Completed A Tale of Two Eypharians

The first encounter between Brea and Rhydian

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

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A Tale of Two Eypharians

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 2:47 am

4th of Summer, 522 A.V.
The Children's Pavilion

Two days had passed since Rhydian had found himself within the settlement of Syka and yet he had yet to actually step away from work to meet the young one that he had caught an interest in. Two days ago, when he had first arrived within Syka, Rhydian had spoken with Tazrae and Mathias about a young Eypharian orphan that had gone by the name of Brea. She had supposedly gone through several similar things as Rhydian and this had led to the older Eypharian hoping to speak with the girl so that he could learn about her past and see just how much the two of them had had in common. It is thanks to this young Eypharian girl that Rhydian would now find himself coming upon the Children's Pavilion.

From what the Eypharian had been told in the past, this large Drykas Pavilion had been repurposed to serve as a makeshift shelter for multiple children. Brea likely wasn't the only child that could be found at the Pavilion and she most assuredly had to have some kind of caretaker. Rhydian couldn't possibly believe that Mathias would leave these kids to fend for their own whilst residing within the settlement. If he was remembering correctly than it was entirely likely that each of the orphaned children had been partaking in their daily lessons at the moment. He had recalled the fact that these lessons tended to take place in the open-aired classroom that the Pavilion had and would decide that it would have been easier for him to encounter this little Eypharian girl there than anywhere else.

After having meandered about the pavilion for awhile, Rhydian would eventually come to find exactly what he had been looking for. There, sitting at one of the many desks within the open air classroom, had been a young girl with beautiful blue eyes and an extremely familiar set of six arms. She had looked to be quite a bit younger than Rhydian had been expecting but that was alright. No matter the age, Rhydian was sure that he could find some way to bond with the young Eypharian. The fact that they had each held a set of six arms was something that they could bond over at some point, if nothing else. "Hm? And who is it that you might be, young man?"

It would come as no surprise to Rhydian that this elderly woman, whom had been running the lessons of the day, had caught him in their gaze. He was an extremely tall Eypharian with six arms after all and if that didn't catch ones attention than he wasn't really sure what would. "O-oh... Well, uh, I was hoping to maybe talk with Brea?" Having heard her name, Brea would turn her gaze over towards the massive man that had been intruding on their lessons. This wasn't the first time that someone had done so of course but it was the first time that another Eypharian had. Spotting someone that had belonged to her own race was difficult for the girl at first and every part of her had wanted to avert her gaze from the man before he could get too involved. Once she had taken notice of his six arms though, Brea couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the man.

"With Brea, huh? You know, this is my first time ever seeing you within the settlement. Are you here with a purpose of some sort or are you perhaps interested in adopting?" While Michaela hadn't wanted to foist Brea upon the newcomer, given that she had known nothing about the man, she could see the possible benefits of the two interacting. Given the way that Eypharian's had treated the young girl in the past though, Michaela hadn't been quite sure on what the proper course of action in this moment would have been. "Are you here searching for a new family member or are you here looking for an apprentice? Brea is an extremely talented girl for her age and would make a phenomenal interpreter or translator."

Word Count: 681
Total Word Count: 681

Last edited by Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Tale of Two Eypharians

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 3:09 am

Although he had been strongly considering adopting the younger Eypharian, Rhydian had desired to get to know Brea better before rushing into things. The fact that he had only recently found himself getting set up within the settlement had certainly contributed to this fact. If he were going to adopt this younger Eypharian than he was going to want to ensure that she had a place to rest for the night. He was going to have to try and find a home in which she could thrive in whenever she hadn't chosen to spend time with the many friends that she had likely made among the other eleven children that had resided within this place.

"I uh.. Wow, you are really jumping straight to the big questions, huh? Do you mind if we slow the roll on things a bit..? I don't even know your name after all." For all intensive purposes, Rhydian had been right. He hadn't known anything about the aberration that had been floating before him or even about the twelve orphans that had resided within the pavilion. The same could be said about what it was that they had known about him. "A-anyways... My name is Rhydian. Rhydian Lamoze. I had heard a bit about Brea from Mathias and figured that I could come down and help out the place a bit while checking in on her..."

Still not quite sure why it is that this man had been looking for her specifically, Brea would begin to tilt her head off to the side. Curious as to what it was that the man must have wanted, she would begin to ask him as much in Arumenic. Even with that having been the shared language of their people, Rhydian had absolutely no clue what it was that the younger Eypharian had just said to him. "I.. I don't quite understand what it is that you are asking. I'm sorry..." The fact that such an old, to her anyways, Eypharian hadn't understood Arumenic had boggled the young girl. She couldn't quite understand how it was that he could have found himself growing up in a word in which he couldn't understand the language native of his people. Especially considering the fact that she had spoken so many languages on her own. Thankfully the young Eypharian wouldn't have to wait long for an answer that would clear everything up.

