Completed Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Bron and Dalavesta Reunite

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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Bronwen on March 28th, 2022, 6:26 pm


Avery's finger slid between Bronwen's slick lips, leaving a distinct trail of powder clinging to damp lines as he drew it back slowly, his dark eyes riveted on Bron's mouth. Her tongue darted out, collecting any dust that might have lingered on her bottom lip, and Avery leaned forward, intending on pressing his lips to Bron's, but Bron turned her head at the last moment.

Her companion did not notice the diversion and skimmed his lips across her jawline, down to her neck, sucking gently at the sensitive spot just below her ear. Bron's head fell back to give better access, her lips parting slightly, as she savored the rare erotic sensation.

Avery was a very handsome man. He was tall, with dark hair and eyes, built like a blacksmith, and had very talented hands. Hands whose fingers squeezed the sensitive, tight tip of one of Bronwen's breasts over her tunic and made her breath hitch. However, when that hand made to dip below Bronwen's tunic, she caught Avery's wrist, stilling the bold attempt.

"More.."she purred, dipping her head to tease her lips against his, "I need more first."

Avery cursed under his breath, called Bron a tease, but stumbled to his feet to do her bidding nonetheless, subtly adjusting himself as he stepped away. Bron grimaced, watching him weave through The Pig's Foot tavern's patrons, searching for more gold dust. Lifting a hand, she caught a barman's attention and motioned for another drink. A drink that would be on Avery's tab.

Bron had discovered, quite by accident, that one could obtain just about anything one wanted if she was a bit of a flirt. In more quantity, if she were willing for a bit of fondling. In her addicted mind, Bron wasn't petching these men so a certain level of morality was maintained. If the men got off, soiling their knickers, well good for them and all the more dust for her. A girl had to do what a girl had to do to get high when the coin ran low.

A mug of whiskey sloshed down in front of Bronwen and with a tip of her hand, she thanked the waiter, grabbed the mug, and dowed half with a hard jerk of her head. As the amber liquid burned pleasantly down Bron's throat, two large hands slid over her shoulders from behind, cupping both her breast. Bron licked her lips in anticipation of more powder as Avery leaned in close, lips teasing her ear.

"I have two thick lines of gold waiting on you," he growled, giving her tits a squeeze, "but I need a little show first."

Bron managed to keep hold of her mug as Avery pulled her from the chair, her body swaying dangerously. Forcing one foot in front of the other, Bron's half-lidded, glassy eyes took in the room as Avery pulled her through the throng of the tavern, weaving around chairs as they headed toward a table at the back.

A handful of chairs encircled the table. In these chairs sat a blur of figures, men, Bron's hazy eyes suggested, but a couple of women, also, she thought, and every eye was locked onto the two figures lying on the table. Bron squinted, then her bloodshot eyes rounded, going wide. A brunette and a redhead were writhing, one on top of the other, on the table, lip-locked and hands roving, as those surrounding them cheered.

Bron stared, unsure of what she was seeing, and hadn't noticed that Avery had pressed her front up against the back of an empty chair, his hips grinding against her arse. On the table, the brunette straddled the redhead and commenced to pour the contents of a bottle down her chest while the other woman lapped it off. That wasn't what had Bron's attention. No, Bron's attention was locked on the very large vile of powder the dark-haired woman had clutched in her free hand and the dark, sultry look she had just slid her way.

"You want it?" Avery asked in her ear, grinding even harder against her. Bron dazedly nodded her head. Oh, she wanted that gold as she had never wanted anything. "Then go and get it." he said, bending Bron over the head of the ginger, bringing her face to chest with the other woman. The brunette pushed the ginger's shirt all the way up, exposing freckled breasts. Tilting the vile over the woman's chest, she let a thick line of dust trail across pale skin, then grabbed Bron by the hair, guiding her down.

Bron's pink tongue slipped out, trailing the line of powder across the top of one soft mound, but when Bronwen lifted her head in search of the second line of dust, she saw it; a darker patch of skin in the very vivid shape of a butterfly. A birthmark. A very unique and very familiar birthmark.

Bron jerked back so violently that her head bounced off Avery's face. The man cursed, doubling over with both hands covering his nose and mouth. Bron, though, stared at the redhead, searching out her features. When the woman's debauched eyes met Bron's gaze, the guard went numb.

"Ves?" she said, voice trembling.

When recognition came into Ves's eyes Bron's world tilted, she staggard, whiskey mug falling to the floor of the tavern from paralyzed fingers. Bron's horrified gaze went from Ves's bare chest, to the line of dust, to Ves's eyes, head shaking back and forth in disbelief all while Bron made a valiant effort at backing away. Ves couldn't be here, not in Sunberth, not in this horrid place. Not seeing her like this, strung out and desperate, so desperate that she...

