All the wearer needs to do is touch items with the charm and the charm will store the items within the charm safe from all harm. Once the charm is ‘full’ to capacity, it will stop absorbing items it touches. All the wearer has to do to retrieve an item is to think of it and it will appear in their hand.
- Weapons Locker - This charm bracelet comes in many shapes and sizes. If it is used for a sword, it will look like a sheathed sword. If it is used to house a bow, it will look like a bow case. A quiver of arrows would need its own Weapon’s Locker. The Weapon’s Locker charm will house one weapon at a time and assume the shape most appropriate to the weapon itself. The wearer need only to touch the charm to the weapon. To withdraw the weapon from the weapon’s locker, the wearer must touch the charm and think of the weapon. The Weapon’s Locker Charm can only hold one weapon, but a charm bracelet may hold multiple weapon’s locker charms. Each weapon’s locker charm must be purchased separately.
- Spiderweb - This small spiderweb charm allows the wearer to once a day cast a large incredibly strong web out from the bracelet. It can be used as a net to entangle things within its sticky mass. It is as strong as spidersilk and dissipates after 10 chimes.
- Honeybee - This detailed charm allows you to be immune to the stings of insects.
- Anchor - This charm is shaped like a ships anchor. When activated by using the word ‘anchor’ the anchor will allow the wearer to remain rooted in place no matter where they are. They can be on flat ground, on a wall, up a tree… and nothing will move them until they use the word ‘release’.
Syka Osere MapIn times past, Osere Maps were more than common. Now, there are just a few in the world and fewer still individual mages that know how to create them. This particular map depicts the area in and around Syka including the Maw. It greatly resembles the Syka Linkmap.
Whenever Tazrae has explored an area and visited it with the map in her possession, the area she has discovered and explored will note itself on the map keeping track of her discovered locations. The map automatically knows the name of the place (at least what Tazrae calls it) and its exact location on the map (much like GPS). In addition, she can add up to ten drops of ten individual person’s blood to the map’s surface which the map will then absorb.
Once blood has been added, the map will start depicting where on the map the person the blood belongs too is currently located. This person is depicted by a dot and their name as Tazrae knows it. The locations of people will actually be seen physically moving on the map to anyone watching the map, if those people are physically moving. This always happens unless the person located on the map is stationary – as in writing a letter or napping, etc. Tazrae can only track ten individuals at a time, including her own self.
When someone dies, their drop automatically vanishes from the map’s magical workings. If the person dies within the map’s depicted area, a small black X appears along with their name to mark the place of death. At this point, an additional person can be added to the Osere Map via a drop of blood. Once all ten drops are in play, no new people can be added until current users die. The map, when left unattended, will still depict everyone’s location on its surface who’s had blood added to the map.
A Blanket Made Of Stars This incredibly soft king-sized blanket is as dark as night on the outside and has a warm Berber inside. However, Zintila has gifted it with a bit of her magic and its dark side glows with starlight. If a person beside it studies it, they will see a multitude of the nebula, circling stars, and a whole host of outer space scenery in its dark form. The blanket, from all the stars, glows softly and reassuringly casting any room or tent it is used in with a soft welcoming glow that doesn't affect the ability of a sleeper to get to sleep. The blanket will also keep the user at that individuals' perfect favorite sleeping temperature. (NaNo 2020)
A WishThe Bronze Parrot Statue manifested in Syka due to Tazrae's wish for NaNo 2020.
Plant TesterThis magic item comes in the form of a lovely cold iron wand ending in a large gemstone that has color-changing properties. It is a complex wilderness survival tool that will allow you to touch any plant that’s still alive or dead (meaning dried herbs work etc) and based on the color the plant tester turns will determine the value of the plant to the person holding it. If the stone remains a colorless grey (its standard color) then the plant has no value to the person holding the plant tester. The following colors stand for various things. And once the color turns bright in the color-changing gemstone, then the user can touch the gemstone and get a firm idea in their mind as to what the plant tester is seeing in the plant. Keep in mind different parts of plants might have different properties (ie leaves verses roots, verses bark, verses internal meat) and those different parts might have different uses. Please note different users will get different results as well. Something that is poisonous to a human might be delicious to a dhani, for example.
