Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Anomaly on June 1st, 2022, 4:55 am


Welcome to Sunberth!

If you plan on writing in Sunbirth during The Summer of 522 be sure and register! I will use the information you provide in your registry entry to plan for future events in Sunberth so please be thorough with your responses.

Thank you!


Character Registry
  1. Who Are You?
  2. Age, Sex, Race?
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here?
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences.
  7. What are your character goals this season?
  8. What made you choose Sunberth?
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?
  12. Additional Comments?

Code: Select all
[center][box=400,black,#37fddc,#37fddc][size=150]Character Registry[/size][left][list=1][*][b]Who Are You?[/b]
[*][b]Age, Sex, Race?[/b]
[*][b]Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here?[/b]
[*][b]What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?[/b]
[*][b]Describe your character in a few short sentences.[/b]
[*][b]What are your character goals this season?[/b]
[*][b]What made you choose Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?[/b]
[*][b]Additional Comments?[/b][/center][/list][/left][/box]
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Bronwen on June 1st, 2022, 4:41 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Bronwen Druva
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 29/female/human
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Born in Syliras and traveled to SB several seasons ago in search of my sister and never left.
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? How to survive and overcome.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Currently a guard at Brega's
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. I'm a Druva. I am strong-willed, stubborn, and loyal to a fault. I have recently (last two seasons) fallen victim to the schemes of local drug dealers and have become an addict. I've tripped headlong into the clutches of Sunberth's darker side, but in the darkness, however, there is a light. Her name is Dalavesta.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Maintain my slippery hold on sobriety (maybe a relapse or three), explore my relationship with Dalavesta, and become a better fighter and stronger survivor.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? Sunberth has a deep well of slavery and I think my baby sister may have been enslaved. So, it was as good a place to start looking for answers as any other.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? The ready availability of drugs, of course. :smoke:
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? That's subjective :p
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I invite any and all involvement and welcome their discretion
  12. Additional Comments? Looking forward to seeing what Anomaly has in store for Mizahar's very own sin city. Always open to threading and meeting new people!
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Dalavesta Stalinsa on June 1st, 2022, 4:46 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You?: Dalavesta Stalinsa
  2. Age, Sex, Race?: 27, Female, Human
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here?: Born in Syliras, lived in Sunberth many years
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?: Fun, skill gain, character development, relationship growth, heal her broken nails
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?: Storage Houses Guard
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences: Ex-squire kicked out for 'bad conduct' who ended up in Sunberth against her desires, carved out an existence, largely drank and whored away the pains. Lately has reuinted with an old friend, formed a relationship and hopes to be/do better
  7. What are your character goals this season?: Develop Bron relationship, work towards getting a home, explore/get over alcohol issues, various others
  8. What made you choose Sunberth?: Used to write here, enjoyed it
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?: How the city survives despite it all
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?: Guards things, tries to help others at times
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?: Don't mind
  12. Additional Comments?: No worries
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Farren on June 1st, 2022, 6:06 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Farren
  2. Age, Sex, Race?18, Female, Human
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Lived here my whole life.
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? I look forward to making new friends while Farren tries to find her place in the scheme of things.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? No, will have employment covered soon.
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences.Farren is stubborn, strong willed and stand offish. She works hard for what she has in life which usually keeps her too busy to make friends outside of her work.
  7. What are your character goals this season?Secutre her job. Reconnect with her brother and sister. Learn a few new skills. Keep out of trouble. Get a house of her own.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? I enjoy the challenge living in such a city presents. The difficulty of holding on to your possessions against a city that eats the weak and strong alike. To embrace the suck.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?The atmosphere. It is a city that is difficult to survive in even under normal circumstances. I think this will be very interesting to explore.
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?She plans on working as a groomer at the Aquillar hotsprings, catering to the spare few in the city that can afford a private pool.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?I want to focus more on internal character development for the moment.
  12. Additional Comments? Nope :)
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Wrenlo Gravence on June 2nd, 2022, 8:56 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Wrenlo Gravence
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 28, Male, Human
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? I’m born and raised here.
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Character development mainly, and skill gain. I’d like to try some seasonal questing.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I’m a Weaponsmith apprentice at the Knight’s Armory.
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. Distant and indifferent most days, I spend most of my energy on my personal projects. If you can catch my attention you can have it while it’s worthwhile.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Lots of growth in development, accurate skill gain to important traits needed while doing best to not get killed. I’d be nice to find a bit of companionship if there’s ever any in this city.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? The anarchism is freeing, even in poor and utter turmoil.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? Possibly the uncertainty of how your life could turn out.
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Forging weapons for the Sun’s Birth as well as any well paying contributor to my burning pocket.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I’m not really sure what I’ll need but I’m constantly asking you questions as I go about anyway
  12. Additional Comments? Praising Anomaly for all their hard work. Excited for this season!
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Caspian on June 6th, 2022, 12:14 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Caspian
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 28, M, Human (mixed)
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Born in Avanthal > Sunberth > Ravok > Zeltiva > Sunberth again. I think Sunberth will be his permanent stop. Unless something throws the narrative a total curveball (which I'm open to), this city makes the most sense for him.
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Thieving. Just trying to have some fun.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? All set
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. "Here for a good time, not a long time." Sneak thief with a long list of vices. Tamping down his cultivated sense of flamboyance so he doesn't get gutted on the Sunberth streets.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Raise larceny, stealth. Get into family drama. Ultimately I would like him to become a *very good* thief, but that's the long game.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? Caspian's story arc was always headed this way. When I first joined Miz a few years ago, I knew I wanted him to return to the place where he grew up. He had convinced himself he was better than the mercenary family that raised him; he was wrong, and he's giving in to what may have been his destiny all along.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? The freedom to create chaos through characters and backdrops. (Relatively speaking) - anything goes.
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Just another slag on the streets.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Not sure?
  12. Additional Comments? Open to threading with everyone. Let me know! And lots of love to Anomaly for being Mod.
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Brisa on June 13th, 2022, 1:49 am