"Oh, Gods, Ves, it's really you."

Bron spun around, stumbling, but Avery's arms coming around her chest halted any attempt at fleeing.

"Where do you think you're going?" Avery grumbled, jerking Bron around to face him, "funs just started."

Last edited by Bronwen on May 7th, 2022, 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Dalavesta Stalinsa on March 28th, 2022, 7:48 pm

Dalavesta Stalinsa
She was lost in the haze of drink, sex and the purest sensations of desire, her whole day had been spent that way and though tomorrow she’d cram her fist in her mouth and regret the flashes of stilled memory the hangover would bring, it was better than the alternative numbness of a pointless existence. At least this way she could enjoy herself before something, or more likely someone, took her final breath. And enjoy herself she had, first with a particularly debauched tryst at Brega’s that involved three other women, bedsheets soaked with alcohol by the end and burns upon all of their bodies from the delightful roughness that would last a few days at least.

Then had come the dancing, drinking and corner of the tavern explorations with the barmaids of the Drunken Fish, all of whom were left quite happy and panting by the end of her time there. She hadn’t even had to pay for the drinks, they had given them for free right up until a gorgeous brunette had walked up to her, gripped her chin and shoved her tongue down Ves’ throat. It had started to become a blur from there on out, a sense of euphoria and transcendental sensitivity consuming her. It was as if her every nerve had been awakened and then set on fire by the warm glow of the ever flowing sources of alcohol. The brown haired goddess had all but propped her up as they swayed through the streets, all the way to the Pig’s Foot where she had been promised the night of her life, and she hadn’t been disappointed.

“Flamey, you’re going to love this” she told Ves, hands gripping at her waist as Ves pulled her close, tongue travelling across collarbone and up to bite at the lower lip, letting go just in time to be pushed backwards to end up sprawled upon a set of tables that had been gathered together, the woman straddling her and looking down with a delightfully predatory smile.

“Stop teasing and get down here” she almost purred, slurring slightly and pressing her knees into the woman’s back, pulling her down by her jacket for the beginnings of a long kissing session, the men starting to gather and cheering on predictably.

She didn’t care, instead lost in the sensation of delicate fingers and nails scraping cross her skin. She didn’t care when her shirt was pulled apart and her breasts were exposed for all to see, followed quickly by further nails, teeth and tongue. The grinding started and she was catapulted almost out of her mind, finding it far more enjoyable than even the whores at Brega’s had provided. She would have reflected upon that, as well as the brief pause when a man came to broker a deal with her before vanishing. But all she wanted, needed, was the warmth of flesh and to be lost amidst the pleasure. She could do little but moan and react to the brunette that had her at her mercy.

She felt something poured over her chest but didn’t get time to see what it was before someone new arrived, streaking their tongue across her and dragging out further groans of enjoyment. It was almost like a bucket of icy water had been thrown over her when it stopped, leaving her so close to the edge and she opened her eyes to see what had stopped it from continuing. It was like a dagger through her heart when her glazed, blurred vision took in the person who had paused and the echoed words reached her ears, tugging at her common sense and trying to drag it kicking and screaming into her addled brain.

“B-Br-Bron?!” she managed to get out through mumbled lips before the true horror of the situation gripped her and shook her to her core, one of her oldest friends and practically part of the Syliras nobility, had found her in her disgraced state, the beauty finally hunting her down despite her attempts at avoidance. She saw her being dragged way and anger started to drip through her, turning into a river, trying to force her limbs to movement.

“Don’t worry about her Flamey, don’t you want some more?” the brunette purred into her ear, leaning down once more but Ves managed to move and get enough leverage to turn her around so that she was now on top, looking down with drunken smile.

“Damn right I do…but got to help…first. Stay there…beautiful” there was no graceful kiss before pushing herself up, more of a grinding of mouths after her slurred words.

Then she was on her feet, staggering towards Bron and the man who had his arms wrapped around her, managing to get a few shaky steps, a growl of ‘let her go’ out of her mouth and a stepping in to swing a punch at the man…which hit one of the blurred duplicates but missed the real target, sending her spinning around and stumbling to the floor ass first with a series of curses and dark mutterings. It was as she was pushing herself back up that she felt the heel glance across her head and she slumped down, vainly trying to maintain some sense of consciousness.
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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Bronwen on March 29th, 2022, 9:45 pm


Bron stared, shocked, as Dalavesta sprawled on the floor, but when a boot connected with her old friend's head, Bron saw red. Avery was the first to react, grabbing the drunk man, who sported more hair on his face than on his head, and slamming the older man's head into a table. The drunk tottered for a tick on wobbly legs before crumpling to the floor.