"I didn't grow up in the same places that that birth parents did.. and I can't really even say that I'm much like any other Eypharian's. Truthfully speaking, this is the first time that I have really ever met another of my kind before..." Although his speaking had been rather meek when it had come to the younger Eypharian, Brea had come to understand exactly what it was that the man had been trying to convey. Although it might have seemed a bit unlikely at first, this man had been in a similar situation to the one that she had been in. "Oh... That makes sense." The two Eypharian's would than just kind of look at each other while thinking about how to best proceed from here. 'He is like me... I wonder how long he was an orphan for.'

Word Count: 540
Total Word Count: 1,221

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Rhydian Lamoze
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A Tale of Two Eypharians

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 3:30 am

Sensing that the two of them would quite possibly get along, Michaela would interject herself into the conversation and would extend a single hand out towards Rhydian. She would begin to smile as she had done this, the creases of her cheeks rising higher than they had in quite some time. "Well than Mr. Lamoze! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Rhydian would reach out a singular hand in Michaela's direction before firmly grasping the spectral hand of the woman and giving it a firm shake. My name is Michaela Hess and I am the caretaker of these children. If you are ever looking to adopt one of these children or perhaps take them on for an apprenticeship, than I am the one that you are going to have to speak with. Luckily for you, I am willing to offer a few things in exchange for a few services. If you are perhaps willing to come out here and assist the children in their daily tasks and lessons than you shall be compensated fairly. Whether that compensation be in the form of a Mizas or in the form of companionship. Each of the children here are absolutely wonderful and I hope that you grow to spend time with them as well."

Rhydian had no doubt in his mind that he would love to come out here and assist the children in any way that he could. If he had managed to acquire enough funding for it, he honestly would have been willing to straight up purchase the Children's Pavilion and to take care of each of the orphaned children. Twelve kids running around would certainly allow for him to obtain a semblance of the family that he was searching to build. It all really just comes down to acquiring the funds for such a thing. "I am quite certain that each of these children are unique and splendid in their own way.. and hopefully I can get to know them better over time! For the time being though, I guess that I was just really hoping to get to know Brea though..." Feeling a bit awkward as the eleven other sets of eyes would glance back in his general direction from time to time, Rhdyian would let out an uncomfortable laugh. "I really do hope to get to know everyone here though! I'll even be stopping by whenever it is that I can find the time so that I can help you all live better lives."

Rhydian must have sounded crazy in this moment but that wasn't something that had really concerned him. Rather than dwell on the other children at the moment, Rhydian had decided to devote the entirety of his attention towards Brea. "So uh... what is it that you like to do for fun?" This might not have been the best thing to ask an eight year old that was stuck within a settlement along the beach but Rhydian had seen no reason not to ask. "Well if you must know, I tend to eno-" Before the young Eypharian could finish her sentence, Michaela would find herself interjecting once more. "While I am glad that you are here, Mr. Lamoze, would you two possibly be able to talk this talk elsewhere? There is likely another location within the pavilion that I am sure you guys can get to know one another. As much as I would love for them to happen here, there are still other children that are going to need to complete their lessons for the day so... Well if you would be so kind."

Word Count: 602
Total Word Count: 1,823

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Rhydian Lamoze
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A Tale of Two Eypharians

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 3:47 am

Not wishing to find herself in trouble, Brea would reach out and grab ahold of one of the Eypharian's many hands with one of her own. The young girl would than drag Rhydian around the Children's Pavilion until the two of them had come upon the young Eypharian's chambers. There wasn't really all that much to it if one were being honest... More than anything else, there were simply a ton of balled up papers that had been sloppily left behind upon a singular desk. Aside from the crumped up papers, Rhydian had really only noticed one other thing. That would have been a simplified bed that was certainly comfortable enough to get by in but not exactly top of the quality kind of stuff. "Anyways, what I was saying before we were interrupted was that I am up to do a ton of things. I am all about new experiences and trying fun and exciting new things. Thankfully I am quite knowledgeable in regards to a great deal of languages. If you would like, Rhydian, I am sure that I could teach you Arumenic. It would likely take awhile before you can master the skill fully though."

Although the idea of having learned the language of his people from a younger Eypharian had seemed to be interesting to him, Rhydian had ultimately decided that it was best to just focus on the present moments and worry about the rest later on. Life had moved far too quick and far too drastically for his own change and as such, he had felt as though he was going to need to bring it up. "Well I do appreciate the idea of you teaching me a few things.. I should be the one teaching you a few things as well though. Either way, I intend on finding a way to help out in any way that I can.. If I have to learn a million languages to prove the most useful to the people of Syka than I assuredly will."

