Solo A Repeated Day Part II

A Second run of the day...

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

A Repeated Day Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on October 16th, 2022, 8:46 pm

10 Fall 522 - 2nd

One moment Moritz was on a road seeing dead bodies. The next moment he was struck from behind... And then blackness. Unsure how long time passed, the next thing he knew was a sudden weight landing on his body. Jerking up and opening his eyes he pushed with his hands, sending a mass falling off of him.

It was about then Moritz realized he was lying down, and was in his tent... Confused the Kelvic rubbed at his eyes and looked around, righting the giggling child who was laying next to his bedding. After a few moments he remembered the child, namely as the person who he had gone hunting with... Wait... The day before? Or no... Even more confused he tried to think back, and was pretty sure it was not a dream. But... The bodies...

Getting to his feet Moritz popped out to see the rising sun, and the rest of the caravan slowly coming to motion around him. There was no dead bodies, no smell of blood. The smell! Shaking his head and rubbing his forehead Moritz tried to concentrate, but could not accept that what he had seen was a dream. The smell of blood had been far too real, far to impactful. He had not dreamed or imagined it. Some kind of vision or... No, that did not make sense either. It had been most of a day. Not just a small thing, or some distant sight, but most of a day lived seen and remembered. And now he was awake, and from what he could see in the same spot along their path as when he had woken the morning before... Or woken... This morning.

By this point the small child Axle was tugging at Moritz pants trying to get his attention. It was only then Moritz realized he had been speaking to him. "Moritz! Hey! You awake! I know my dad says some people aren't good in mornings, but you seem one of those walking sleeping people."

Frowning and looking around he double checked the details, but no everything seemed just as before. "Axle, what day is it?"

The small child grinned seeing Moritz knew his name, before becoming a bit confused, finally shouting at a random person passing nearby. "Hey, Jook! Jook? What day is it!" The man kept walking but simply said it was the tenth before moving onward. But Moritz knew that was not right, since yesterday had been the tenth... But today was... Also the tenth?

Unsure of what was going on the Kelvics mind wandered, trying to find some detail to explain it all. None of it made sense. Right now though his best guess was some kind of vision... But then what had happened to the caravan? And could he change it? He had seen so many dead... And an arrow. Though was that from a defender, or an attacking enemy. Thinking back on the bodies, he noticed something he had not before. Almost all of the bodies he had seen were men. Considering the number of woman in the caravan this seemed odd. Many dead men... A few old woman... But mostly dead men... What did it mean? What only killed men and not woman. And the woman... They had been gone. But taken? Eaten? What? The more he thought on things the more confused he became. Finally Axle returned, grabbing Moritz attention with something that sounded all too familiar. "Moritz, my dad! He said we can go hunting! If you come along! So wanna come along! Lets go hunting! Come on, lets have meat! I love meat!"

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A Repeated Day Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on October 17th, 2022, 1:26 am

As Moritz considered the boys words, he wondered on them. Already things were not quite the same as his prior... Vision or whatever... But then, he supposed, he had not done the same things as last time, so it made a sort of sense that others would react differently to his new actions. Still most things seemed more or less the same.

Considering if he should go or not, Moritz realized he still had no idea what had happened to the caravan. Would being there help in any way? Plus if they went hunting again, and went faster, then perhaps they could arrive earlier... And having done the route the day before, he was more confident he could get there faster than before. With a sigh he finally decided on a course of action, agreeing with the boy. With his agreement offered Axle made haste to bring Moritz along, once more introducing him to his father and shortly after their dog.

Knowing what to take along this time Moritz was much quicker to pack, and quickly had his things sorted and was standing with the two humans and their hound. It did occur to the Kelvic that he did not know the animals name, or if it had one.

"Uh, and who is this here, your dog? I don't think I've seen one like it before."

This was quite true, at least excluding itself from other dogs like it he had seen before. He did not count the same dog as being the same type, so did not find this untrue. Still he was unsure if he should tell them further about his possible vision or thing... Would they even believe him? "His name is Run, the boy named him when he was littler than he is now. Its some kind of shadow dog of sorts, I forget the name. Don't know much about it myself, other than its good at tracking and seeing in the dark, and seems to almost vanish in the dark as well. Picked it up awhile ago.