Avery sneered down at the man, then offered Ves his hand to help her to her feet, sighed, grabbed the woman under the arms instead, and hoisted her up. He held onto her a moment until she regained her balance.

Bronwen was still staring.

"Bronwen!" Avery called, using a tone that indicated it was not the first time he had called her name. Bron's face swiveled toward the dark-haired man, but it took her eyes a moment longer to catch up.

"Do you know her?" he asked, glancing between her and Ves.

Bron nodded mutely, looking a bit confused and a whole lot high. "I need to go." Bron slurred out, turning on a stumble for the exit. Avery caught her arm, and Bron spun around, jabbing an unsteady finger at the man's nose. "This is your fault, Avery!" The man frowned down at Bron, one of few in Sunberth who got the pleasure of towering over the guard. Seeing the man's confusion, Bron repositioned her finger at Ves's nose. "She was my best friend! She knows who Ser Matrim Druva is! She knows me!" Tears sprang into Bron's eyes, making the already bloodshot orbs nearly glow. "Nobody is supposed to know. Nobody was supposed to find out."

Bron glared at Avery, then swept her eyes over to Ves, catching the other woman's glassy gaze. Bron frowned; it took a chime, but why wasn't Dalavesta as shocked and put out about finding her here and not in Syliras? Bron scowled, accusatory finger sliding back into place. "You knew!" Bron said, eyes widening, "You knew I was in Sunberth!" Bron glared a moment longer, then drew back her hand and smacked Ves straight across the cheek, causing Avery to tighten his hold. "You knew and never came to me!" she accused, missing the irony that she had just declared that she didn't want anyone knowing where she was, and then threw her arms around Ves's neck, squeezing hard into the embrace. "I can't believe you are really here." she whispered into her friend's neck just before she toppled over, dragging Dalavesta down on top of her.

Bron grunted, peering through a curtain of thick, auburn hair to find Avery.

"I'm going to need some more gold."

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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Dalavesta Stalinsa on March 30th, 2022, 5:19 pm

Dalavesta Stalinsa
The world swam as instead of another blow dipping her into unconsciousness the world moved, blurred and then repositioned itself the right way up, her unsteady feet finding purchase if not strength. She wasn’t quite sure what was happening, drunkenness mixed with the sharpness of the pain of her forehead. The revelations of the past few chimes were briefly lost as the stars still flashed and the strength flowed back to her leg, awareness telling her that she was being held up and with a deep, shuddering breath she shook her head to clear the blurred vision, blinking as auburn tresses briefly blocked her sight. It was the voice more than the finger wagging that brought her back to full awareness.

“Gods no…nono…not like this” she whispered to herself under breath, sobriety having crept upon her slightly with the shock and the kick to the head, not loud enough to be heard unless they were listening for it.

She didn’t meet her old friend’s gaze, remaining silent and gritting her teeth to ensure her lip didn’t shake and shame her further. Her mind reeled that moments ago she had been filled with such ecstasy by the same woman who now left her cold. No, that wasn’t true, her own sense of self-loathing left her that way, it wasn’t Bron’s fault she had discovered her and would thus soon discover the rest about her. How she had tried, so hard, to avoid this moment and now it was here there could have been a hundred other ways in which they could have met had she just had more courage, more strength. The Knights had been right…she wasn’t fit to stand amongst their ranks.

“Yes…I knew” she said in a quiet, defeated voice, unable to look up into the eyes she remembered so well.

Bron’s words had probably not meant to but had lashed her heart further, wringing it out afterwards and leaving her feeling…hollowed out. It was a familiar feeling, one she tried to fill with everything under the rays of Syna that could provide a short period of sensation, to feel anything other than that dark numbness inside. Even shame meant she was feeling something. But now, after those words, there was something else in the numbness too. There was crack, as if there was a wall she had been shoring up desperately and now she could feel things seeping through, tears dotting the corners of her eyes as her fingers clenched and unclenched, her chest feeling tight and her mind screaming at her to run before things could get even worse. She suddenly felt ugly and sordid, unclean and very aware that her clothing was still rumpled up enough to reveal her stomach, her trousers lowered to show off her hips. She wished they would move by themselves to cover her up and spare her the embarrassment.

“Bron I-“ she began, before she froze and tensed up at the embrace, as if expecting it to be followed by a strike as they usually did with others soon after.