Knowing that he was going to have to get into the nitty gritty at some point, after several minutes of just trying to get to know her, Rhydian would request a rather heavy question that might not have been the best for the young girls mental state. "So.. Do you think that you would ever be willing to speak with me about your past? From what I have heard, things haven't always been the easiest for you. I'm not one to put too much stock into rumors though so perhaps this is something that I should look into." It was clear that Brea wasn't able to take that particular step at the moment and honestly, that much was true. "If you would like, I can always take the time to explore a bit about myself before getting to further know you. If you would like for me to handle things as per my usual than feel free to ring a bell. My story may not seem as impressive as some of the others though."

Word Count: 512
Total Word Count: 2,335

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A Tale of Two Eypharians

Postby Rhydian Lamoze on July 8th, 2022, 5:16 am

Hoping that Brea would open up more about her past after they had gone on to discuss his own, Rhydian would begin to think back on everything that had happened to him up to this point. "So... Where should I begin? Uh... Well I honestly don't really know much about my birth parents. From what I was told, my mother had died giving birth to me and my father had tried to keep me safe from some very bad people. I never really learned the full story but given that all of that stuff had happened when I was a baby, I was more or less just raised by my ma, Lyel. She is a Charoda! I'm not really quite sure why it is that she had wanted to take care of me for so many years but all in all, it is thanks to her that I have managed to make it this far in life."

Brea had to admit that she was rather curious about the Eypharian man that had now sat before her. To have met another of her own race after so long... At first she had thought that things were going to go down hill upon interacting with the man but now she had known that this had been completely removed from the truth. This Eypharian man hadn't been anything like the Eypharian's that she had grown up around and he didn't seem to be too bothered by the fact that she had six arms. This might have been due to the fact that he had the same amount of arms as well but seeing truly was believing. "Huh.. Interesting. Do you mind telling me a bit about this Lyel?" For a child, Brea had been quite the intelligent one. When compared to the older Eypharian that she had been sitting beside, it was entirely likely that she had been far more book smart than the adult. When it came to wilderness smarts though..? Well one could only hope that Rhydian was well versed in those kinds of things.

"My ma? Well I mean, she is an overall wonderful person. Very caring and helpful. She is the one that taught me how to swim and come to understand much of the forest and the sea. It is also thanks to her that I can speak Fratava and Char." To further emphasize this point, Rhydian would begin to start speaking in Fratava. "I must admit that I'm not quite as fluent in this particular language as many others might be though."

Even with Rhydian having shared bits and pieces of his past, Brea hadn't been all that comfortable sharing the information of her past with some complete stranger. Even if they were likely to be interacting more often in the future, it was unlikely that Brea would grow trusting enough to fully believe that this Eypharian had meant no harm as of yet. Having been bullied in the past by members of her own race, she had been a bit wary around those that had resembled her. Even those whose backstories had somewhat resembled her own. "I.. don't feel all that comfortable talking about my past right now. If you'd like though, you can come by later and we can try and play some games together or something. Maybe I can try and help teach you some languages." The young Eypharian girl would than laugh to herself as she had thought about how ironic it was that she might end up teaching someone that was certainly more than twice her age.

"I guess that that could be fun..! If you really do want me around here, I am sure that I can make my way back here at some point. It will be... really nice to talk with you again. I'm not quite sure how to explain it but being around you kind of helps me feel like.. I belong? It's weird." Brea had wished that she could say the same to the Eypharian man but at the moment, she simply couldn't. It was nigh impossible for her to fully trust this man at the moment. Much like it would have gone with any other strange man that had shown up from nowhere, Rhydian was going to have to earn Brea's trust. "I guess that this means that I should let you get back to your classes for the time being, yeah?" Brea would simply nod in response before escorting Rhydian back towards what was essentially the main area of the pavilion. "Right, sure. I'll see you then, Rhydian."

Word Count: 763
Total Word Count: 3,098

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Rhydian Lamoze
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A Tale of Two Eypharians

Postby Gossamer on August 28th, 2022, 2:07 am


Rhydian -

Planning +2, Socialization +5, Logic +1, Teaching +3, Interrogation +2, Storytelling +1, Psychology +1

Michaela: Appearance & Mannerism, Brea: Appearance & Mannerism, Logic: Knowing When To Call A Halt Or Pause In Planning/Questioning, Brea: Speaks Arumenic, Michaela: In Charge Of Childcare And Adoptions, Children’s Pavilion: Location/Appearance/Welcome To Help Out, Brea: Likes New Things, Having Fun, Likes Languages, Teaching, Rhydian: Telling One’s Life Story, Brea: Doesn’t Want To Share Her Past, Brea: Willing To Play/Teach, Psychology: Being Around Eypharians Makes Rhydian More Comfortable

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