With their conversation nearing its end the quartet slowly made their way to the edges of the camp, heading back towards their hunting route. Since they were leaving at about the same time Moritz expected to follow more or less the same trip. Remembering the time before though he quietly reminded Axle of something.

"Axle, I'm no master of such things, your father seems much more skilled... But make sure to watch out for dry plants, alright? Dried grass, dead twigs, and things, those are gonna be loud. So watch your step and I'll do likewise."

Anders, apparently finding no issue with Moritz words nodded along, before gesturing for the group to follow out. As they did once more Moritz focused the djed in his eyes, willing his Iraso sight to once more bloom to life.

Before leaving he also looked around once more for Evalynn, but just as the day before was not able to find her.

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A Repeated Day Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on October 19th, 2022, 1:06 am

Heading out from the caravan as they prepared to get on the road, Moritz followed along after Anders and his son Axle, along with the dog run. His Iraso sight active, once more Moritz trailed along while keeping his view open to his surroundings. However not yet having found the trail of the deer, Moritz focused his main sight on Anders djed trail. Focusing as he was on the mans trail while following him, he felt he was better able to track and follow him even more so than the day before as he trailed along visually while focusing on the deers trail as his main focus.

Focusing on his djed body and djed trail Moritz was able to pick up on some new things as the man moved. Before he tried to simply logic out what he was doing and why. But now he could see each motion and movement. How he twisted and turned his body. How he moved from foot to foot. Following along behind Moritz tried to mimic as much of this as he could. A quiet step, moving from one foot to the other. Rather than fully settling his foot as he moved from one step to the other he tried to only slowly press his foot without pushing it. It was an odd concept, similar to sort of rolling his foot, or maybe stepping onto his toes instead of his heel, but not exactly just that. If nothing else he was also learning that there was a trade off between foot stability and silence, since the more firm your footing the more spread out your footing, which also meant the louder you would end up being. On the other hand the more compressed the footing the more quiet it could be, but it also meant it was easier to slip or lose ones footing if the stepper was not careful. It was a careful dance, and Moritz did his best to work it.

Anders also seemed to moved around the land and did his best to avoid fighting it. When he saw a thicker tangle of plant life he would move around it. Seeing a trail roughly cut by animals moving he would alter his path to take it and follow along where they would go. Which also meant that since they were taking the animals own path they were more likely to run into the animals tracks. it was a tricky dance to try and do all at once, and honestly was a bit out of Moritz league. But still he did his best, and felt if nothing else he was beginning to grasp more elements of moving silently through nature.

It was not long, much shorter of a time than the try before, before they once more hit the tracks of the deer in the same spot. Having already taken almost the exact same route once Moritz was better able to follow along, and was less surprised. Though he did still slip and fall a few times, admittedly never in the same spots as the day prior. Giving Anders some time to examine it Moritz waited, moving his focus from Anders djed body and trail to the deer djed trail. After a bit though he moved back to Anders, and did his best to swap between the two during this try rather than just on one or the other.

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A Repeated Day Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on October 19th, 2022, 1:57 am

Once Anders had the trail picked up, off the group went. Moritz, keeping silent as he followed along, found once more that their route ended up being almost the same. Still he still felt like he was learning as this second trip he was able to focus more on the ways rather than just rushing to keep up with Anders. Even Axle, small but the son of the hunter, seemed able to keep up better than Moritz.

Stepping over the root here... Going fro toes to heel softly as he stepped... Going around this thicker forested area here... Oh and a small off trail some animal made which can be followed... Before cutting off back in this direction. Following as they were along the route an animal had actually taken they were better able to move as clearly a local animal would know how to get around. Considering this Moritz decided to try this more in the future. It seemed to the Kelvic a good way to improve his woodsman skillmanship, particularly in the task of traveling.

Finally when they reached the deer Moritz did his best to go silent, being extra careful of dry wood or vegetation. His reminder to Axle seemed to do its part, and this time their trip went a bit differently. All of them crept up on the deer, slowly as Moritz and Anders readied their bows. Following after him they came up on the side of the beast while it was eating and distracted. And then nocking an arrow Moritz readied... Aimed... Taking in and holding his breath he tried to steady his aim... And at the motion of Anders both fired. Moritz released his arrow and saw it fly. His short went wide, hitting into a nearby tree. Anders though found its mark, hitting the deer right in the shoulder near one of its hind legs.