Instead she squawked as they both were sent tumbling, Bron tugging them down to the floor and slamming them into the wood with enough pain to stun them briefly. When things righted themselves once more she realised her nose with in the crook of Bron’s neck and her scent filled her nostrils, causing feelings that had long been buried before she could blink, push herself up slightly and then, the maudlin drunkenness finally beginning to creep in without its being topped up…she burst into tears and gripped Bron more tightly then she had ever gripped anyone the last few years or so. She babbled her apologies and other fragmented nonsensical ramblings about how she hadn’t meant to hurt her but hadn’t been strong enough to face her after everything. Eventually, the depressing state of herself unburdened, the amber glow returned and instead she drunkenly rained kissed down upon her old friend, telling her se was so happy they were together again.

Bron would easily pick up on the fact that she was an absolute mess and that perhaps alcohol was not the only thing she might have been slipped this night. Ves didn’t care, there was a spark of something that had long been extinguished and though it was far from an actual return as she rested her forehead upon Bron’s closing her eyes after looking into the other woman’s gaze for a time, she recognised it for what it was even in her shambles of a state – comforting hope of a kind. She looked down for a few more moments, blurred gaze sliding this way and that, before she pushed herself off and to her feet, pulling Bron up with her after some false attempts.

“I…I think I need another drink. We need another drink….gods I…no…drink first” she said with a half-sad smile, pulling out a small pouch from inside her trousers and throwing it to Avery before slipping ana rm around Bron, partly for the closeness but also partly because she was fairly sure she wouldn’t make it to the table without help.

“Can…can we sit down…please?” she asked in a partially embarrassed voice.
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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Bronwen on April 1st, 2022, 6:50 pm


Bronwen slumped into a chair across from Dalavesta, legs bouncing restlessly. Seeing her friend here in Sunberth was surreal, and she wasn't sure the entire ordeal wasn't some drug-induced hallucination. She'd wake up in the morning and either find out she had imagined it or not remember it. Bron wasn't sure which would be a better outcome.

The Syliran couldn't blame Ves, not really, not when Bron wasn't sure she wouldn't have avoided her friend the same way had she seen Ves about the city. Still, she found it hard to look her friend in the face and wasn't sure if anger, hurt, or embarrassment stilled her gaze from wandering to Ves's.

Agitated fingers tapped out an uneven rhythm on the table as Bron shifted uneasily in the hard chair. Clearing her throat, she shifted again, glancing around over a shoulder for Avery, hoping the dark-haired man might have some more dust for her. Gods, but she needed it. Again, she cleared her throat, more a habit of drug use than a need to actually dislodge something. Shifting around to face forward, the beat Bron's fingers played against the tabletop quickened, grew more angry sounding, until finally, the guard slammed her palm so hard against the table that a sudden silence fell around the tavern, several sets of eyes from nearby tables shifting toward their table.

"Why are you in Sunberth, Ves?" Bron snapped, voice hard. The fall from Gold Dust's high was long, and Bron had just tipped over the edge. "Did Ser Mat send you?" she sneered, slumping back in her chair as a flagon of...something was sat down in front of her, another in front of Ves. Bron had it drained and asking for whiskey before the barmaid managed to step away from the table.

Belatedly, Bron remembered her father had been stationed at the Outpost outside Syliras for the better part of three summers. No matter, she let the sneer stay, "I guess it's obvious I still haven't found Sam." she let out a bark of laughter void of any humor, "I guess you think she ran off with that vagik," she waved a hand around, conjuring up the young man's name that her sister had supposedly ran off with, "Blays." Bron shook her head and grabbed the mug of whiskey from the barmaid before it touched the table, taking a long pull before adding in a rasped whisper, "She didn't, you know."

Sluggish, red-stained eyes gradually found their mark in Dalavesta's gaze, lingering there a moment before jerking away.

"I work at Brega's as a guard," she said, smirking down at the table, "But, knowing your particular appetite, I bet you already know that, huh?" another long pull from the mug made Bron's eyes water, "Father knows I'm here, though he doesn't know about my entertainment choices, of late." Cold grey-blue eyes slid back up to Ves, "I'd like it to stay that way."

Avery swooped in then, leaning over Bronwen close to her ear, hand dropping to press a small burlap bag tied with a string in Bron's hand, "This should do you until we can meet again." he said, smacked a wet kiss on her cheek, then was gone.

Bronwen shoved the bag into a pocket and cleared her throat, straightening as best she could in her chair. "How long have you been here? Are you staying somewhere safe?" Bron looked thoughtful for an instant, let her eyes roam Ves's face, then added, "You can stay with me at Brega's for a while If you need to." she smiled, there and gone again as quickly as it had appeared, "I care about you, Ves. This city is no place to be alone."

