12 Summer 522 It took Crylon a few moments to realize where he was. Moving from that state of half asleep and half awake he lay with his eyes closed, listening to a bird. This made him think of Zeltiva and its many birds near its shore. But then he kept hearing the birds, and slowly he realized that was not right. With a groan he shifted his body upward and opened his eyes, looking out of his tent as he opened it to see a sea of sand. And beyond that sea of sand, an actual sea of... Well water, Crylon chuckled to himself. Rising up for the day the Isur stretched, not really have anywhere particular to be. However feeling the sand on his bare feet he thought back to something else. Sand. Was sand earth? Crylon supposed so. And he was a Reimancer... at least of sorts, even if he was out of practice and not very well trained at it. Perhaps then sand would work with his earth Reimancy? He did not see why not... So with nothing else to do Crylon sat back down on the edge of his tent, deciding today would be a practice day. At least for the morning. A Reimancy practice day. And besides if he wanted to do fancy things with it like building and such, he needed to work on his skills. Closing his eyes Crylon tried to clear his mind, mentally picturing everything being shoved out. Then he tried to picture his djed, thinking back to what he had used the last time he used magic. There was a room... A forge of course... And within that room, a solid door. Opening it he walked inside, and pictured... A mine shaft. A large open shaft with squared off sides, eight sides of equal shape and length... And down within that shaft, was grains. Solid black grains of some stone, like sand but utterly black. Similar to the onyx like hue of his arm. But rather than one big piece, it was endless grains of sand. Since the sand was so solid it was hard to see how deep down the mine shaft went, so far Crylon felt he had not gone very deep into it. Barely a hands breadth deep. Shoving his hand in he mentally pictured the shaft within his core, full of djed. Then he willed it to come out, puling on the djed as grains of sand. However unlike real sand these grains were heavy, like each grain was a solid metal weight big enough to fit his entire hand but all in a tiny package. He let some fall, only picking up a few grains on the palm of his hand. Willing this djed outward, to emit as res, he pictured and willed the substance to leave his body, to emit force from the same black hand he was picturing in his mind as picking up the sand. With a grunt mentally he pulled, and managed to get the sand free. As he did he opened his eyes, seeing his ethereal res puff force from his hand. For a moment he smiled, until he realized it was a tiny puff, barely even enough to be noticeable. A sliver the size of his finger nail. Focusing his mind he returned to his task, knowing he would need more than that. WC: 562 |