Solo [Infinity Manor]A Long Lost Tale II

Moritz continues his meeting with Infinity Manor...

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Infinity Manor]A Long Lost Tale II

Postby Moritz Craven on January 30th, 2023, 10:59 pm

Continued 6 Winter 522

After numerous naps and rests since arriving at Infinity Manor, along with sleeping quite a while after first being infected by the building to make him an Archi mage, Moritz was for the moment in a burst of fervor. Before that died away though and he was tired out again he quickly asked Infinity another question, knowing he would then need to slowly decipher her response which would likely lead to him needing another rest. With that in mind he forged on, and then listened as Infinity tried to respond in drips and bits due to his own lacking understanding of her communication.

Feelings were clear and simple, but words and complex phrases and responses took time to understand. He had soon realized he was lucky to grasp more than a single word at a time, even though Infinity was fluent. The problem was him not her. Which had led him to his next question, what would happen if he infused another building with Arch... In the end Infinity did respond, though after what was perhaps one of the longest pauses yet. However Moritz was patient, and waited for the sentient building to find the words to explain it to him. When she did, he was at first even more confused, but then it made a sort of sense. "Architectrix... Born... Grow... Expand... Body... Shape... Mind... Think... Start... Infant... Learn... Listen... Words... Adult... Learn... Speak... If... Learn... Time... Interact... Grow... Learn... See... hear... Do..."

Frowning as he concentrated Moritz tried to ponder her words, before as before restating his understanding of what she had said as best he could. So far though she had explained things simply enough, and he had a firm enough grasp on her logic that it made a sort of sense... Of course having grown up inside of her from a baby to a child to bigger, and now back as an adult of sorts... It made sense then she would know him and how to speak to him.

"So... Sort of like a person... But maybe not exactly the same. But sort of like one, a Arch structure newly infused or infected or whatever, is basic. Simple, like a new person. But not just their body can grow, but their mind, their awareness and sentience. And they do this by interacting, by learning and listening and such. Sort of I guess like a person. So if say I talked to an Arch structure, eventually it would learn to talk back as well... As its awareness and mind grows from interaction and time. Right? But only if I interact with it and teach it things. "

Knowing this was of great utility, since he know new any newly infused Arch building would not be the same as Infinity. Constantly watching and listening and understanding, and able to speak freely to an Archi mage... Instead it would be like any newly born child, needing teaching and learning to be able to speak and do things. It made sense, Moritz nodded at Infinity as he thought this and in response to her communicated feeling of happiness. He was learning a lot from interacting with Infinity, but if he was to be a proper Archi mage he supposed he needed to do so.

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[Infinity Manor]A Long Lost Tale II

Postby Moritz Craven on January 31st, 2023, 2:31 am

Having ferreted out another bit of info from a long conversation with Infinity, Moritz spent some more time resting and napping so that he could come back fresh faced. This was because the next point he had in mind was a key one, and one he was unsure of. He had after all learned many facts about Arch buildings, and what had happened to him. How they were made. How they grew, both mentally and physically. But in order for any of that to matter in his home to be in Sunberth, he needed a piece of Infinity willingly given.

With that in mind Moritz mulled over what he would say while resting, but in the end he decided to just ask her directly and see what would come of it. Anything more than that was just planning without enough information.

"Infinity. I said before... I am making a home, a family, in Sunberth... And now you have made me an Archi mage... But, if I am to make another like you in Sunberth, an Arch structure, I need as you said a piece of you given freely. Will you offer me a piece to make another like you in Sunberth?"

At this question Infinity did not seem to take long to respond, emitting a mix of fear and protectiveness as best Moritz could understand. She was at once guarded, but not for herself but for him, while also afraid. Afraid of what though he was unsure. Of him leaving? Was she lonely? Wasn't his mother here though? Was then that afraid for him leaving and her being here without him? Or perhaps She was afraid something would happen to him without her? But then that was why he wanted to make another Arch structure... He was unclear on the reason for the fear, but it was care Infinity felt a sense of protectiveness over him. "Go... Not... safe.... Better... Stay... Here... safe..."

Feeling his own sadness at the thought of leaving Infinity behind, he knew he had to go. Which left an odd whole shaped feeling in his chest. Something he could not recall feeling before. He would miss Infinity as he had ever since leaving leaving her, but he had new people to worry about. People who unlike his mother did not have Infinity to watch over him.

