OOC Info The Zeltiva Character Registry - Winter 521 A.V.

Please register here if you are playing in the city this season.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

The Zeltiva Character Registry - Winter 521 A.V.

Postby Gossamer on December 2nd, 2021, 2:31 am


If you are playing in Zeltiva this season, please register here. Please feel free to PM me with any questions. Happy writing!

Character Name

Concept: Tell us a little about your character in 100-300 words. Be sure to include your character’s opinion on seaweed.
Race, Age, Gender: Self-Explanatory.
Profession: What does your PC do?
Arrival/Departure: Are you coming or going this season? If so, let me know which and when.

Character Goals: What does your character want to do this season? Not what you as a player wish to accomplish in-game, but what your character actually wants to do, even if it is just wake up every morning or feed themselves.
Player Goals: What do you as a player want to accomplish? It could be writing skills, plots, PC skills, experiences, time management, etc.
Favored Threads: Tell us what really just dills your pickle.
Disfavored Threads: Tell us what really just gets your goose.
Matchmaker: Are you looking to thread with anyone in particular? Do you have an open thread idea, or an event you’re planning IC this season? Post any and all matchmaker details here!

Other: This is for anything else you wish to add to your registration that is not already on there. I’d also like to remind ya’ll to make sure you CS maintenance is complete before registering! This means your ledger and thread list must be up-to-date, and your CS should not have a red check mark on it (if it does, you can still register, but not post).

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[center][box=630,#000000,#dedede,#dedede]Character Name

[left][b]Concept:[/b] Tell us a little about your character in 100-300 words. Be sure to include your character’s opinion on seaweed.
[b]Race, Age, Gender:[/b] Self-Explanatory.
[b]Profession:[/b] What does your PC do?
[b]Arrival/Departure:[/b] Are you coming or going this season? If so, let me know which and when.

[b]Character Goals:[/b] What does your character want to do this season? Not what you as a player wish to accomplish in-game, but what your [i]character[/i] actually wants to do, even if it is just wake up every morning or feed themselves.
[b]Player Goals:[/b] What do you as a player want to accomplish? It could be writing skills, plots, PC skills, experiences, time management, etc.
[b]Favored Threads:[/b] Tell us what really just dills your pickle.
[b]Disfavored Threads:[/b] Tell us what really just gets your goose.
[b]Matchmaker:[/b] Are you looking to thread with anyone in particular? Do you have an open thread idea, or an event you’re planning IC this season? Post any and all matchmaker details here!

[b]Other:[/b] This is for anything else you wish to add to your registration that is not already on there. I’d also like to remind ya’ll to make sure you CS maintenance is complete before registering! This means your ledger and thread list must be up-to-date, and your CS should not have a red check mark on it (if it does, you can still register, but not post).[/left][/box][/center]

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The Zeltiva Character Registry - Winter 521 A.V.

Postby Gormyr Snowsong on December 5th, 2021, 1:24 am

Gormyr Snowsong

Concept: Gormyr’s concept is relatively simple. The man has made himself disgusting in order to survive, and found that it worked. While living in seclusion from the living, he spends most of his time communing with the dead as the caretaker of Zeltiva’s haunted cemetery. The hope is to find more about the world from the dead, because speaking with the living has proven dangerous in recent times. Once he’s better informed, he believes he’d be able to find his family. He presents himself as Bob in broken Common, and tells people he can’t read or write – which is actually true for this language.

Race, Age, Gender: Vantha, 25, Male

Profession: Laborer at the Maria Satterthwite Memorial Cemetery

Arrival/Departure: I was planning to start by already living within the city, so arrival I guess.

Character Goals: When it comes to Gormyr, there is the long and the short term. Short term goals really are as simple as successfully surviving a world that wants to kill him and trying to find some kind of companionship through his dealings with the restless spirits of the cemetery. Long term is a different story and concerns itself with finding his lost family (living or dead), getting Morwen back, making the world accept the remaining Vantha once again. These last 2 could provide a nice conflict given the way the Seasons worded their threat.

Player Goals: One of the things I was warned about is that Zeltiva doesn’t exactly have a booming population at the moment. My goal for this season is making some new writing partners, improving spiritism, and trying to flesh out Gormyr’s backstory a bit more.