Funny that, seeing as Bron was very much alone in this city.

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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Dalavesta Stalinsa on April 2nd, 2022, 2:14 pm

Dalavesta Stalinsa
Sitting down proved to be more difficult for Bron than it did for Ves, that much she was certain of almost immediately after slumping into her chair. She had straightened her appearance as best she could now so that at least she appeared, if not presentable then at least not partially nude. She didn’t feel like dancing, petching or celebrating now. No, she felt like drinking, until it spilled out of her ears as much as her past wanted to burst forth now for her friend to hear, to see if she would still want to know her. She held her tongue, though, silently watching Bron, switching between her impatiently tapping fingers and that face she had missed despite seeing it often enough.

She wasn’t the same as she remembered her though, lines of agitation and stress, Ves thought, were dotted about her face. Less presentable and much less laughter than those long distant memories. She felt the beginning of tears before she stopped them, those better days when all they had to be concerned with was how tired they’d be by the end of the day and whether their armour would be shined enough for the inspectors. Even with the skirmishes and clashes with bandits or worse they had managed to find something to laugh about, even if it were keeping their lives. Usually, though, it was in companionship and some silly thing, things that seemed precious in their frivolity now. Bron would’ve seen her visibly flinch at her snapping had she been paying attention, but whatever had her on edge clearly made her not want to look at Ves, and so she simply felt herself curl inwards a bit more, protectively.

“No,” she said quietly, downing her drink and then the next one, letting the burn fill her with an almost desperation quenched sigh, “I wasn’t sent by…Ser Mat. I…I came here on my own. Well…caravan. Attacked, ended up here” she said, trying to keep her voice from trembling but failing, hoping that the obvious question wouldn’t be asked but knowing it would be, eventually.

Thankfully as the man, Avery, appeared and gave Bron something they were now alone. Along with whatever was in the pouch a few tankards of weak ale had been placed down, along with a delightfully attractive container of something more fiery that she proceeded to pour, drink and then pour again as if it were water. She listened in silence to Bron’s words and ignored the altogether too difficult questions as she set about the task of getting herself back into the happily drunk sensation so that the conversation would feel less pained and more approachable. If she hadn’t been drowning herself she might’ve realised that perhaps Bron was suffering as much as she was, something she would regret missing.

“What do you think happened then? Not the first time somewhere else has swallowed a Syliran, or that Syliras has pushed one away,” she said, a hissed sigh at the burning liquid escaping before meeting Bron’s eyes, putting a shy smile upon her lips, “but you always were the smarter one. I was just the back up” she reflected, ignoring memories and instead how she felt about herself taking control once more. Her eyes widened and nostrils flared at her word about her choices and she shook her head, trebling fingers grasping another drink before answering.

“Don’t say it like that,” she almost whispered, “please…not you too. How I feel and what I enjoy…it’s not something I can change, and it’s cost me already. I’ve seen you many time…you’ve no idea how much I wanted to come and hug you but…I didn’t know if you’d want to know m… I can’t hear distaste from you too,” she finished off another drink of liquid courage before continuing, “and I don’t care what you enjoy, long as you’re alive after. Don’t want to lose you soon as I’ve met you again. Just…be careful” she finished as she opted to sip the next drink after finishing off all of the ale, letting it warm her from within, leaning back to watch her friend through blurred eyes.

“But I’m not alone, I have you now, and your caring” she said with a grin, the alcohol performing it magic as time passed, “and I’ve been doing...better than most?. Spend most of my miza in taverns and brothels but I’ve got a comfortable set up in Tent City. Sheep skins, terrible cooking…a fire and my own tent…what more does a girl need?” she asked, leaning her char back slightly before almost losing her balance and slamming forwards with a red face, “I love you for offering Bron, but if I lived at Brega’s as well as petched there I’d end up earning nothing at all. Or…well no I’m not pretty enough to be a whore…and it’s not something fitting for an ex-squire of Syliras” she said, the last words more a sing-song mockery of stuffy knightly voices.

“Why don’t you visit? Never know, might come join me, it can be quite fun there” she met Bron’s gaze and waggled her eyebrows at her.
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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Bronwen on April 4th, 2022, 5:02 pm


Bron didn't reply to Ves's denial of being sent to Sunberth by her father, only staring at the other female long enough to decide Ves was telling the truth before sliding her eyes away as she lifted the flagon to her lips, letting the amber liquid flow past her lips. Returning the bottle to the table, Bron let her hands drop to her lap, where she pulled the small wax stopper from Avery's vile, shook out a long, thick line of dust along the length of one finger, then slid that finger into her mouth, eyes closing at the familiar bite of Gold. It didn't take long for the guard's movements to slow and become sluggish, and she found herself slumped back in the chair, gaze lazy and heavy.

