Solo A Visit To The Outpost

Taz visits The Outpost to pick up some supplies and sell The T&T.

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Herein lies Xyna's Outpost, and her gift to Mizahar's people. It is a magical place full of potential and possibility where all can gather and exchange ideas and commerce.

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A Visit To The Outpost

Postby Tazrae on February 28th, 2023, 11:21 pm

Timestamp: 49th of Winter, 522 A.V.

Tazrae normally enjoyed visiting The Outpost, or at least she had at first. But then she’d met Ialari and had gone to The Dominion with a Domineer who shared her vision. Through Ialari’s explanation and her own experience living in the Gold Lake Dominion of her grandfathers… Taz had literally had enough of them. The Innkeeper knew the fragility of the place.

Taz understood that everyone here was under Xyna’s control. And that control put The Outpost at a Goddess’ whim, whimsey, mercy, moods, and any other hundreds of factors that may or may not influence how The Outpost ran. Deities died even. What happened then? Ialari had told her when a Domineer died, their Dominions were cast loose, abandoned… did that mean if Xyna somehow vanished that all ties to the human world from this Dominion would be severed?

Would people be stranded here?

How would trade continue to happen? There was nothing here that grew food or produced animals. The people would be hard-pressed to survive. And even though the Goddess was all about commerce and industry… even money… everyone had a bad day. Taz had slowly learned, over the last year, that the Gods were more like people than people liked to think.

The Innkeeper turned Wildling didn’t want to be around when if anything happened. The Outpost might very well last for thousands of years without incident… but that didn’t mean it wasn’t vulnerable. She might visit briefly when she had no choice, but otherwise, she was completely and utterly for severing all ties with The Outpost. While it was saturated in magic, it didn’t feel like the kind of magic that called to Tazrae. She literally wanted no part of it because it was so utterly disconnected from the natural world.

Meanwhile, since she had business here that needed wrapped up, Taz was going to take advantage of that.

She was planning on doing some browsing on this last trip, getting some last-minute décor for the suites that were most of the way done. They needed a Benshira touch with a tropical flare. They’d taken down the roof of The Protea already, carefully board by board, and had set it all aside to reassemble after the additional floor was put on and the wall went up. That wood was carefully stored under a mountain of oilskin tarps alongside fresh planed lumber fresh from the sawmill.

New stairways were installed…one off the main gathering room that lead up to the decks outside the Suvan and Sun Suite. The Moon Suite had its own accessible spiral staircase off the outside. Taz had plans to take all the furniture up before the walls were built, so buying things now made more sense than later so they could plan the construction around some of the larger pieces.

The Ixam were a little upset by the workers swarming the site, and had relocated to Garden Beach voluntarily. Taz had quickly realized with Standing Tall in charge, there was little need for her to drop by daily and lend a hand. She still stopped by, marking the progress, and cooking for the workers, but by and large, the building was on schedule. It was, in her estimate, going well, and though she missed all the hostessing and work involved with running an Inn… she was not upset to have additional time off to work on her own place and wander.
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
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Garden Beach Syka The Protea Inn

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A Visit To The Outpost

Postby Tazrae on May 20th, 2023, 6:20 pm

With the Inn closed for the major remodel of adding the second floor and its suites, Tazrae’s situation meant she had time to explore the jungle and be a Ranger full time this season. She didn’t mind the work, spending a lot of time on Ixam, and working on her weapons and trail clearing skills. There was still so much to learn, so many places to explore, and so many things to do. Taz was fully taking advantage of that.

But first… business here. Taz turned towards the Shuval Apartments and the place she owned there with Alric. He was probably hold up in a brothel under the guise of a guard somewhere in Sunberth or drunk on a beach so it was up to the Wildling to see to the disposal of the apartment. It wasn’t something she’d ever use again and didn’t want to keep a hold of. She visited the apartment quickly first, checking it over for anything missed and collecting her letterbox. She didn’t want her letters to get into anyone else’s hands. There were a few other things she picked up as well… like her spare set of chef knives and a few décor items she could reuse in the Inn. The Terracotta and Teal Apartment had served its use. It had once sheltered a small family from Sunberth and gave them what she’d thought at the time was a safer place to live than the squaller of Sunberth. But she realized now there was nothing safe about it. Alric and Lys would have been better off squatting in Sunberth in a tent. At least there they weren’t at the mercy of a Goddess they didn’t have a relationship with.

Maybe such things were blasphemy. Taz wasn’t sure how Xyna thought on such things… though she knew she’d never voice such things aloud. It weighted heavily on her as she lifted a hand to knock on Dell’s door. His apartment is was a corner unit, posh, and with a managers plaque on the door. He opened it at the second knock and grinned at Tazrae, glancing past her and around. “Alone?” He said, lifting an eyebrow curiously. “Usually you have Bree or Alric in tow.” He commented good naturedly.

