50th Winter 521 AV – Alric & Taz’s Apartments It had taken him quite a while to recover from the last attempts he had made at using the Flux, he still remembered with a wince the fresh rawness of his muscles in its wake, how he had burned and ached for a good number of days. Yet, seeing the results, keeping up with his active rest philosophy, he had to admit that he was reasonably happy. Taz had been right, he was filling out further, food and training had changed him into someone different, at least physically. Looking into the small mirror the apartments had that morning it had been driven home to him, it had taken him a moment to recognize himself so different had he been since the last time he had truly looked. Despite the fact he was beginning to enjoy his more developed figure, not having given it much thought before, he was also cautious and had decided to rein back his desire to jump straight back into enhanced conditioning. Recovery time had been too long for him and so this day he had decided to try for a more cerebral, if not spiritual, approach. He had had the revelation that even though the Flux was a physical magic in action, at its core it still possessed theory and rules the underpinned it – despite the whispers of triumphant power whilst using it. He suspected that, back when Suvan soldiers used it, the masters that survived had a strong mental fortitude and awareness of their bodies. That was what he was doing at present, scribbling down notes into his journal between wiping the excess from the nib of his quill, alongside drawing diagrams of what he was feeling as he experimented, charcoal lines trying to replicate the Djed pathways he was feeling as the energy crackled around within him. His foot was tapping, giving the small amount of Djed something to act upon and not go rogue, but his brow was furrowed, his tongue poking between his lips as his hands worked, drawing and writing the first portions of what he had experienced. Putting both quill and charcoal down he set about repeating what he had done, to gain confirmation for the fifth time just for his own satisfaction of research requirement. He had settled upon his Tai Chi routine, the name and concept a gift from Taz. He had no idea if he were doing it right, as she had said the other Sykan did it, but at present what was more important was that it was making him more aware of himself. As he moved through the basic punches, blocks and kicks that he had turned into a smooth routine – each motion alternating with another – he had learned much already about how his Djed moved through him when channelled through his nerves, or his Astral self…he still had to further explore that side of himself but from what he remembered from the book a Projectionist was required. Still, as he settled into his meditative state, body now getting used to moving slowly and more fluidly, feeling out the energies moving within him, exploring and mentally mapping the pathways purposefully now. He pulled a little bit more upon his Djed before turning off the trickling flow, keeping what he had and no more so that the pathways were sensed more strongly for confirmation of what he had drawn and written down. He was serene in his quietened mind, thoughtful and attentive in ways he couldn’t remember being before. Using the Flux felt like more than a magic, it felt like a revelation…and there in lay the danger as he dismissed that tempting thought and sought out the serenity once more, settling back into the routine of sensing out the Djed pathways. |