Ah, much better.

Shoving the wax back into the bottle, Bron lifted it with a questioning tilt to her head, offering Dalavesta the chance to partake if she so wished, shrugging dispassionately at the other woman's inquiry about her sister.

"Doesn't really matter what I think." she said, peering at Ves through long, dark lashes, "Father says she's run off with Blays, and he's the one with the power behind him to help search." Bron shrugged lazily, "As long as he thinks Samantha is alive and well, albeit rebelling, he'll do nothing, and he sure won't listen to me." she scowled, "Father is so stubborn he won't even take the letter I received seriously." she shook her head, "I think her and Blays were attacked on the Kabrin road, and whoever attacked sent me that letter." raising a hand, Bron signaled two fingers for another round, "Probably dead, anyhow."

The shadow that passed over Bronwen's features was quickly hidden behind the flagon as the guard drained its contents, then sucked out the dregs with a silent burp. She smirked at Ves's reminiscing.

"I was never the smarter one, Ves." she said, side of her mouth twitching, "I was just the trouble maker, and you were my sidekick." she laughed, but her eyes tilted upward to meet Valadesta's gaze at her admonishment. "Not distaste, Ves, a simple statement of fact." Bron arched a brow, " I know better than most about who you spend your alone time with." Bron let that sink in, reminding her friend of the stolen kisses and wild groping sessions they shared as curious kids. Bron never really got into it, but Ves sure had. "I meant no offense, Ves, truly. I'm sorry."

Two more flagons of ale sloshed across the table, and Bron wasted no time taking its contents down to at least half, heart hammering in her chest. Bron had imbibed too much this night, and it was nearly time to go.

"I do care, Ves. I care more than you could know." Bron sat up straighter in the chair, propping her elbows on the table, "You were are my only friend, and now that I have you, I don't want to lose you either." she smiled, eyes suddenly pooling.

Yep, definitely, time to go.

Standing -swaying- Bronwen slammed down the rest of the ale, then motioned to Ves to do the same.

"My place or yours?" she asked, hooking her quarterstaff through the bag's loop on her back, then had to grab the table to steady herself and smirked. "Just like old times, huh? Bron pulled out the vile from a pocket and readied another long snake of gold. "My place is dry as a bone, no liquor insight. If yours is a bit wetter, then let's head there."

With that, Bron turned, looped an arm around her friend's slender waist, and unsteadily forged a path to the doorway.

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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Dalavesta Stalinsa on April 5th, 2022, 6:06 pm

Dalavesta Stalinsa
As time passed it pained Ves to see her oldest friend keep cramming in whatever powdered drug ito herself, clearly needing it for whatever terrible things had happened to her in the gods forsaken city of Sunberth. She couldn’t condemn her, though, she was her own special kind of weak herself – a drunken, dancing, fun loving slattern who petched whatever beautiful woman she could find, just to feel some warmth upon her flesh and some fire within that briefly replaced the ones lost when she had left Syliras. Instead of dwelling upon Bron’s problems she chose to focus upon the better parts of what was said, alongside quickly and determinedly downing every drink she could get her hands around.

“We could search,” she said with slightly slurred speech, “we always did know how to find trouble. Might find…find…the trouble they…found? Yeah…that…might get a clue?” she finished, aware that she had drunk so much, so quickly, that it was now catching up with her and swimming her vision.

She cursed under her breath at not having noticed that, finishing her last drink and forcing the idea of any future drink, at least for the next handful of chimes, from her mind. Her willpower was weak, though, and she knew that soon enough the warm glow would fade and the need for the drink would rise once more. Internally something twisted, knowing the Bron was seeing that part of her, and whether she minded or not it was still…depressing. And embarrassing. She had been training to be a knight! Now she was a discarded pile of refuse, nothing special and too easily broken. She perked up at the next words about their times together, and the affirmation that Bron didn’t see her in a terrible light, something which caused a sigh of relief she had not realised she had been holding back.

“Sidekick? Sidekick?” she pouted slightly, before smirking, “I was the sex appeal at the very least. Got us free tavern time more than once I’ll have you…you…know. Beau-eau-aeutiful I was. Even with the stupid shiny metal covering it all up. Best legs in the Squires” she sniffed and leaned back, crossing her ankles upon the table to prove the point.