“I know. Nope, all alone today. I had some business with you.” She said thoughtfully.

Dell nodded, stepped back and swept his hand backwards inviting her in. “Come on in. Have a seat.”

Taz nodded in slipped in. Dell was busy pouring tiny glasses of the super strong tea that his plantation in Kenash was known for. It was like a pure shot of energy, spicy and enlivening. She took the small glass he offered and sipped at it, sighing in appreciation. “The Outpost isn’t Kenash, but it sure is nice you can enjoy their tea from here.” She said softly, causing Dell to nod.

“So what brings you here today? I haven’t seen you in ages. I haven’t seven seen lights on in your apartment. You all been busy back in Syka?” He asked, lifting a dark brow in curiosity.
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

Garden Beach Syka The Protea Inn

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A Visit To The Outpost

Postby Tazrae on May 20th, 2023, 6:21 pm

“Something like that,” Taz admitted. “I’ve come to sell the apartment. We aren’t using it and probably won't in the future, so there’s no point in holding onto it.” She said, looking thoughtful, and wondering what Dell would say to that. He’d either like it since he often had a waiting list for people wanting the units, or he’d go into full salesman mode and lowball her on a price after playing up how bad the market was.

He did neither. Instead, Dell simply studied her a moment and shook his head. “I’m sorry Taz. You have a look in your eye that makes me think things haven’t been easy for you lately. I’m sorry you are selling the T&T. But I can offer you full price for it back. It’s a thousand square feet right? We always have a need for the bigger units and I know you two fixed that place up nicely and kept it up.” He offered, not playing the salesman nor the friend. A sympathetic acquaintance wasn’t a route she’d expected him to take.

“Thanks. It’s in really good shape. It has all its furnishings. And its updated and all the paint is fresh. The plumbing is in good working order, and we have two cords of wood stored for the fireplace.” Taz said, ticking off all the positive she could think of.

Dell nodded, walked over to her and opened his palm. “Keys?” He asked.

Taz smiled. She reached into her pocket, produced three skeleton keys, and placed them in his palm. Dell retreated and placed the keys in his desk across the room, then bent lower, opening a deep lower drawer and took out a bag of coins. “A thousand gold mizas.” He said carefully and handed Taz the bag. She slipped her backpack off, placed the pouch in the backpack and nodded.

“Thanks, Dell. I hope you find a lovely person for the T&T. It served us well.” She said softly, meaning what she said. Taz would miss it as it was, not what it represented now. Back then, things in her life were less complicated and she knew less. With knowledge came power, but Taz sure missed the ignorance that came with not knowing what she knew now. Unfortunately, one couldn’t walk backward in life. One could only go forwards. You couldn’t unlearn what you learned. You couldn’t forget what you knew.

Dell nodded, then smiled. “Don’t forget to drop by periodically and keep in touch. I’m going to miss all the leftovers you used to drop by, not to mention the fresh fruit you used to bring from Syka. I can get that kind of thing at the Market, but for some reason, it never tastes as well as the things you delivered firsthand.” He said with a smile.

Taz nodded, making a note not to forget Dell in future trips, even though they might be few and far between. “I won’t. If you are ever in Syka, know you have a place to stay free of charge.” She added, offering him a grin. With that, she said her goodbyes – they both did – and she headed out with that business completely taken care of.
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

Garden Beach Syka The Protea Inn

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A Visit To The Outpost

Postby Tazrae on May 21st, 2023, 1:38 am

It was a sort of relief to have the business of the T&T taken care of. She’d never again have to worry about the apartment or have to think about having unfinished business at The Outpost. But she did have a thousand gold mizas burning a hole in her backpack and she wanted to splurge a little on some things for the new suites. There were certain things she couldn’t get in Syka for the suites. And there was nothing more distracting and different than browsing the booths at the Open Sky Bazaar. Not very familiar with its layout, Taz wandered a bell through the huge market, past spice sellers and clothing hawkers.

She was looking for specifics that took her a while to find.

A booth sold high end bar gear along with sets of cut-crystal decanters and matching glasses that were perfect for wet bars. The heavy adornments were nothing like she could get in Syka and she quickly haggled with the booth owner for three full sets of the items to be delivered to the Dovecote later that evening when she had time go back through and bring Bree back with the Ixam Cart.

Next, The Innkeeper found an entire row of lamp makers that had every sort of exotic lamp possible. She picked out multiple sets of lamps to go by bedsides, to hang over tables, and flank doorways, building a theme around each suite and finding pieces to go with that them.

Tazrae was excited about this, because it was easy to find designs that matched the ideas she had for each of the rooms; The Suvan Suite, The Sun Suite, and The Moon Suite. She found decor that went on the wall – mostly glass, semi-precious stone and worked metal unavailable in Syka – that referenced the sea or the wilds in some way or another. It was wonderful, truly wonderful, to begin to plan her color schemes of bedding, drapes, and throw pillows around the main pieces of décor she selected. Keeping the things in mind, Taz searched onward.