- Red: Poison – touching will give the user an exact idea of what kind and effects
- Blue: Healing – touching will give the user how to prepare/use the plant for healing and what it heals.
- Green: Food – touching will give the user an idea of how to utilize the plant for food and its preparation.
- Purple: Building/Crafting – touching will give the user an idea of how to utilize the plant for crafting or building.
Twilight StarFinding a Twilight Star is considered incredibly lucky and a blessing from the Gods. Twilight Stars are often passed down through families because they are rarely destroyed despite their fragile appearance. Looking like a carved three-dimensional crystalline star the size of an average man's fist, these beautiful objects have multiple uses. Hung in sunny windows as sun catchers, these stars often can fill a room with a rainbow of refracted light, even on a cloudy day.
Lofted in the high peaks of a ceiling, these Twilight Stars glow in the darkness and gently illuminate space all around them. They make lovely luminaries that can light up an entire room or guide a lost traveler in the dark of night home.
A third and often overlooked value to the twilight stars is that if one person holds the star and thinks about how they feel about something, another person can reach out and touch that star and clearly and truly see what the other person is feeling. These stars are precious, traded frequently within black markets and in back-alley deals.
The Encyclopedia of ArcanologyThis rare tomb holds a lot of information on the types and disciplines of magic in Mizahar as well as general magical knowledge. This tomb does not include any info on Lost Disciplines.
An Irridescent Ixam ScaleThe scale may be worn as a necklace. When first worn, an amazing experience will occur. The scale will flare with brilliant iridescent light and painlessly embed itself into your flesh in the spot between the base of your neck and just above your breastbone. It becomes seamless with your skin and the snakeskin loop follows suit. Whenever you focus on the images you experienced in the dream; those of the jungle and the freedom you felt, a soft clicking sound will be heard as the scale seemingly unfolds into countless other scales that spread across your body. As the scales quickly unfold and spread, your body will undergo a remarkable transformation. Your limbs will painlessly reshape themselves as will the rest of your body. You will fall to all fours while growing a tail; your neck lengthening and your head widening and elongating. Within a matter of a few seconds, you will completely transform into a jungle Ixam much like your companion, Bree.
The transformation and resulting feel of the new form is completely unlike that of a Kelvic. You do not share the core natural instincts of the new form although you do benefit from many of the senses as well as other aspects of the Ixam. Such a feeling of freedom and wonder can become addicting.
The size of this form is equivalent to that of a young adult: 9' long, 5.5' tall and 3 feet wide at 750 lbs. The form will be black with iridescent scales that shimmer a rainbow coloring in direct sunlight. Mucus membranes will be various rainbow colors in deep jewel tones.
You have the carrying capacity of a Jungle Ixam for your size as well as all of the other allowed carrying, pulling or load weights listed in Lore.
You have large claws and jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth.
Climbing is effortless as an Ixam and equivalent to an Expert level skill for the sake of maneuvering through the jungle or similar environments. You will find that being cold-blooded, basking in the sun or cooling yourself in cold water will be felt greater than as a human.
Fresh meat will taste so much better than if you were in human form and vegetables will have no real taste at all.
You will see, smell and taste things with greater vibrancy than you would as a human. Everything you experience is a bit brighter, more defined and literally tickles your senses.
Your agility will be heightened to a level comparable to a wolf as Jungle Ixam are often viewed as the wolves of the jungle. Equivalent to an Expert level in dodging and balance.
You can speak with your own voice that can be understood by Bree and other humanoids. You can also be understood, at a more basic level, by other non-sentient Jungle Ixam as well as understand them; at least their intent. You can hear your own voice as you speak but to the Ixam, it comes across as a series of clicks, hisses, growls, and chirps.
Any possessions, clothing, gear, etc., will not change with you. So be wary of this when transforming and take precautions.
You will be able to sense the movements and basic intentions of other Jungle Ixam who may at some point be considered a part of a pack that you are also a member of. As Jungle Ixam are pack-oriented, they tend to function almost like a single entity. Through their vocalizations and spatial awareness in regards to one another, they are excellent pack hunters.
Skills or magic that require a fully functioning human form will be difficult if not impossible for you to exercise while being an Ixam.