“I…I know…sorry, just…well things haven’t been all rainbows and silky sheets. I should have come to you earlier…I know that…but you have my word I’ll make up for lost time. You’re right, no one should be in this city alone, unless they’re asking to be shanked. Together…again” she raised her empty mug and toasted with Bron as the guard finished her own drink.

As she pushed herself shakily to her feet she pulled a passing barmaid close for a peck upon her neck and a squeeze before the giggle followed and Ves pilfered a few bottles of something from her tray with the promise of making it up to her another time, stuffing them into her trousers before sliding, albeit shakily, to prop herself up against Bron, slipping an arm around her. By the feel of Bron’s pulling they would both need to support each other to get back to somewhere safe.

“I’ve got lots back at mine!” she said with a grin before realising how eagerly she had offered that up and blushing slightly, “and these too…I get it from all over. Doesn’t matter. Warm fiiiire, comfy sheepskiiins…not the best food…sorry…and blankets and pillows for days. Come on, you’ll have to help me, or I’ll get mud all over my arse before we get there. Forward!” she ordered as if they were knights before giggling and stumbling them both towards the door.

It was a long, meandering and laughter filled shuffle to her place in tent City, stumbling and tripping over various tent guidewires with curses and cackles from the other denizens that watched them. Ves didn’t care, she was used to it anyway and was just happy she had her friend again. Pushing the flap back they stumbled into the interior and almost fell atop the sheepskins, laughter wracking her chest and making her cough before she tried for a serious face, met Bron’s eyes and then laughed again.

“No….no! Nonononno…serious…make fire, sit your pretty arse down if you want to be warm” she told herself, passing the bottles she had pilfered to Bron and setting about drunkenly getting some flames crackling, taking a while and a number of curses but eventually, bending over on all fours to blow it into life before placing a couple of old, dried logs upon the flames in the firebox, “by the way what was that stuff you were taking? Any good?” she asked before taking a half-empty bottle from the ground and biting the cork free, spitting it aside and beginning to drink, leaning into Bron as she watched the flames rise and the warmth bloom upon her skin.

“And who’s that man eh? Has he…well…someone like you probably got him wrapped around your fingers eh?” she snorted into the bottle, happy that Bron had found at least that happiness in her life as she drank a bit more.

She pulled off her cloak and left her shirt loose and half-open, she had found over the years that it was quicker to get warm if you just let it in, though many didn’t seem to know that.
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Dalavesta Stalinsa
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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Bronwen on April 6th, 2022, 9:20 pm


And just like that, Dalavesta Stalinsa and Bronwen Druva were together again, and the many seasons that the two had spent apart suddenly dissolved. Again, the females were teens running off with Ser Mat's not-so-secret whiskey stash and giggling like fools. Bron accepted the bottle of brew Ves passed her, taking a long pull, then smiled around its rim at her friend as she struggled to strike a fire. Bron hadn't realized until now how much she had missed her best friend, and now that she had her back, the guard would do anything to keep her.

A little bit of the warm in Bron's smile cooled when Ves asked about the dust, and she was of an excellent mind to ignore the question, but she had a feeling that would only bring more of Ves's attention to the subject.

"It's rough stuff." Bron shrugged, "Once it gets going in your blood, it seems all you do is want more and more and will do almost anything to get it." she took another long drink from the bottle, "Is what it is, I reckon."

"Avery?" Bron grinned, "Avery is...just a guy in a tavern that will give me dust if I let him touch." she laughed, "Never petched him, though, if that's watcha getting at." Bron pulled a face, then collapsed back into the soft bedding, giggling. After a chime, she pulled Ves down with her, forgetting about the bottle she held, and, just like so many times in the past, Bron rooted beneath her friend's arm and laid her head on Ves's shoulder, smiling when she felt Ves's arm wrap around the back of her shoulders.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" she laughed, "Oh! I have to tell you a secret now! Remember? Any time we snuggled, one of us had to tell the other a secret?" Bron laughed, snuggling closer, "I'll go first, hmmmm"

Bron maneuvered the bottle of brew well enough to take a nice long sip without spilling it, well, much of it, wedged it between her and Ves, then rested her hand across Ves's flat belly, fingers toying with a button as she thought. From the last time she and her friend had seen each other, Bron was sure there were stories aplenty, but there was something she did want to share with Ves.

"I'm lonely, Ves." she said, her tone suddenly losing all of its earlier frivolity, "Since I've gotten to Sunberth, I've stumbled from one petch up to another, and I've managed to run off any friends I make." she sighed, "I met a gorgeous man, even had feelings for him, but all I did was everything under Syna to make sure he hated me." Bron paused, then lifted her face and gave Ves a shyke eating grin, "Kinda sounds like you and Licia Gallows, doesn't it?"