Soon… she stumbled into the textile section of the Bazaar and found exotic fabrics from all over the world. Tazrae focused on texture in her shopping as well, making sure that while she was sticking to the color pallete of each room… she was using the throws, pillows, and rugs to add texture. Her shopping spree soon included Benshira style throw pillows and rugs that she could lay out across the exotic hardwood flooring of the suites.

Everything she purchased was the colors of the suites… warm golds for the Sun, white and creams for the Moon, and blues ranging from teal to turquoise for the Suvan. Everything she had set for a seven in the evening delivery at the Dovecote so she could have Bree there to help her transport it all back to The Protea.

The truth was, Tazrae needed things to decorate the rooms once she expanded into the suites. She found potters to make her custom stoneware plates, cups, and bowls for each suite. They were happy to provide moon themes, sun themes and sea themes for each set.

Along with the dishes, she purchased a few baking dishes and trays to also go into the suites. Those things would take time to make, but she could pick them up once they were completed… giving each of those she ordered from up to thirty days to complete the order. The whole thought of delivering dishes to the second floor made her decide she needed to add a dumb waiter to the floor plans so she could service the upstairs with private meals without multiple trips up and down spiral staircases.

That would be easy to incorporate as long as she talked to Sorian early enough for Standing Tall to alter the plans to include them. Then she went by a silversmith and found silverware for all three suites in matching motifs as well. The Sun Suite’s silverware had handles that ended in sun bursts. She had moons designed to fit the them of the Moon Suite. And the Suvan, of course, had waves ending the silverware’s handle for that suite.
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

Garden Beach Syka The Protea Inn

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A Visit To The Outpost

Postby Tazrae on May 21st, 2023, 1:40 am

It felt a little surreal shopping like this… planning for elegant décor. She found decorative pieces too near the carvers. Taz preferred tropical hardwoods carved into things that fit the décor of each suite. And in the metalworking area, she purchased small end tables and plant stands to further decorate the suites with. And then she came to a section that sold pots. The pots themselves were stained and glazed with all sorts of colors and in all sorts of patterns. This was where she brought in hints of color and patterns. She picked pots of a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors… preferring them empty as she had a huge number of plants she could go find and pot in her own jungle at home. Then the suites themselves could be as lush with foliage as the outside of the Inn was.

More deliveries would take place. Taz was hurriedly calculating and it would take her no less than three trips through the dovecote. Luckily, Syka was an honest place and she could leave her goods outside the Dovecote for a fast return and take her time transporting things to the Inn once she got them across the Dominion barrier.

When she was finally finished shopping… right down to picking up new hardware for things like counters and cupboards in the suites…. Taz made her way back to The Outpost Dovecote and passed through it, letting the keeper know she’d be back for delivery pickups. Jogging through the settlement south, then heading north towards The Protea, Taz found Bree relatively quickly as the big green Ixam was sound asleep by the Scarlet male. Gently waking her friend, Taz hitched Bree up to the pony cart and they headed back to the outpost. She’d badly misjudged the trips she’d need though.

With all the goods she’d purchased, they had to make five trips back and forth to carry it all back to Syka. Then, once they had all the goods on home soil, the Ixam and the Innkeeper made longer less hurried trips to shift all the goods to Tazrae’s Pavilion at Garden Beach. That was the only place she had to store the goods until she was done. The rooms wouldn’t be ready for décor until the end of the season. Taz would move things in when the last nail had been driven and the roof was firmly in place. Until then, her reading nook was piled high and tarped with oilskin until the fine things were needed.

In the meantime, Taz could search for lush green foliage and elegant blooming flowers to transplant into the pots. She had a good half-season to get them started and well-established until she had to use them to decorate the suites. It was a good plan and it had been a productive day. Taz had spent half the gold in her backpack, but her suites would be posh, well-appointed, and appealing. That made her proud.

Receipt :
I’m just estimating 500 GM for all the pots, fabric, pillows, end tables, and décor Tazrae picked up for the suites.
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

Garden Beach Syka The Protea Inn

"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows."
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A Visit To The Outpost

Postby Tazrae on May 21st, 2023, 1:53 am



Planning +5, Business +2, Interior Design + 2, Psychology +3, Arcanology +3

Planning: Cutting Ties With The Outpost, Planning: Selling The T&T, Business: Selling The T&T, Interior Design: Deciding On A Motiff For Each Suite, Interior Design: Using Colors & Textures, Psychology: Understanding Fear, Psychology: Being Unable To Overcome Reservations & Hesitations, Arcanology: Understanding The Weakness of A Dominion
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

Garden Beach Syka The Protea Inn

"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows."
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