61st of Spring
Before he could enjoy that however he settled down at his desk to copy what had been written in the Guidebook. He didn’t bother trying his hand at the illustrations, instead he just worked on copying what had been written down as legibly as he could manage. Of course, he was unfamiliar with writing so even going slow his words had a wobbly broken appearance as they ran into one another along the course of his sentences. He scribbled through several examples, trying again and again until finally he thought about tracing them. Of course that involved him awkwardly maneuvering his blank book so that the page could fit over the one in the Guide book and before he put his pen to the paper he hesitated, briefly worried that the ink might bleed through onto the book below and ruin the results.
Worried he took just a little bit of ink on a fresh quill and then hesitated over the corner of the Guidebook before it looked like a drop was about to touch the page it slid off before he could do anything about it, and dropped down onto the page. Surprisingly instead of soaking into the page, the drop just slide right off to fall against the wood of the table where it started to soak in gradually into the wood grain. Well that was a bit of relief he considered as he tried laying the books page over the other one again. Pressing the mostly blank page down, he saw a shadow of the words underneath and dipping his quill, he set about slowly tracing the letters below.
Of course this was not a perfect solution. His letters still ran as he was unused to dipping the appropriate amount of ink onto the tip of the pin which either lead to it running out halfway through or conversely pooling in unsightly ways across the page. He tried to spot check the runs with the edge of his finger before they really got going but only ended up making more of a mess. Eventually after two or three pages of messed up results, he managed to get a passage of barely legible writing onto a page by tracing it letter for letter before finally finishing. Then he blew across the page for a chime before leaving the book open to dry for a bit. The Guidebook he returned to his backpack before he stood up from his desk and stretched his arms out as far as he could managed, curling his toes as he did so.
Looking out the window and seeing their was yet a little daylight left, he decided to take his training dummy out for a spin. He’d left it at the foot of his bed, and hauling over his shoulder, he carefully maneuvered the long post out of his door and through the hallways of the Inn. Then fortunately there was only one more set of doors to get past before he was out on the beach in front of the inn. He didn’t pause to set up right there though. Instead he continued further along the beach until he was closer to the dock before he drove the stake into the sand. It took a few tries but eventually he got it so it didn’t tilt much to the side, and would stand up on its own without him holding it.
Then he looked down to the bastard sword strapped to his hip, and undid his belt to lay in in the shade of a nearby palm along with his bag. As much as he wanted to give the sword a few swings, he had started something earlier with the machete that he intended to finish now that he had an actual target to practice against. First he held the machete straight out so that it was in line with the rest of his arm as he slowly rotated his arm around in a wide circle. Then bending his arm at the elbow, he shifted his feet so his left was pointed to the side in front of him while his right was only slightly angled to his right. Facing the target, he swung overhead and across, striking the dummy in the corner or the cross.
WC - 714
Worried he took just a little bit of ink on a fresh quill and then hesitated over the corner of the Guidebook before it looked like a drop was about to touch the page it slid off before he could do anything about it, and dropped down onto the page. Surprisingly instead of soaking into the page, the drop just slide right off to fall against the wood of the table where it started to soak in gradually into the wood grain. Well that was a bit of relief he considered as he tried laying the books page over the other one again. Pressing the mostly blank page down, he saw a shadow of the words underneath and dipping his quill, he set about slowly tracing the letters below.
Of course this was not a perfect solution. His letters still ran as he was unused to dipping the appropriate amount of ink onto the tip of the pin which either lead to it running out halfway through or conversely pooling in unsightly ways across the page. He tried to spot check the runs with the edge of his finger before they really got going but only ended up making more of a mess. Eventually after two or three pages of messed up results, he managed to get a passage of barely legible writing onto a page by tracing it letter for letter before finally finishing. Then he blew across the page for a chime before leaving the book open to dry for a bit. The Guidebook he returned to his backpack before he stood up from his desk and stretched his arms out as far as he could managed, curling his toes as he did so.
Looking out the window and seeing their was yet a little daylight left, he decided to take his training dummy out for a spin. He’d left it at the foot of his bed, and hauling over his shoulder, he carefully maneuvered the long post out of his door and through the hallways of the Inn. Then fortunately there was only one more set of doors to get past before he was out on the beach in front of the inn. He didn’t pause to set up right there though. Instead he continued further along the beach until he was closer to the dock before he drove the stake into the sand. It took a few tries but eventually he got it so it didn’t tilt much to the side, and would stand up on its own without him holding it.
Then he looked down to the bastard sword strapped to his hip, and undid his belt to lay in in the shade of a nearby palm along with his bag. As much as he wanted to give the sword a few swings, he had started something earlier with the machete that he intended to finish now that he had an actual target to practice against. First he held the machete straight out so that it was in line with the rest of his arm as he slowly rotated his arm around in a wide circle. Then bending his arm at the elbow, he shifted his feet so his left was pointed to the side in front of him while his right was only slightly angled to his right. Facing the target, he swung overhead and across, striking the dummy in the corner or the cross.
WC - 714