Bron waited for it, and as soon as Ves scowled, undoubtedly about to lay into her for bringing up that particular relationship, Bron lunged, digging her fingers into her friend's sides and tickling her just like she used to until they both collapsed in fits of giggles.

Bron sighed a long, contented breath, "Love you, Ves." she whispered. "I always have, and I think I always will."

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Lost Wanderers [Dalavesta]

Postby Dalavesta Stalinsa on April 7th, 2022, 5:10 pm

Dalavesta Stalinsa
“Sounds like fun…but I think I’ll stick with booze then, maybe just a taste every so often…especially if it’s like earlier,” she didn’t meet Bron’s eyes but instead smirked into the flames as she made sure they were definitely going well before pushing herself back, “but yeah…it is what it is. Can’t say as I’m perfect...spend half my nights collapsing outside over a trip hazard…keeps you tough” she nodded, for once not ashamed of admitting her own problem now that Bran had shared her own.

“Aww…poor man…always just on the edge of getting his mouth on your delicious ne-“ she began but ended in a surprised squawk as she was pulled back, half falling over her friend before bursting into laughter and rolling off of her, with some regret at the loss of bodily warmth.

She didn’t finish the crude sentence that had begun to form upon her lips, instead pleasantly surprised that the other woman remembered their old habits so easily, slipping back into a rhythm that had long been lost, but regretfully so. She snuggled closer, sharing her warmth and draping her arm around Bron as she set about taking another few mouthfuls of fire water, but slower now as she wasn’t after a blackout sleep, not this time. She blinked at the mention of secrets, remembering their youthful tradition, not expecting to hold Bron to it but she smiled and listened, staring at the flames.

“I remember. I remember learning a lot about you too, especially how much you gushed over Ser Nathan…something about…wanting to buff his armour” she giggled as she got a gentle dig into her ribs and snorted her mouthful through her nose before coughing and laughing in turn.

What was revealed was less merry and made her take a few swigs of booze before setting the bottle aside, within reach and about half full now. She enjoyed the playfulness of her friend, had spent many nights wishing it had become more, but she would take what she could get and Bron had always been there for her when she had been at her lowest – tired, half-broken, covered in sweat and bruised or cut up from whatever the day’s events had held in store. She could almost feel her melancholy, like a cloak around her that clutched icy fingers, grasping for any happiness it could crush. She could hear it in the tone of voice, feel it in the way she pressed into her for comfort. Even drunk as she was, she could tell there was at least a lust for this mystery man. She pouted to herself but said nothing, before suddenly jerking and thrashing to get away from the tickling fingers, curling and trying to brush Bron off as she failed at blocking the forced laughter.

“She had such a divine rear, like a gift from Cheva or Nikali…I just wanted to bite it….thanks for reminding me,” she shoved Bron back but her heart wasn’t in it and she flopped backwards once more, grabbing the bottle to hide her red cheeks, “she always did like to remind me of that time I got drunk and declared my love for it. Bitch shook it around every chance she got after that…I almost killed myself with embarrassment I swear…wasn’t so haughty after I spanked her ass in the training yard though…petch it you’re right!” she shot the fire a heated glare before sighing and putting the bottle aside once more.

“Wasn’t the only one…but she was the worst. Started sticking to bar maids or others after that. Not that that helped…kicked out of the squires for…dishonourable conduct,” her lips twisted and she pulled Bron closer as if she could make it all go away, “and then almost killed by bandits. Got these then…left to wallow here in Sunberth. A drunken guard who’s definitely slept with all of the female whores at your Brega’s…sometimes all together…shyke” she made a grab for the bottle, took a swig and passed it to Bron in case she wanted some too.

“But you gots me now…poor you,” she laughed, “and I gots you…no comment,” she cackled, tickling Bron’s side this time in sweet sweet vengeance, “but no…seriously…best moment in seasons this. Least I have someone who know me for more than my open legs or stabbing thieves. Means a lot. Love you too Bron” she kissed her hair and grabbed the bottle back, intent on finishing the rest of the bottle together.

“Funny…I thought I’d never see a Syliran again, let alone you. Maybe things will start to get better. At the very least gives me a gorgeous guard to look at. Now…finish the damned bottle you big softy, there’s more to get through before it gets stale. Food too…if I can find the damned pans..and…the rest” she waved a hand vaguely towards the side of the tent, much more interested in the woman in her arms at that moment.
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