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Brisa
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 1 year, Female, Kelvic Deerstalker
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Born and raised
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Some anarchy, some danger, some fun stories and good writing partners.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Debt collector for Goldfinger.
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. A creature with a lot to learn in a world that eats the naive alive. She’s aggressively protective but harbours a gentle heart.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Flesh out this character and weave her into the fabric of the city by building relationships with other characters.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? The potential for unpredictable situations and wild stories.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? Anarchy!
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Nothing yet.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Brisa is but a toy in your sandbox. I don’t have any requests, you can do whatever you’d like.
  12. Additional Comments? I look forward to getting into this hobby. :)
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Vest on June 18th, 2022, 4:12 am

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Vest'mun
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 16, Female, Inarta
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? I live here, came into Sunberth from a merchant train and was taken in by a dead hunter.
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? A stable job and rise of skills
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I need a job
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. Vest is an outspoken person with a wide curiosity. She will approach with questions, and speak firmly with good intentions.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Get a job, expand the land, learn
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? Chaos
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? Chaos
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? By hunting anything, mostly animals
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I don't know yet
  12. Additional Comments?
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Jazmin Sitai on June 29th, 2022, 1:02 am

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Jazmin Sitai
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 28, Female, Mixed Human
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Jazmin recently arrived to Sunberth two seasons ago and is planning to stay for the foreseen future.
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Try to find a bigger purpose than the past she left behind in Kenash.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? In the process of finding a job.
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. Jazmin is a self-serving woman who has a void in her life she's desperate to fill. She's constantly searching for a way to build her personal power over people and has plans to do just that in her time in Sunberth.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Establish her job as a philterer, start a small garden, get to know the people and the of the city and how they/it operates.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? I think it fits Jazmin's character concept quite well and the lore of the city is very immersive.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? The two sides of the coin being a "lawless" city yet magic is frowned upon is an interesting dynamic that I'm looking forward to exploring.
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Hopefully somewhat soon she'll be selling the best elixirs in the city.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Do what you will! I don't have any specifics for now.
  12. Additional Comments? I'm looking to gain skills in Gardening, Herbalism, Philtering, Intelligence, Interrogation, Investigation, Negotiation, Observation, Persuasion, Politics, Poison, Rhetoric, Seduction, Stealth, Subterfuge, Larceny, and Weapon: Dagger. If you're interested in threading about some of those topics send me a PM!
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Sunberth Summer 522 AV Registry

Postby Ssenalcorvest on July 3rd, 2022, 9:26 pm

Character Registry
Who Are You? Ssenalcorvest
Age, Sex, Race? Male, Dhani, 105
Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Corvest has lived here for 4 years.
What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Looking to make a few friends and maybe adversaries. Shoot your shot if you,re interested in threading with me.
Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I pmed you about that.
Describe your character in a few short sentences. Corvest is what you would call a know it all. He isn’t inclined to listen to the opinions of food.
What are your character goals this season? To carve out a stake in the Daggerhands, maybe.
What made you choose Sunberth? I don’t think I could stay true to this character’s concept in any other city besides Sunberth.
What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? Well frankly lawless has its appeal.
How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? While he is self serving perhaps when I get his skills trained up he can be more of a threat.
How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I sent you a message about joining the Daggerhands
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