"I know it will be dangerous Infinity, but I have to go. If not for me, then for others there... I am starting a family. And I know they would be safer with a Arch like you to watch over them. And if it cannot be you, then at least it would be one from you, and like you. I have to go either way. But I would feel much safer knowing I had a home to go back to that was safe, and where I would not have to worry about them when I was away. I... Found someone.... Evalynn... And I want to keep her safe. And we are talking about having children. Some day, they would also be safer there with one like you. And my sister, who grew up here before leaving. She may be in danger, and is possibly in Sunberth. I have to look for her. Look for her, and make myself known so she can possibly come see me. I have to go to Sunberth for that. That is why I ask for this Infinity. Please, won't you help me?"

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[Infinity Manor]A Long Lost Tale II

Postby Moritz Craven on February 1st, 2023, 12:31 am

Moritz was unsure if his words had rung true to Infinity, and once more was left to silently wait. All the while he could feel waves of emotion sent to him from Infinity. Concern. Caring. Love. Fear. Uncertainty. Clearly she was working through some stuff, since he was asking her to do something that was at odds with her own motives in the interest of another thing that was at once against and for her motives. Did she care more about Moritz and his well being, or Moritz and his being safe with her. What mattered more? His concerns, or her own? For a less well developed Arch structure Moritz realized such a quandary would be beyond them.

But Infinity was well aged and developed, supported by Moritz mother and guided in her growth, and was able to sort through these emotions and come to a decision. "Want... Safe... Want... Family... But.... Protect... Do... Give... Better... Stay... Safer... Stay... But... Must... Go...Will... Help."

Moritz smiled, caringly caressing Infinities surface as he nodded, understanding her words. In the end she cared about Moritz enough to let him go, and knew that she could not stop him.... And so rather than fighting him to the end only for him to vanish without any aid, she reasoned it was better to concede and give him that aid. He was unsure even some adult humans could work through things so well, and knew that if nothing else Infinity did care for him truly not just in name. If she was just following some duty to protect him it would not logically extend to others, but her actions and words seemed to indicate she did care about him such that she could extend that care to his emotional well being and those around him he cared for.

"Thank you Infinity. I will always love you, no matter where I go. If anything, having another Arch there would... Sort of be like living in your child. Your spawn. I cannot imagine a better place to go with my loved ones, if not here. I will make sure to help them grow and flourish, to guide them into one as wise and strong as you. In that way.. I suppose we will still be family, if anything more deeply."

With a smile Moritz reached out mentally for Infinity, feeling her returned emotions, clearly showing her caring and feelings of love targeted at him. With that in mind though, he was unsure what came next. How exactly did this work? He knew Infinity needed to offer a piece, which could then be transplanted to a new structure... But how exactly did that work? He supposed he would need to ask.

"Uh so... What do I do now? What piece do I take? Or how do I take it? I guess you need to tell me right, since I don't want to go breaking off the wrong piece or something you are not offering. All of this is new to me, as you know I suppose... So as before I will need help."

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[Infinity Manor]A Long Lost Tale II

Postby Moritz Craven on February 20th, 2023, 12:39 am

As Moritz questioned Infinity, the house once more paused for a bit before "speaking" in his mind. When she did it was simply enough, just giving him some directions. "Go... Window.... Break... Sill... Piece... Take... Offer..."

With that Moritz nodded, figuring out closely enough what Infinity was going for, and heading over to the window. Looking more closely he saw it was a wooden frame made of small pieces of planks of wood. As he inspected it though a piece seemed to suddenly shudder and bulge out, still connected to the windowsill but a bit separate. Or at least different compared to the rest of the smooth grained pieces which made up the rest of the window sill. Bending down to inspect it more closely he could see it was still connected on each corner by a small bit of wood, looking kind of like tiny rods which pushed it up... Or in another way it was a small platform rising above by a small bit the rest of the windowsill, but still connected.

Grabbing onto it with one hand he pulled, feeling it shudder a bit but not giving. Then with another harder pull he yanked, and heard the sound of the tiny rods breaking off where they connected to the flat bit of wood... Where it had been taken off there was now a small bare piece of windowsill, though he was sure Infinity would repair herself in short order. After all, if the living building could build an entirely new room and add to herself in such a fashion, then surely they could also make such a small repair to replace the piece in short order. Not instantly clearly, as looking at it the spot was still bare, but surely shortly.

"Thank you Infinity. This means a lot. I will make sure to find a perfect place, or at least the most perfect place I can find in Sunberth. Maybe I can find something like Lhavit. Surely they have some rocky bits... Perhaps with a sight-line of the coast so they can overlook the water... I will do my best to find the best place I can for your offspring. And I will watch over them just as you watched over me growing up. Do you have any ideas, or preferences on what they should be? I will probably need to have something custom built. Perhaps I can bring in parts and things from the Outpost, since I'm not so sure the city itself would have what I would need... But uh, any thoughts?"