Favored Threads: I am not complex – and I want to be surprised. When I see people put effort into the project, it makes me more passionate as a reaction. When it comes to threads which would fit this specific character – I believe he genuinely needs a living connection of some sort, because the only people who can safely surround himself for many years now are the dead. Social and investigation threads, as well as those of mystery would fit best for the moment.

Disfavored Threads: I am not too big on romance. Many years of roleplaying experience have led me to a more or less settled belief that romance is often just a way to peddle bargain bin erotica. I really enjoy the rare exceptions, but they are rare.

Matchmaker: I have several thread ideas which could then turn into opportunities for other people as well. I am not sure if I’d even have permission for any/all of this, but here goes:
-I would like to organize holidays for the ghosts of the cemetery
-I would like to meet another Vantha, living or dead
-I would like to organize a scene where, after a long calm, another Vantha is caught by the Seasons
-I would like to write about the stories the dead could tell when given a chance to do so
-I would like to get a chance for Gormyr to fully clean himself up, as he couldn’t afford it for a while now
-I would like to advance the spiritism far along enough where the 2 envoyers would have to acknowledge it (I’m thinking expert+)
-I would like to write about sickness
-I would like to write about a group of younger people who gather at the cemetery as a test of courage
-I would like to learn to read and write Common
There’s probably more, but that’s what I got off the top of my head.

Other: Kelp smells better than Gormyr does most of the time. Beggars can’t be choosers.
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The Zeltiva Character Registry - Winter 521 A.V.

Postby Rohka on December 15th, 2021, 6:14 pm

Rohka... Rohkaria? Calico?
Character Name is currently in question

Concept: She's pretty devoted to Rhysol and her occupation, currently. Almost reserved when it comes to discussing anything she truly loves, which includes her family and friends, but is extremely sociable, to the point of somewhat being being nosy and awkward with the way she asks people questions. Caspian is the one person she knows here, and she never feels awkward asking him questions while they are here in Zeltiva. She is glad that they met each other so coincidently. Lastly, seaweed, to her, is a delicacy that she is genuinely glad she now gets to experience, being so far away from Ravok.

Race, Age, Gender: Human, 26, Female

Profession: Fortune Teller operating under the Mystic Eye

Arrival/Departure: Been here for a while now! No plans to leave yet.

Character Goals: She wants to talk to Krishveth. She also wants to find her grandfather.

Player Goals: Time management

Favored Threads: Love all types of threads!

Disfavored Threads: I don't want to write anything erotic with another PC. I'm still figuring out the right balance of giving as much as I can to the writer who is writing with me while holding back on anything I know is personal/private/reserved for knowledge with only loved ones irl.

Matchmaker: Happy to thread with anyone. Please see my Plotnotes thread and CS for ideas!

Other: :)
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The Zeltiva Character Registry - Winter 521 A.V.

Postby Lucius Walker on December 17th, 2021, 10:12 am

Character Name

Concept: Lucius Walker was born into a very wealthy family within Zeltiva. Growing up with a strict form of control and squashing of his own personal dreams and aspirations for those of his family. He had little to complain about but even still he went wild, especally during his eldest brothers death. Whom died while serving the wave guard when their ship sank. After some time he decided to follow in his brothers shoes, hopefully rising to the rank of litenent as his brother did. Cut off from the family fortune and will Lucius lives his own life in his own way, making it day by day and trying to join the guard as a recruit.

Race, Age, Gender: Male, 24, human

Profession: He's a recruit for the Wave Guard

Arrival/Departure: He's been in Zeltiva for most of his life.

Character Goals: He wants to become a full guard member and work on his skills in that vein. Also get drunk at the local taverns, of course.

Player Goals: I want to put him in situations that are dangerous yet rewarding, like looking for criminals or treasure. As well as find him a hobby, perhaps hunting and fishing but I have yet to decide.

Favored Threads: I like romantic sub plots and action seqences. Often I like inflicting pain or hardships on my characters and watching them figure things out. I also have a love for simple plot discussion with other PC's. Seeing how two to characters interact in a natural and fluid way is always rewarding to me.

Disfavored Threads: I don't think I've ever been in a thread where I didn't want to be there, so really I can think of none.

