Timestamp: 25th of Fall, 522 A.V.
Shade was an idiot. He was basically starting a combo business in Syka without having any true knowledge of what he was doing in regards to exactly half the business. To that end, he had to brush up on his Floristry which was sitting at nothing at all. He decided the first step was to take a trip to the Outpost and see if he could find a Book on Floristry. He hadn’t had much luck browsing through the book dealers themselves, which all but laughed at his request.
However, when he went and talked to flower suppliers striking up a conversation with them due to the fact he was from Syka and could supply rare tropical blooms, his luck changed. He was able to procure a hand-written book on loan about floral design from one of the senior florists. It was a book the man used to train apprentices with.
And once Shade had talked to the man, a Migas Kellar for more than a few moments, they had a handshake bargain going that Shade would attempt to supply the man with exotic blooms when he requested them - meaning Shade had to take a trip to The Outpost once a week to see if the guy needed anything… and in return for selling the man stems of flowers, he could have access to his apprentice notes and use his for consultation on floristry questions Shade might have. That was a good deal to Shade, who needed knowledge and had flowers in abundance growing in and around Syka. He didn’t, for the most part, have to even venture into the jungle to get blooms procured.
So he took the man’s apprentice journal, some lecture notes that went with it, and promised to come back with three dozen birds of paradise for the man in five days time. They would need to be fresh, but Shadekas wasn’t worried about that. The beautiful flowers grew wild all along the coast in the riparian area where the shade of the jungle met the ocean just before the bit of seagrass leading out to the ocean.
The man decided he’d use the first few chapters to craft a flower arrangement for Shiress to welcome her to her new home… one or another of the bungalows. Everyone liked a housewarming gift right? And he needed some sort of peace offering to give to her along with the jewelry he’d promised her almost a season ago. He’d had the set done for a while now, but hadn’t actually given it enough thought to give it to her yet.
Shadekas waited five days, read up in the book, and decided to craft her nice glass vase he got from The Outpost into a symmetrical bird of paradise piece. He had some lessons to learn, but he filled the vase with water and went on an expeditionary gathering mission with a pair of clippers. Shade didn’t have to look for long… birds of paradise grew all over. They were hearty and exotic, even to someone having lived in Syka a season or more.
The man found himself liking the flowers enormously for they had a variety of colors and a weird enough shape that was visually interesting. He was picky about what he cut. He harvested only the fully opened blooms, the ones that were perfect, and cut some greenery to match. Then, before he returned home, he cut some curving twisting mulberry-like branches that were finger-thin to add interest to the piece. He headed into his workshop where he’d left the full vase, laid down the flowers, and sorted through them.
Spotting the best and biggest of the bunch, he cut off the end and slipped it into the vase, letting it be the tallest piece that he would build the flowers around. Then he selected others, cutting them shorter but not all the same length and sliding them into the vase alongside the taller flower. He made sure the arrangement was visible and nice from all sides, as he trimmed some of the wooden corkscrew branches he’d cut and tucked them in as well. Then he stripped the remaining birds of paradise of their greenery and added them to his arrangement. When he’d fussed with it as much as he could, he wrapped a ribbon around the vase, picked up the velvet case he had gotten his homefinder in, and made sure Shiress’ completed jewelry was still in there. The set was, and it was looking lovely.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to talk to her, so he just walked over to the bungalows and looked for the one that she was rumored to have moved into. Spotting the one that had some of Shiress’ clothing hanging on a line outside to dry, he trotted up the steps, laid the velvet box down in front of her door, added the huge bouget beside it, and knocked loudly. Then he turned, meaning to head down the steps and be on his way in case she didn’t want to answer the door. If she wasn’t home… no big deal. No one would take her gifts. She’d just find them when she returned. The door was under an awning anyhow, out of the sun, so the flowers wouldn’t wilt being freshly cut.
jewelry :
Words: 892