Finally, by taking the form of the Jungle Ixam, you will place yourself at a specific place in the jungle food chain. Crocodiles, large constrictor snakes jungle cats, and many others can pose a great threat to you while in the form of a Jungle Ixam. While you possess many of the senses and physical traits of the Ixam, you have the mind and instincts of a human. This has the potential to cause even the slightest gap in reacting to a threat as human thought tends to override natural instinct. Your increased size and agility make you formidable, but to many other predators in Falyndar, you are a potential meal. Big and agile as you may be, you are not the biggest or the fastest in the jungle. This is primarily why most Jungle Ixam operates in packs; not only for success in hunts but for protection.
A Watermelon Tourmaline RingThis ring was offered as a gift to Xyna at The Outpost's Xyna Shrine. Tazrae doesn't need it anymore since its ability has been absorbed into her person.
This ring grants Tazrae 'Danger Intuition' - Tazrae can sense nearing danger, acute danger, potential immediate danger, or impending danger and sense unwanted or hectic threats to her well-being and attempt to evade it. The intuition usually regards herself but may include their surroundings and loved ones in her vicinity. This intuition comes in the form of visions that may remind her of daydreaming or fantasizing about something. For example, if she's walking along a steep cliff trail and suddenly visualizes herself falling off the cliff because the trail crumbles beneath her... .that's this ability rearing its head and warning her.
Red Velvet Green/Brown GlovesThese velvet gloves are impossible comfortable and provide amazing grip. When first worn, the gloves will adjust to fit and may remain in their natural shape or take that of hand wear that is appropriate to the environment/region where they are acquired. When worn, the gloves make things feel lighter than they really are and allow for the picking up and carrying of a single item that weighs twice as much as the average amount of weight the person could normally pick up and carry without undo fatigue and weakness. For example, the average human may be able to pick up and carry 50 lbs for at least some amount of distance. The gloves allow for 100 lbs to be lifted and carried with mild exertion. This does not grant increased strength for anything other than lifted and carrying. Thus striking, throwing, squeezing, etc., are not affected. The gloves grant a +10 to endurance while worn. When Taz tried them on, they morphed into green and brown mottled fingerless gloves that were more appropriate for the jungle and that would fit over her hand wraps.
Black Green Leather BootsThese leather boots are made with amazing craftsmanship. Depending on whether the wearer is male or female, the boots may have buckles and straps and/or eyelets and laces; or both. When first putting on the boots, they may remain in their thicker, heavier natural form or they may take a form more appropriate for the environment/region they are acquired. Perhaps they become black sandals with a silver buckle or a pair of moccasins with laces. They will always be black however and once their form is taken, it can’t change. When worn, the wearer will find they are able to walk on uneven surfaces with greater ease and can find balance where footing would otherwise be precarious. They give the wearer a +10 to acrobatics for the sake of balance and movement on otherwise difficult to traverse surfaces. Taz has managed to die hers green.
Magic Kapok Seed (Pinecone converted to rainforest tree species)A pea-sized Kapok seed decorated with gold paint. When tossed in a nearby empty space, it will instantly transform into a 100-foot-tall fir tree that is roughly 30 feet in diameter at its widest. Great for creating shade or atmosphere. This can be done once a day and the tree will last for 12 bells before returning to the form of a seed. A single item, occupying no more than 12 inches of any dimension, if placed under the tree, will be stored within the tree when it returns to the form of a seed. When the seed becomes a tree again, the item will appear under it. Special note – The fir tree is the default example, however, the form of the tree or the associated see, can be reflective of the region the owner acquires it in. So, if you are in a tropical environment, maybe the pinecone is actually a coconut, and fir tree is a palm tree. Desert mesquite would have a pod. A copter would produce a maple tree. Same effect, different seeds and trees based on environment.
Flask of Celebratory LibationsA silver flask that, once per day, can pour up to a half-gallon of one of the following drinks: Eggnog, hot buttered rum or hot alcoholic coffee. These beverages are so tasty that if offered for sale as an exclusive item in a business, they will add a 10% sales bonus for the sake of determining final profit.