Matchmaker: Here's an idea: A group full of PC's go out sailing for whatever reason. Then a storm hits the boat and they crash, most die abaord but the others beach themselves after the chaos is finished. Once on the beach they must use their survival techniqes to make it back alive while predators, hunger and weather beat them down. Just a quick idea that ran thorugh my head and I'd be willing to try.

Other:I'm a frequent member but I never stick around long. I'm hoping to change that with this character and really try to work on my writing skill and simply get involved with the community. Goodl luck regardless guys and happy stories.
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The Zeltiva Character Registry - Winter 521 A.V.

Postby Shiress on January 10th, 2022, 10:15 pm


Concept: Shiress's concept is relatively simple in that she believes everyone is capable of being valued, except herself. Living a life full to the brim with trauma, loss, and rejection, Shiress deals with a lot of inner demons (AKA: PTSD)

Race, Age, Gender: Human, 28, Female

Profession: Shiress is a doctor at The Redynn in the Outpost

Arrival/Departure: Current resident and staying put

Character Goals: Shiress's goals are to build a meaningful relationship with Milo, her newly acquired nephew, sharpen her medical skill, and finally solve the mystery that is Nolen. Above all, Shiress's goals are a constant WIP.

Favored Threads: I love medical drama, mystery, and violence. The darker the better. Gotta have dark violence fix every now and then

Disfavored Threads: Meet and greets, as they tend to lose my interest pretty quickly
Matchmaker: Always open to new thread partners and plot ideas, whether directly involving Shiress or indirectly bumping into her in the middle of your own plot, Im down

Other: Happy writing, Zeltivans :D
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The Zeltiva Character Registry - Winter 521 A.V.

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on January 18th, 2022, 1:42 am

Evalynn Frostfawn

Concept: Evalynn has portrayed herself as a down on her luck outcast, run out of her home to save resources. She comes to the city in hopes to find work as a weaver or anything profitable for that matter. She even went out of her way to find an apartment as far on the outskirts of the town as she could, albeit it looks as if one strong wind could take it away.
Race, Age, Gender: Vanthal, 19, Female
Profession: Unemployed
Arrival/Departure: I was hoping to have her already in the city for about a week before looking for work.

Character Goals: Evalynn wishes to attempt to find a job and earn a living to survive
Player Goals: I kind of wish to build a solid plotline for Evalynn and improve my writing skills.
Favored Threads: I am usually pretty cliche bout my favorites i.e. action, adventure, and romance. But for this go around, I am looking for more of a thread where my character can form some lasting bonds and maybe gain some close friends. I also enjoy surprises and scenes that make a reader laugh and blush in excitement.
Disfavored Threads: No erotica, it was kind of the first thing I was thrown into at the beginning of my roleplaying life and now it's more of a chore.
Matchmaker: Just a few basic points I would like to write about.
- Write about her job hunting journey
- Write about her meeting the locals
- Write about an encounter that could end badly for her cover

I would also play off of some other's ideas as well, but for now, these are the main points I can think of to get her started.

Other: Kelp is better with rice.
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The Zeltiva Character Registry - Winter 521 A.V.

Postby Caspian on January 19th, 2022, 1:14 am


Concept: Dandy about town. Caspian was originally a thief from Sunberth, and in the years since leaving, has tried to forge his image into something new and far shinier. He's never one to turn down a good party, especially one where the substances are flowing and free. His most important relationship is with his sister Taalviel, and though they bicker, the two as of late are rarely seen apart. This season, he's seeing the end of his residency in Zeltiva, and is more certain it's time to return to his family in Sunberth. He just needs to admit it out loud.
Race, Age, Gender: Human, mixed; 28; male.
Profession: Private investigator
Arrival/Departure: Last season in Zeltiva! Moving to Sunberth next season if I can.

Character Goals: It's a thought that's been brewing in the back of his mind for a while now, that back with his family in Sunberth is where he really belongs. Said thought needs to be articulated and manifested. A present complication, however, is his developing relationship with Rohka.
Player Goals: Going to keep doing what I'm doing. Get him ready to make the move.
Favored Threads: Social strife
Disfavored Threads: Action sequences
Matchmaker: Anyone

Other: Not much comes to mind. Took last season off; will only be minimally active this season, to be realistic. Definitely feeling like it's time to get Caspian started on a new life chapter.
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