With a word then the dog Run flew off, chasing after the somewhat limping deer. Already Anders had readied another arrow and was angling himself so he could safely make a shot without hitting Run. With another loosing of an arrow a second arrow was fired, this time hitting the deer in the side. At this it let out an odd grunt, clearly hitting something bad for it, just as Run caught it and jumped with its mouth open to clamp onto the deers neck with its teeth.

The two struggled for a bit and the deer tried to throw off the dog as it ripped into its neck, only for Anders to arrive on the spot and using a drawn dagger ended the deer with a swift stabbing motion into its brain. With that the deer bucked and then fell, Run a bit shook up but not much the worse for wear.

With that Anders motioned for Moritz to follow along, quickly preparing the deer for travel. With practiced motions he drained the blood, cut out the waste parts inside, and then tied the deer about his shoulders. The deer, while a bit heavy, weighed less than the hunter even before it was processed somewhat, and tied well the hunter was easily able to heft its weight. Though, Moritz supposed, that might also have to do with training and strength over time.

With that done the group headed back to the meeting point, just as they had the day before, though this time with a catch. Even with the extra weight since they had moved faster they ended up finishing their hunt much more quickly than the prior attempt of the day. Which, Moritz reasoned, meant once they got back and found the caravan they could hopefully find it before all signs of the attacker was gone.

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A Repeated Day Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on October 20th, 2022, 1:14 am

Once the deer was obtained and processed the group quickly headed back to the meeting spot. However as on the former time once they reached the expected spot the caravan was not where it was expected. Moritz had hoped that arriving earlier they would make it before the caravan was to run into trouble, but it seemed that was not the case. With worry in mind the group consisting of a skilled hunter ad woodsman, his young son, a dog, and Moritz, headed off in the direction the caravan was to come from.

Alarmed by the possible threat, both Moritz and Anders moved with their bows drawn and a arrow ready to be nocked, but not yet pulled over. He also did his best to be quiet while moving fast, easier since they were on a road and not travelling within the wilds but not completely possible as barring some masterful ability there was going to be some trade off between speed and stealth.

His Iraso sight active Moritz focused on the road before them, hoping to see some sign of the threat. Alas no matter how much he looked about he did not find anything odd within his ability to detect, just what seemed to be normal markings of travelers and caravans moving back and forth. It was a well maintained and traveled road, so there was not an insignificant amount of markings even in its recent history.

As before the group rounded a bend, and as they did a bit off the caravan could be seen. This seemed to indicate that it had been attacked the same as the day before, Moritz realized as he examined the area and did his best to remember it for later. The location of the attack could be of use, he reasoned. However where before when the caravan was found they only saw the dead and blood, now was not the same case. There were still quite a few dead people, but there were also alive people. The ones that drew Moritz interest were the three or four men rooting through wagons and carts, tossing some items aside while stowing other things. Along with that were a pair of woman, alive, in chains and being pulled away. All of the other people of the caravan seemed dead or gone, which meant these were apparently the stragglers of the group... Who had attacked the caravan... Slavers... bandits... Or some combination of the two. Not a monster. Not some bloodthirsty beast. But bandits. Humans. Humans preying on other humans.

Seeing this a rage welled up inside of Moritz, someone who was normally quite calm, that someone would do such a thing to another living being. While the Kelvic had been mad before, he could not recall ever being filled with such rage as this.

While Moritz went through this Anders acted, motioning Axle into the treeline before taking a knee and in one smooth motion readying and drawing an arrow... And then firing. The distracted men a short distance away stood no chance, as one received an arrow right in the neck, a lucky hit. This man fell clutching at his neck, while the others were alerted to their presence.

As one the men took up arms, drawing swords, daggers, axes, and one even taking up a crossbow which he fired wide sending a bolt into the woods. As he rearmed the melee weapon wielding men all came charging in. Moritz did his best to react, having calmed for the moment while a bit of rage seethed within him, knowing he needed to act. Doing as Anders had done he steadied himself, drew back and nocked an arrow, and holding his breath aimed... And then released, aiming center mass at the lead attacker waving a sword.