Faith-Filled CandleThis vanilla-colored candle is 12-inches tall and 3-inches in diameter. When lit in dedication to a deity, the candle will burn until the flame is extinguished. it will enhance the atmosphere in a 10-foot radius around the candle. The actual effect depends on the deity that the individual is dedicating the lighting of the candle to. This deity need not have marked the individual for the candle to work its magic. Lighting the candle in dedication to a deity will grant a +5 bonus to the skill that the deity is most aligned with. See the DATS Lore Entry. To gain this bonus, the individual must spend at least a bell within the area of effect. The bonus lasts for six bells after.
Ever-soft Shortbread CookieA small cylinder, green and white striped in color with a glittering silver cap on one end. Contained inside are five vanilla-flavored cookies decorated with sweet white sugary icing and red and green sugary sprinkles. Consuming a single cookie provides enough nourishment for a single meal and chases away fatigue for a single bell. The cylinder takes a full day to restore a single cookie. Once a cookie is removed, it will remain soft until eventually consumed but will lose its other special qualities after one day. Returning it to the cylinder before that, will preserve the cookie’s qualities.
Ornament of Peaceful RelationsThis small blue glass orb has a gold cap attached to it with a metal hook sticking out of it. When hung in a room inside a building, all who enter that room will find it difficult to engage in conflict while remaining inside the room. This effect is nullified if the owner of the ornament engages in conflict first.
Ornament of the HearthThis small red glass orb has a gold cap attached to it with a metal hook sticking out of it. When hung in a room inside a building, the room will feel as if there were a comfortable burning fire present. Those in such an affected room will find an effective +5 to their meditation skill while they remain in the room.
Ornament of Cheerful SongThis silver-flecked glass orb has a gold cap attached to it with a metal hook sticking out of it. When hung in a room inside a building, the owner of the orb can whistle a whimsical tune and the orb will respond by producing a random bit of music that fills the room. The music is always something that the owner will find soothing or even cheerful and will continue until they whistle again. After listening to the music for 6 bells, the owner will gain a permanent bonus of +5 to a single music skill of their choice.
Wooden Comb of the BluesThis small comb is made from a strange, pale-blue-colored wood. When used to comb one’s hair, one effectively dies their hair a light blue. Continuing to use the comb on one’s hair will turn it a deeper blue. This effect lasts for 12 bells once per day. Along with the hair color change, the comb’s user will also be able to blow into the palm of their hand to create a packed ball of snow; no matter what the climate is. If someone is hit with the snowball, they will suffer a -5 to all rolls during the encounter with the comb’s owner. This is basically because they are confounded at the fact they were just hit by a snowball.
Crackling Log of Everburning ComfortThis thick wooden log is roughly 2 feet long yet weighs just under a pound. When used as fuel for a fire, be it in a hearth, firepit or campfire, the log will burn for a full 12 bells or until extinguished. While it burns, the log will crackle and illuminate the immediate area up to a 10-foot radius with a soft fiery glow. The temperature in the same area will remain consistently comfortable regardless of how hot or cold it really is. Those in this area will also find sleep easier to attain. For as long as a person sits within the affected radius up until the log is no longer burning, they will gain a +5 bonus to all non-combat-related skills due to the comfort they feel.
Red and White Minty StickThis four-inch-long hooked stick is made of an unknown material that faintly smells of mint and is colored with red and white stripes. At any time, if the stick is held in hand and shaken three times, it will instantly grow into a 6-foot-long hooked staff of the same color and scent. Once per day, the staff can produce a localized explosion of swirling red and white colors centered on a single target. The explosion causes the target to become slightly confused for a moment. If dice rolls are used, the target may suffer a -10 to any single roll.
Lump of CoalUpon first glance, this simple lump of coal doesn’t appear to be anything special. However, when held and while close to someone doing something naughty, it will begin to feel warm. The closer the naughtiness is to the one holding the coal, the hotter will get until it is noticeably hot even if gloves are worn. The exact nature of the naughtiness is unknown as is the exact location. It can detect naughtiness within a 50-foot radius of the person holding it but tracking down the direction is trial-and-error. Moving in different directions so that the stone will get warmer and avoiding directions where it gets colder is how the tracking works. Using the stone grants a +5 bonus to tracking while it is in use.
