by Jaelyn Baroth on January 26th, 2011, 5:58 pm
Jaelyn accepted the strange looking weapon and the small amount of coins from Jokor with a nod of her head. Her gaze fell down to the weapon, curiously looking it over as she held it. It was surprisingly light, maybe even light enough to be made of Isurian steel, and was of a design she'd never seen before. The only reason she could even guess it was a weapon was because of the various sharp bits on it.
Hearing an odd noise she brought her eyes up only to be confronted by the sight of Jokor, mostly naked, changing right next to her. For a brief moment she could only stare with wide eyes as she felt an embarrassed heat rise up her cheeks. When her mind finally caught back up with the situation she quickly spun around so her back was to him, almost tripping over her own feet in the process. As the boy finished putting the new clothes on she finally found her voice and spoke, without looking in his direction, "What are you doing!? You're supposed to change in the fitting rooms!" There wasn't any anger in her voice though, just shock.
When he asked for his stuff back Jaelyn hesitated a moment and then cautiously turned around. Peering out of the corner of her eye first to make sure he was decent she offered him back his things without a word. She only hoped that the fiery blush that covered her cheeks would go away quickly.