Coming directly at him the man should have been an easy target, but Moritz aim was off and the arrow barely hit, striking the man in the shoulder. While this seemed to slow him down it did not stop him, and not being in the arm holding his sword it did not even disarm him. Perhaps, Moritz reasoned, the man was so charged up he did not even notice the wound. In that time Anders had readied and fired another arrow, striking an axe wielding man in the gut. This sent the man stumbling and falling, not dead but incapacitated by pain and the wound.

Not having time to shoot again Moritz stowed his bow and dropped his things, namely his pack and quiver, giving himself more freedom to move. Then focusing on his coming foes Moritz made all of the preparations he could. Tapping the gnosis on the back of his neck he expanded his Evantia Aura, focusing within it to sense two of the oncoming men aiming at him. Once this was done he also focused on the star embedded in his left hand, willing it to expand outward. As he did colored sand seemed to pour out of the star and his skin, covering and encasing his entire arm in a armored sand gauntlet. Lastly with one final willing he willed the blades to extend, and a pair of claw like hook ended blades extended outward from it.

As battle ready as he could get Moritz waited for the men to come to him, watching and waiting... And then two did reach him, one holding a dagger and axe, the other a sword. Holding up the bladed gauntlet he blocked the first one, the swordsman, being knocked back a step as the blades clash in a heavy blow. But seeing the blade coming and knowing its route he had been able to prepare. Soon after the other man came at him, thrusting with the dagger in the lead while holding up the axe. Taking a step back out of reach the thrust seemed to fail, and Moritz without thinking punched in with his gauntletted hand. But as he did he recalled the blades on it, and saw as they nicked the edge of the mans hand only to plunge past and sink into the mans chest. It had not even been on purpose, but thinking himself empty handed he had moved to punch the man only to end up stabbing him...

With a cry the man brought up the axe and tried to pull free, but using his other free hand Moritz moved to grab at the mans wrist. This time it worked and the man was left with a blade in his gut and struggling with a bare handed man on the other side...

This did not last long though as the swordsman returned, swinging his blade downward to hack off Moritz limb. Moritz could see it coming, the man being within his Evantia Aura, but he could do nothing in time. Lucky for him said limb was covered in his sand gauntlet. Though the impact hurt and could be felt, it did not cut through him, instead ripping the hand out of the mans gut along with Moritz blade which was launched downward into the ground.

Taking a few steps back for space Moritz watched as the axe wielding man clutched at his guts with blood pouring over his fingers, only to fall to the ground with even more blood coming out. The swordsman seemed unfazed by this, and began to pace about and use his superior range to good effect... Only for Moritz to feel a sudden strike from his other side, knocking him over. Looking up he saw a arrow stuck in his side, similar to the one from the time before when he found the caravan empty... Off in the distance he could see a man among the treeline, having clearly returned and aiding his companions...

It was thoughts of this, and that perhaps this was what had happened to him the day before, as he laid there painfully unable to move. This did not last long though as the swordsman quickly moved forward and brought his sword downward with a heavy lopping strike aimed at Moritz neck... And then, blackness....

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A Repeated Day Part II

Postby Moritz Craven on March 13th, 2023, 3:10 am

Grade Award!

Name: Moritz Craven
XP Award:
Hunting 2
Investigation 1
Logic 2
Pathfinding 2
Planning 2
Stealth 3
Tactics 1
Tracking 3
Unarmed Combat 1
Weapon(Composite Longbow) 2
Weapon(Tiger Hook Gauntlet) 1
Wilderness Survival 3

Experiencing the same day again
Shadow Dog can see and vanish in the dark
Planting seeds to avoid repeating mistakes
The trade off between stealth and stability in footing
Hunting: Using a dog to assist in taking down wounded prey
Noting details on a second time living a day
Moritz: Rage at injustice
Tactics: Using surprise to attack superior numbers
Experiencing killing for the first time
Experiencing being killed for the first time

Penalties & Awards: N/A

Notes: N/A
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