The ListenerUsed once long ago with a mage that was too busy to write anything down, this quill comes in a ebony wooden box lined with red velvet. The quill itself is quite an artistic piece, it appears to be made with a gold frame that encases a rainbow feather. Inscribed across the body is the name “Alex”. When one says the phrase “Alex listen to me” the quill will immediately animate and proceed to write verbatim whatever its owner says. It does not require any ink, but ample parchment should be laid out if one does not want the quill to start writing on every other available surface. Another unique property of this quill is that the color of ink it uses depends on the orators mood, and temperament with a vibrant range of colors and textures available.
Silas Wordsmith (Magecrafting)Since time immemorial mages have been secretive about what they wrote down, some more than others. Created ages ago by a mage named Silas who kept an extensive series of journals that he then animated and imprinted with his personality. Because he lived to be a very old mage before he eventually died centuries ago, he managed to cover quite a few topics from personal magic to world magic. These tomes all share Silas' personality, a man who was well known for being intelligent and industrious as well as rather cruel with those he considered to be his subordinates.
Martial Hand WrapsThought to be created during the heyday of the Suvan Empire, these hand wraps are very useful for unarmed specialists and flux users alike. Appearing as two strips of cloth that are equal length, when wrapped around ones hands and wrists the magical effect of these hand wraps become apparent. Better than any bracer, these wraps are capable of deflecting direct blows from all sorts of sharp edged melee weapons without cutting the user so long as the blow is blocked by the wraps. However anyone using these should remain cautious as blunt damage will get through however it will be down graded in severity one level based on the strike. So a severe blow would be downgraded to moderate and a moderate down to minor, etc.
HomefinderThis ancient token is a remnant from the days of Alahea and a time when Aquiras still lived. Most of Alahea's monarchy and VIPs carried these charged tokens as a sort of backup security measure to keep them from being kidnapped or finding themselves in a life-or-death situation. Their crafting is a complete secret though scholars of Arcanology suspect Homefinders are tokens of Masterwork Magecrafting with an obviously added spark of divinity. Popular theory says they were all made by Aquarias' last living champion who was also a Master Magecrafter.
When held between one's forefinger and thumb, and the word 'home' spoken, one is magically transformed to what one charged the homefinder with as being 'home'. The transfer is instantaneous and is not affected by time, space, geography, or magical restraints. The transfer is painless and instantaneous.
When being charged, a homefinder can be 'tuned' to consider any number of places home. That home might be a person's actual home, an escape bolt hole, a high mountain clearing, a cave deep in the woods, a best buddies' cardboard shanty, anywhere the user can think of as ' home'. The user must be intimately familiar with the place they tune the homefinder to as home... meaning they must have been physically present in the place they select the homefinder to call home. The only possible way around this 'must have been to a place physically' is as if someone employes a Dreamwalker to walk them through someone else's memory which they then can take on as their own.
Homefinders are powerful magic items with endless potential for use.
The Homefinder can only hold one charge and one targeted 'home' at a time. Once used, it must be recharged to be used again. With each 'recharge' the 'home' location can change based on the whim of who is doing the recharging.
Homefinders can be essential in the need to escape captivity or return the person who owns it to that person's 'home'. Their uses are 'unlimited' but they must be charged before each use. In olden times, when the world was still new to Humans, Homefinders were often deployed by Explorers who got themselves hopelessly lost or in dire survival situations as a last ditch effort to return home - mostly in shame.
These tokens are rarely found charged and are dangerous to use with an 'unknown' charge. They can be 'overwritten' by recharging them with a new charge (as if they'd been used) if discovered or acquired. Then, once used, they must be recharged. A charging will require a 2.5K word thread on meditating about 'home' for anyone who is a novice at meditation. Competent meditators require a 1k word thread to recharge a Homefinder. Those with Expert in Meditation require only a 500 word thread (or section of a thread) where they are recharging their homefinders. Master meditators need only a few moments of concentration on 'home' to recharge a Homefinder.
Homefinders can be bought, sold, gifted, or stolen. They will retain the last charge they held until they are either used or recharged in an 'overwritten' situation.
Homefinders are exempt from coupons, requests after this challenge, or as wishes. They must be acquired in thread along with all the lore above that is associated with them. Players have until the end of the season to acquire these, or they loose the ability to acquire them.
Homefinders awarded in this contest come 'used' or 'uncharged' and must be charged for their first use.