In response to his question Infinity simply sent a smile at him, a somewhat sad smile but filled with love and happiness at the same time. "Just want... Grow... Care... For... Watch... Stay... With....Family... Together..."

Hearing that Moritz nodded again, glancing about at Infinity. Pausing for a moment he looked down at the piece of wood taken from her sill, infused with a bit of her essence and magic as an Arch structure... While small bits had been broken off the piece of windowsill was overall intact and smooth, just with a few rough spots where it was separated.

"I promise Infinity, I will love and care for your offspring, and make them a part of my family... I will care for and stay with them, and help them grow just as you would want."

Sighing inwardly Moritz felt the excitement of the passing of the piece dwindle, and felt somehow tired as if he had exercised. Wanting once more to rest Moritz headed over to his bed, and laid back for a bit while looking up at the ceiling above him.

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[Infinity Manor]A Long Lost Tale II

Postby Moritz Craven on February 26th, 2023, 12:55 am

After another short rest Moritz got up from his bed once more, walking slowly across the room to the door with his bare feet. As he did a memory came forth, of his racing about the house bare footed and otherwise. Up and down the stairs. Moving while trailing his hand along the walls. Looking out windows. Climbing things. In many ways he was going to miss his old childhood home, but at the same time... He also felt he had responsibilities to take care of which were pulling him back to Sunberth.

Thinking back on it though, most if not all of his fond memories from his childhood at home involved just him inside of Infinity, things she did to make herself known, but not really anyone else... Not his mother, or father... In fact he had trouble even picturing what his father looked like. His mother he recalled a bit more clearly, but not overly fondly. It was Infinity that he held most firmly in that spot. And it was her he would be missing the most... Smiling to himself Moritz thought about the oddity of having to leave his childhood home, and how literal it was in that said home was both a place and being.

With a grin, and barefooted if not bare otherwise, Moritz raced down the hall again. Out his door, to the staircase, and running down it at speed as his feet slapped against each step one after another. As he did he felt Infinity pressing on his mind, communicating a grin and a feeling of happiness.

Once he was at the bottom of the stairs he turned, racing across the floor once more, grinning all the while.

"I bet I'll make a new record Infinity! Fastest trip ever!"

Of course Moritz knew he was just being silly, and he expected Infinity did as well. But still she seemed to be playing along, and seemed content to play as they had in the past. "You... Fast... Run... Fast... Go...!"

Back then Moritz had just run, never really having a destination in mind... Never really taking time, since he did not really have a ways to do so... Instead he had just run to experience it, trying to better himself and improve but without an iron firm goal in mind. Just betterment. As he turned and raced into the kitchen and out the other side he rounded the table, heading for the back of the building. And then he came to a stop tapping at a wall, a feeling of success being sent out to Infinity.

"First place Infinity! We did it!"

A sad smile on his face, Moritz grinned, feeling wetness as his eyes let tears flow. He was happy to play along with Infinity one last time, but it seemed both he and Infinity were saddened at the same time. Both of them knew things were coming to an end, and once he left it was unclear when he would be able to return... Smiling in his childhood home Moritz felt safe... Safer than anywhere else he had ever been... But soon he would need to leave it.

"I love you Infinity. And I always will. And I promise... I will make something... A place to call home... And one day... With... Your child.... I'll feel just as safe and loved as I do now..."

Unable to fight the tears Moritz sat on the ground and let them flow, feeling in response the mental equivalent of a loving embrace from Infinity. Always there when he needed her. Always around. Always making him feel safe... But soon he would need to leave her behind, and make a place of his own. To leave the nest, and make his own. She did not need to say anything, Moritz knew it all, sure of her feelings in response without her needing to say anything. For her actions had always made it clear... That was something he would never question.

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[Infinity Manor]A Long Lost Tale II

Postby Moritz Craven on March 11th, 2023, 7:10 pm

Grade Award!

Name: Moritz Craven
XP Award:
  • Architectrix 5
  • Logic 2
  • Persuasion 4
  • Psychology 2
  • Rhetoric 4
  • Running 1

  • Architectrix: New Architectrix grow mentally over time and by interacting
  • Architectrix: New Architectrix learn to speak from talking and listening
  • Architectrix: Grow into their structure over time
  • Making a promise to an Architectrix
  • Architectrix: Accepting a seed to infuse a new one
  • Taking a moment to have fun among sadness
  • Feeling the love of an Architectrix

Penalties & Awards:
  • Piece of an Architectrix infused structure

Notes: Prior approval for a piece of an Arch structure along with the Arch initiation in the HD, already added to SS.
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