Small Cosmetic Bag This purple velvet cosmetic bag has a new cosmetic or hair item that materializes in it once per day. If it is not retrieved, the item does not reset. But if say a jar of lipstick appears and is removed, the next day eye khol might appear. It will rarely be the same cosmetic or if it is, the shade will be drastically different. The cosmetic item may be application-type cosmetic items such as face powder puffs and eyeshadow brushes. The items from the bag do not vanish, though all the products can be used from their containers.
Silas Journal Of the Mundane ( Herpetology/Psychology) Before he wrote the magical journals that he posthumously became famous for, Silas Wordsmith made his mark by writing on a wide variety of topics which made him popular with tradesmen and socialites alike. Surprisingly, these journals were accurate and detailed about the topics they covered which eventually lead to quite a few of them entering circulation at the time. Silas Wordsmith’s secret? He hired people to do most of the writing for him. Of course he did the grunt work for the first few books he put out, working out interviews and the like but he found that took too much time from his magical studies, and born with a proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, he did what came naturally and let others do the dirty work while he took all the credit. He promised exposure, but in the end, no one remembers any of the original authors of these tombs but there are quite a few of them floating about.
Unlike his magical journals, these books are much more personable, a minor magical gimmick he used to sell to the wealthy who wanted to indulge their curiosity about what the lower classes were up to with their tradeskills. These books have a limited mental capacity. They are able to greet, remember the names of the people they interact with, and make small talk but little more than that. They are also observant of common commands like shut up, which they will obey until asked to speak again. These journals only cover one skill, and they do so in a detailed, and organized manner that is very straight to the point. They do not cover any magical skills, and do not contain any pre-val lore. Some might find the reading in these journals rather dry unless of course, they are interested in learning about the skill, of which they will likely find it very interesting. Please also note that when it comes to some of the more physical skills, like running or boxing, these journals were written like an interview while tradeskills like pottery or tanning lend themselves to being laid out more plainly.
The mundane journal of psychology has a green leather cover with a brain token on its cover. The herpetology journal has a winged velispar on its cover and is a ragged brown color.
Camouflage CloakThis cloak is covered in foliage that matches a single environment that the user chooses (I.E. Jungle would be made of moss, vines and leaves). When worn in the environment it emulates, it grants a +5 to stealth rolls. Additionally it keeps the user warm and dry thanks to the magical treatment that has been given.
Twin TorquesThese metal torques always come in pairs, and are meant to be worn by close friends and/or lovers. When worn by a pair of individuals that share a close relationship with one another it enables the pair to know the direction the other one is from them, and roughly how far because the torque will get warmer the closer one gets, but only while they are concentrating on the other person. If one of the pair feels like they are in danger, it will alert their counterpart, and give a brief idea of their direction without the partner having to concentrate on the other person however they will have to do so after if they wish to continue tracking them. These torques when worn for the first time will change aesthetically to fit the wearer’s taste, but only for the first time, after which the change is permanent.
Dreamglaze Gems These beautiful bits of blown glass appear to capture bits of an otherworldly scene within them and tend to glow at night if one has spent a good bit of time out in the sun. When worn on a necklace or bracelet they grant the user an increased clarity to meditation +5, and if worn at night while the wearer is sleeping, vivid dreams that the wearer will be able to remember for a few chimes after waking up in the morning. However, there is an additional property that can be unlocked for those with the time and patience. Doing so however will take more than a little bit of experimentation as it will require looking into the depths of the gem while meditating until one can almost see the pattern moving, and then that night it must be worn while sleeping. What happens after that is that they will have a dream the likes of which they have never had before in which they will interact with those who have also unlocked the gem’s ability, and who are also currently sleeping. This will function just like they had met them in person regardless of distance but the setting is always the same. A small study with a fireplace, and bookshelves lining every wall. If one had a fancy, one could try to find a book to read off of this wall but only one, because if they try to take another they will awake from the dream instantly. (How this is going to work is if you want to find a book in this study, you must contact a storyteller first to determine its availability, and then roll for it in chat. For instance, a mundane book of poetry would be a much lower roll than something exceptionally rare like Kelvics of Kalea so contact your local storyteller to figure out what needs to be rolled.) One can achieve this effect once every thirty days and can activate it by meditating on the gem again.